A friend of mine, Swordsman has gotten me rather intrested in this game of late, and I got to wondering if certain vessels had already been made. If so, If persons could post images or links of and to of any of these, it would be much appretiated.
A Soverign redesigned to follow the old Miranda style flow(Consitution-Miranda, Excelsior-Centaur, Galaxy-Nebula)
He showed me a ship called the Windwalker, which I found fasinateing! Any pics or place for me to get the SFC3 version? And also any further vessels fiting into that design asthetic of Ring, rather than saucer sections?
Doctor Who's Tardis/Police box, just for fun mind you
The Federatioin AeroShuttle(VOY)
Danube Class Runabout w/ Rollbar
Also, I'm not entirely aware of whom to ask about this, but getting specific regestry textures for ships, here are a few
USS Palisades, NCC-11381, New Orleans Class, Very aged hull
USS AkonKaguya, NCC-73737, SteamRunner Class