Topic: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......  (Read 3508 times)

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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2003, 04:08:15 am »

KOTH-Steel Claw, you're right. I overreacted early on. I don't know why, either. I looked at the time of when I posted that original reply and it wasn't late at night, so I can't possibly blame it on the time of day. Maybe I was running on an empty stomach. (Low blood-sugar tends to make me especially irritable, though that's still no excuse.) However, Cleaven did not need to be a jerk afterward. If someone blows off one of my suggestions about how to fix something, I don't set about calling names, I just think, "Oh well, his loss," and move on. I do have people skills, Steel. I just wasn't using them terribly well the other day. But while I did overreact, that's still no excuse for Cleaven's following torrent of abusive outbursts. However, I should not have responded in a similar fashion to him. And unfortunately, unlike IRC or a newsgroup, I know of no way to put him in an ignore list or killfile. Oh well. I guess I ignore hime the old-fashioned way.

On a brighter note, BearSlayer, the fix of going straight to the game executeable without the movie is working here at my home machine. I was able to log in to two different D2 campaigns. However, I would note that I have changed my video drivers since the last time I tried to get in to a D2 campaign and there is possibly a connection there.

Finally, while I'm on the subject, Cleaven, it wasn't at all convenient that I missed Bear Slayer's post. In fact, it was damned inconvenient. I lost potential playing time because I missed it. BTW, if you feel the need to resort to name-calling, don't talk to me any more. I don't have to put up with your sort of vitriol and I will not read any more of your deliberately inflamatory posts. Oh and just remember, one of the most prominent signs of a limited command of the english language is resorting to profanity and name-calling.


Yes, referring to you as a fool and an idiot is name calling and as far as I am concerned it applies to anybody who, when given the answer to their problem, is rude and ignorant. You were given the most likely answer to your problem and chose to be dismissive and insulting and have been greeted in kind. You have attempted to justify your rudeness as some sort of right that you have to an explanation for the help you were given. No need to make up excuses, because you didn't even try it or ask why it should be so. You just came down from your mount on high and proclaimed that I couldn't read and don't know what you were attempting to describe in your wonderfully erudite first post in this thread. You must be a real charmer when it comes to you getting help from real helpdesk's (but then you must do that pretty often huh). So since you couldn't be bothered or didn't care,  you shot your mouth off and now proclaim some sort of inherent rights of the stupid.

Well you have no rights in that respect. People get help here because another player is needed. But if you want to be insulting to those who extend you a hand with a PROMPT and CORRECT reply then so be it, you have cast your lot. Don't expect any further assistance of any kind from this direction, since I already have enought clues of the kind that you seem to think is important. Yes a kill file around here would be useful, and yes ,you would be on it. It would make it easier to spot those genuinely in need of assistance, and not the insulting and provocative trouble makers and time wasters. Now you may go about your way and find somebody else to let loose your "appreciation" on.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2003, 04:16:30 am »


On a brighter note, BearSlayer, the fix of going straight to the game executeable without the movie is working here at my home machine. I was able to log in to two different D2 campaigns.

So, loosely translated,  what you are saying is that Cleaven had a clue after all.    I guess he must have read your original note and understood it.  

Despite my jibe, I am glad there is on more able to play on the D2.


An extra player is the only upside out of this sad little situation. And since CaptJosh seems to have made it onto the D2, the only thing to add is that I usually play Lyran or otherwise another of the two Coalition empires. I wouldn't want to spoil anybody's fun by having him find that his new all time favorite clueless wonder is on the same team (with the price of T-bombs and all).    

And just to make it clear for CaptJosh, I play the YELL-OW ones, the GR-EEN ones and the RED ones

<holds up large colour cards as the colours are spoken slowly and clearly>.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 04:49:05 am by Cleaven »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2003, 01:28:01 pm »
Scipio 66, I already said as much. And, though I don't like to do this, Cleaven, I owe you an apology for my poor behavior in response to your initial reply to my post. I should have asked how that was related, not jumped down your throat. However, this still doe not excuse your continued abusive behavior. Furthermore, before you call me stupid again, you might want to check this other post out:

Re: Orion Pirates apparently has a major bug

While it started out with a complaint about the key bindings, which was quickly rectified, I discovered a different bug, a glitch in single player gameplay that wasn't allowing people to start a campaign in the advanced era if the copy of OP they had was completely patched up-to-date. I also solved that problem almost entirely on my own.(Read the last post of mine in that discussion thread.)

Now, I apologized to you for my behavior. I expect you to begin acting like a civilized being, since I have extended that courtesy to you, Cleaven.



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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2003, 05:54:13 pm »

Scipio 66, I already said as much. And, though I don't like to do this, Cleaven, I owe you an apology for my poor behavior in response to your initial reply to my post. I should have asked how that was related, not jumped down your throat. However, this still doe not excuse your continued abusive behavior. Furthermore, before you call me stupid again, you might want to check this other post out:

Re: Orion Pirates apparently has a major bug

While it started out with a complaint about the key bindings, which was quickly rectified, I discovered a different bug, a glitch in single player gameplay that wasn't allowing people to start a campaign in the advanced era if the copy of OP they had was completely patched up-to-date. I also solved that problem almost entirely on my own.(Read the last post of mine in that discussion thread.)

Now, I apologized to you for my behavior. I expect you to begin acting like a civilized being, since I have extended that courtesy to you, Cleaven.


So you are still expecting to be cut some sort of slack because it's okay for you top call me a moron, ie somebody who can't read, has language problems and needs a few clues, and not for me to call you stupid, a fool and an idiot when you refused good advice and became arrogant. Did I call you something worse than that? Go on, because I want to hear why you have more rights in this respect than anybody else. In your view it's abusive, but it's okay for you to call me similar things? I contend that you have no additional rights in this respect and were given what you gave, in spades.

As for the other thread, yes I did a bad thing, I posted that this was a known problem, and was going to explain that it had been brought up 1-2 months ago by another new player. You see a few people sometimes keep  track of some game problems and referring others with the same problem to the original answers (or at least how to use the search function), or if they have time and typing speed, regurgitate the answers for some of the simpler, more common problems. But then for some strange reason I can't precisely remember I had a change of heart, maybe because I read something else then went back and deleted it. Something about somebody else having a limited command of the english language etc. It's all a bit blurry now, possibly because of an apology but that's how it goes I guess. But then lo and behold somebody else has answered it (probably the same person as last time) after all and given you the information to solve that problem. Amazing how that happens around here.

And don't be surprised if, when the advanced campaign problem is raised again, all I say is "Read this thread" with a link attached to that answer. No explanations, no justifications.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2003, 09:19:10 pm »
<Wrong thread. Deleted and reposed in the correct thread.>
« Last Edit: May 19, 2003, 09:20:55 pm by RogueJedi_XC »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2003, 09:21:38 pm »
lol, I feel your pain.  When I logged onto reclamation I died, time and time again.  Hadn't played in a while.  Are you still having trouble with the missions on TechWars?  I seem to be doing a lot better, but perhaps I'm just selecting decent missions or something, there was a fleet action script that was a bit much, but it seems like the matchups are a lot more reasonable this time around.  It is a new batch of scripts though, but I don't knwo what's changed, so...