Topic: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......  (Read 3509 times)

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B5er wanna be

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Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« on: May 03, 2003, 09:24:43 pm »
 Just wondering if the new shiplist is loaded up?

Oh, and my RN+ didn't recieve the special Coffee Maker, that also doubles as a cloaking device!

 p.s. I forgot to mention,
  Helluva job on the shiplist. As always more ships = more fun. Many Many Thanx

And if anyone else wants to nit pick the crap of his or anyone else's shiplist, get your own shipedit and change away, or STHU.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2003, 09:40:55 pm by B5er wanna be »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2003, 09:57:08 pm »
Yeah.. well.. it ends up that most contructive comments resulted in changes in the shiplist..
.. like those Gorn Tugs, I changed the BPVs on those, switching from the BPV to EPV.

I hope that helps.

If anyone wonders, I have been a bit stressed and pissed about my own shiplist lately.. I hope you forgive my indiscretions if I become grouchy. The last thing I want to do for a while is work on the shiplist.

-- Luc


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2003, 11:20:46 am »
No, and the newer EvilDave missions aren't either.

We elected to stay with what was up now (OP+ 2.0 and the previous ED missions) because the campaign will be ending Moday.  


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2003, 12:08:55 pm »

No, and the newer EvilDave missions aren't either.

We elected to stay with what was up now (OP+ 2.0 and the previous ED missions) because the campaign will be ending Moday.  

I had downloaded the newest ED mission to try out the Masters missions in SP, went to play on Reclamation later that night and got errored out.

Figured I could just go to the SFCX website and get the old ones so I could play again byut they seem to be the new ones.  

I guess it doesn't matter since it's ending tomorrow but I'm frustrated.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2003, 06:48:22 pm »
If it still matters you can DL the old missions from SFCx now.

(the v4 thing is just my notation to keep them seperate btw)

The 2.0 version of the shiplist is still up on at:

Hope that helps.  


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2003, 10:32:40 pm »
It helped.  Thanks.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2003, 03:32:52 am »
Question: Is it just a dial-up thing that I can't connect to the Badlands campaign?  I installled the correct files. I log in to Dynaverse II just fine, but when I try to connect to the Badlands campaign, it crashes OP out to the desktop. And it loads just fine in single player mode. Note: For the time being I'm stuck using AOL free trials for internet. Could it be a bug in AOL?



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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2003, 04:55:09 am »
Some people have an issue with the intro movies. Change your start icon to point at starfleetop.exe and change the Start In directory to "C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\".  


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2003, 01:23:37 am »

Some people have an issue with the intro movies. Change your start icon to point at starfleetop.exe and change the Start In directory to "C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\".  

You're trying to solve a nonexistent problem on my machine. Get a clue!

This is an issue with Dynaverse II and the Badlands campaign on it ONLY. The program runs fine! Next time actually read the post you're replying to.

What happens to have it crash out to the desktop is that I log in to Dynaverse II, which works just fine. I then try to enter the Badlands campaign on Dynaverse II. The moment the "Incomming Hail" about connecting to the Badlands campaign server says to "Initializing Security" the game invariably crashes out to the desktop immediately.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CaptJosh »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2003, 02:48:18 am »


Some people have an issue with the intro movies. Change your start icon to point at starfleetop.exe and change the Start In directory to "C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\".  

You're trying to solve a nonexistent problem on my machine. Get a clue!

This is an issue with Dynaverse II and the Badlands campaign on it ONLY. The program runs fine! Next time actually read the post you're replying to.

What happens to have it crash out to the desktop is that I log in to Dynaverse II, which works just fine. I then try to enter the Badlands campaign on Dynaverse II. The moment the "Incomming Hail" about connecting to the Badlands campaign server says to "Initializing Security" the game invariably crashes out to the desktop immediately.


Weeeelll now, if it isn't a mule with a spinning wheel.

At least I know that the D2 will be pest free for a while. And whatever you do, don't alter anything in your OP icon properties. It'll cause your hard drive to crash.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2003, 05:25:30 am »

You're trying to solve a nonexistent problem on my machine. Get a clue!

Fine. Fix it yourself.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2003, 04:32:30 pm »
Firesoul, that wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the person who initially replied to my post who apparently needs a course in reading comprehension.

I was complaining that trying to connect to the Badlands campaign was crashing OP, and he comes up with some BS about the opening movie which had nothing to do with that in the least. By the time I'm trying to connect to the Badlands campaign, I'm long past the opening movie. That's why I got so ticked. I despise it when people give advice to fix what isn't broken.



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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2003, 04:52:09 pm »
Capt Josh,

There are two different .EXE files that start OP & EAW.  One goes thru the movie and seems to have problems DIRECTLY related to D2 connection.

If you change your OP start up file to 'StarFleetOP.exe'.  It will by pass the movie and should connect you to the D2 properly.

This was figured out back in the first days of EAW and started up again with the release of OP.

So try it... if it doesn't work, then it may be your AOHell account.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2003, 05:44:04 pm »

Firesoul, that wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the person who initially replied to my post who apparently needs a course in reading comprehension.

I was complaining that trying to connect to the Badlands campaign was crashing OP, and he comes up with some BS about the opening movie which had nothing to do with that in the least. By the time I'm trying to connect to the Badlands campaign, I'm long past the opening movie. That's why I got so ticked. I despise it when people give advice to fix what isn't broken.

If you're going to ask for help, don't insult the volunteers.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2003, 06:35:56 pm »

Firesoul, that wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the person who initially replied to my post who apparently needs a course in reading comprehension.

I was complaining that trying to connect to the Badlands campaign was crashing OP, and he comes up with some BS about the opening movie which had nothing to do with that in the least. By the time I'm trying to connect to the Badlands campaign, I'm long past the opening movie. That's why I got so ticked. I despise it when people give advice to fix what isn't broken.


As already noted, he is a fool, or an idiot, or maybe both. No point in wasting your time trying to help him. Could you imagine trying to deal with him on the D2 anyway? For a place that runs on volunteers the last thing you want is an extra like CaptJosh, who would be much better off playing something else anyway.  


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2003, 01:52:18 pm »

As already noted, he is a fool, or an idiot, or maybe both. No point in wasting your time trying to help him. Could you imagine trying to deal with him on the D2 anyway? For a place that runs on volunteers the last thing you want is an extra like CaptJosh, who would be much better off playing something else anyway.

Excuse you? FYI, I happen to be a Computer Tech. The only reason I'm listed as an "Extra in Red Shirt" is because I don't spend all my time reading and posting here. I generally only post when I have a problem, since I have things to do other than stay online all the time.

Also, I already play in D2 from a computer shop where I'm friends with the proprietor. My only complaint is that AT HOME during the process of connecting to the Badlands campaign, having already successfully logged in to D2, for some reason initializing the security crashes the game out to the desktop. As for insulting anyone, I didn't insult everyone, only you, Cleaven, because you thought I needed to bypass the opening movie of the game when I thought that had nothing to do with it. If I was having trouble with that, I would have said that it crashes during the opening movie. But I didn't because that didn't appear to be the problem. I don't suffer fools gladly, which is why I got annoyed when you told me to try fixing something that I though wasn't broken. And if you have a problem with someone who actually already knows what he's doing getting annoyed with that, too bad. Get over it. YOU are the one who failed to explain what, if anything, the opening movie had to do with connecting to a campaign in D2. That is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Any good tech-support person knows you do your best to clearly explain to the person making a query of them why they need to do what is being suggested to them for fixing the problem. You'd never make it in a real-life tech support situation, something which I have done that you clearly haven't.

I must and will apologize for one thing. I missed an earlier post in the thread that BearSlayer made about clear links between the Bink Player opening movie and connecting to D2. BearSlayer, thanks for explaining what Cleaven failed to explain. I will try this solution and get back to you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CaptJosh »

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2003, 03:06:21 pm »

You're trying to solve a nonexistent problem on my machine. Get a clue!  

Was  "Get a clue!" necessary? This is most likely what sparked the issue. Cleaven merely answered your request with a possible fix. While he didn't go in depth to explain why, there is no need to insult someone who tries to help you. Maybe you could have asked him why this would help instead of 'get a clue.'

Any good tech also knows that (besides technical skills) people skills are also needed when dealing with the public and/or clients.


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2003, 06:52:35 pm »


As already noted, he is a fool, or an idiot, or maybe both. No point in wasting your time trying to help him. Could you imagine trying to deal with him on the D2 anyway? For a place that runs on volunteers the last thing you want is an extra like CaptJosh, who would be much better off playing something else anyway.

Excuse you? FYI, I happen to be a Computer Tech. The only reason I'm listed as an "Extra in Red Shirt" is because I don't spend all my time reading and posting here. I generally only post when I have a problem, since I have things to do other than stay online all the time.

Also, I already play in D2 from a computer shop where I'm friends with the proprietor. My only complaint is that AT HOME during the process of connecting to the Badlands campaign, having already successfully logged in to D2, for some reason initializing the security crashes the game out to the desktop. As for insulting anyone, I didn't insult everyone, only you, Cleaven, because you thought I needed to bypass the opening movie of the game when I thought that had nothing to do with it. If I was having trouble with that, I would have said that it crashes during the opening movie. But I didn't because that didn't appear to be the problem. I don't suffer fools gladly, which is why I got annoyed when you told me to try fixing something that I though wasn't broken. And if you have a problem with someone who actually already knows what he's doing getting annoyed with that, too bad. Get over it. YOU are the one who failed to explain what, if anything, the opening movie had to do with connecting to a campaign in D2. That is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Any good tech-support person knows you do your best to clearly explain to the person making a query of them why they need to do what is being suggested to them for fixing the problem. You'd never make it in a real-life tech support situation, something which I have done that you clearly haven't.

I must and will apologize for one thing. I missed an earlier post in the thread that BearSlayer made about clear links between the Bink Player opening movie and connecting to D2. BearSlayer, thanks for explaining what Cleaven failed to explain. I will try this solution and get back to you.


In case you hadn't noted, FOOL, I am not a good tech support person, just somebody who would rather that you were doing something else. If you can't behave nicely, AND are too clueless to describe yourself (ie your skill set) and your system in your opening post (forgetting about the pathetic four line description of the problem itself) then you deserve all you get. As for your continuing lack of clues, then being a Red Shirt has nothing to do with it. Conveniently missing Bear Slayers post should be no surprise either. You are interested in only one thing, and as far as I am concerned you have it. And an extra sticky batch too. Don't bother with the solution, since it clearly couldn't work without a full explanation from your properly staffed tech support desk. Give the game to somebody else, since it's beyond you both on a social and intellectual level.    


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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2003, 03:13:00 am »
KOTH-Steel Claw, you're right. I overreacted early on. I don't know why, either. I looked at the time of when I posted that original reply and it wasn't late at night, so I can't possibly blame it on the time of day. Maybe I was running on an empty stomach. (Low blood-sugar tends to make me especially irritable, though that's still no excuse.) However, Cleaven did not need to be a jerk afterward. If someone blows off one of my suggestions about how to fix something, I don't set about calling names, I just think, "Oh well, his loss," and move on. I do have people skills, Steel. I just wasn't using them terribly well the other day. But while I did overreact, that's still no excuse for Cleaven's following torrent of abusive outbursts. However, I should not have responded in a similar fashion to him. And unfortunately, unlike IRC or a newsgroup, I know of no way to put him in an ignore list or killfile. Oh well. I guess I ignore hime the old-fashioned way.

On a brighter note, BearSlayer, the fix of going straight to the game executeable without the movie is working here at my home machine. I was able to log in to two different D2 campaigns. However, I would note that I have changed my video drivers since the last time I tried to get in to a D2 campaign and there is possibly a connection there.

Finally, while I'm on the subject, Cleaven, it wasn't at all convenient that I missed Bear Slayer's post. In fact, it was damned inconvenient. I lost potential playing time because I missed it. BTW, if you feel the need to resort to name-calling, don't talk to me any more. I don't have to put up with your sort of vitriol and I will not read any more of your deliberately inflamatory posts. Oh and just remember, one of the most prominent signs of a limited command of the english language is resorting to profanity and name-calling.



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Re: Reclamation ........ FS's OP+ 2.1c.......
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2003, 04:00:16 am »

On a brighter note, BearSlayer, the fix of going straight to the game executeable without the movie is working here at my home machine. I was able to log in to two different D2 campaigns.

So, loosely translated,  what you are saying is that Cleaven had a clue after all.    I guess he must have read your original note and understood it.  

Despite my jibe, I am glad there is on more able to play on the D2.
