National Security Agency Digital Cellphone Intercept . . . .
Operation J'inn
Date 3May2003
Time 1925 Hours Lima
Location of Intercept: Somewhere near the Maryland/Virginia Border
Intel Share Routing: I.R.S.; SecState; Fox NEWS
Intercept start - - -
J'inn: Hey it's me. You there yet?
Unknown Male: Yeah just pulling in. Where are you?
J'inn: I'm running late I had to play some numbers.
(NOTE: Inform FBI of numbers racket)
Unknown Male: How late? I don't want to be waiting for Green by myself.
(NOTE: New Contact name "Green" begin Interpol search and cross reference)
J'inn: Hey it's hard to find a place to buy stuff like that in Potomac!! I'm working on it.
Unknown Male: Okay, well Green said he would be wearing a maroon Hawaiian shirt.
J'inn: WHAT!! A Hawaiian shirt!! I'm going home.
Unknown Male: What's wrong with a Hawaiian shirt?
J'inn: Yer kidding right? S'Cippy, look, Hawaiian shirts are worn by two kinds of people. Hawaiians and trouble makers.
S'Cipio (note file nos. 47636 - 48790): Oh come on! Green's a good guy.
J'inn: Yeah right!! You should hear him on RW. Always causing trouble. "Fluf likes to sleep a lot" "Kortez listens to Limbaugh" "Maverick likes Home Econ class" "J'inn gives money to charity" I mean really incendiary stuff. Now a Hawaiian shirt. I'm telling ya S'Cippy I don't like it at all.
S'Cipio: Maybe he is Hawaiian.
J'inn: Look just stick your head in the bar and yell. Oga Mooga Oklioikakaka Moliki. If he doesn't react then he ain't Hawaiian and I'm going home.
S'Cipio: What's all that mean?
J'inn: It means "If your Hawaiian say Hell YEAH!!" Or "Your sister is greatly enjoyed by football teams." I'm not sure which, but either will get a reaction.
S'Cipio: Jeez. Hey I see a guy in a maroon Hawaiian shirt. Gosh he's big and kinda angry looking.
J'inn: Hawaiian?
S'Cipio: Erm, well . . . I guess if your talking about Hawaii, Texas maybe.
J'inn: I'm going home.
S'Cipio: If you do that I tell your girlfriend that you went to Payless Shoes without her tonight!
J'inn: You wouldn't!
S'Cipio: I would.
J'inn: Grumble. Alright but if we all end up arrested I'll blame you. I'm telling you, those shirts were made by Satan himself!!
S'Cipio: Hmmm. He's just sitting there glaring at people. And he looks kinda old.
J'inn: OLD!! Oh lordy this ain't good. All the older EAW players are completely insane. Fluf, Hooch, Dogmatix. All nuts!!
S'Cipio: Yeah I know. I mean no one in their right mind would play EAW if they were over 35 years old.
J'inn: Yeah, they . . . HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!
S'Cipio: <snicker>
J'inn: Alright well you go make first contact. Look out for any sudden moves. When I get there we will talk about our plans for Slave Girls and the invasion. Of course we'll have to bring in some of the alien players.
(ALERT!!! Code Red!)
S'Cipio: Ya thing Dizzy is ready to launch the campaign.
J'inn: Well if we can peel him away from the pics of the naked green women I suppose.
(Dizzy? Green Women?? Chemical Warfare?? Access the N.S.A. database and cross check)
S'Cipio: Uh oh.
J'inn: What??
S'Cipio: Looks like Green just ordered another huge glass of beer, looks like his sixth judging by the empty glasses and the way the waitresses seem to be scared to come near him. Hmmm, he keeps looking out into the parking lot.
J'inn: At what?
S'Cipio: Well there's a Mustang with Nevada plates.
J'inn: I'm going home.
S'Cipio: Why?
J'inn: Hawaiian shirt, six beers, mustang, Nevada. I can hear the gates of heel creaking open from here!!
S'Cipio: Hey he just stood up to go to the bathroom!! OMG he's wearing leather chaps and he just ordered a Zima!!!
J'inn: Run man!! Run for your life!!
S'Cipio: Mommy!!!
------------- END TRANSMISSION -------------
Analysis Pending.