Topic: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........  (Read 3171 times)

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You've heard about it......

You've surfed the web looking for it.......

Now you can puchase it......


For only $29.95 you can see Kroma, Agave, Scipio, and all the rest of the Gorn, even rare Iaidoka footage, of the Bruces getting Wild and Crazy at Spring Break, Mardi Gras, and the Monty Python Film Festival on Gdhar.  There is nothing that these Gorn don't dare to bare.  From flashing their breasts to lifting their kilts and tutu's you can see it all in the privacy of your own home, just like the SPQR guys do ! , but without paying for all that expensive spying equipment.

So what are you waiting for, call now at 1-800-BASTARD or send your check or money-order to:

Snickers Inc.
c/o Chuut-Ritt, co-founder
POB 69 M'raa



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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2003, 01:56:54 am »
Oh my that's painful.


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2003, 02:58:24 am »
ROFLMFAO.  The people here at work were about to call a ambulance for me. They thought I was having a sezure or something like that..... My check is in the mail


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2003, 03:57:16 am »
Oh damn that was funny! Nice one chuut. You have finally out done me... I shall have to step up my efforts!


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2003, 04:57:03 am »
Finally out done you? *snicker* I don't know if Chuut is gonna take that too well...


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2003, 07:48:37 am »
Here's a pic of Chuut...     I thought I had him, but I suppose he escaped.

But then I caught him, Fluf and Jinn watching "Squirrels who take it all off"... Really disgusting.

When he was younger, and quite a bit lighter with his coat, (Hes a lot older now), he was very adept at being a katscout. He had 3x kittykat paws and was a model Kscout:   , but dropped out b4 graduating... It's sad to say, but it was a trend that continued well into kathood...

You can just imagine how surprised he was when he found out his allowance was cut off after flunking out of katscouts...  

Then of course was his fence wailing, and acting out, hanging with the wrong crowd: Fence singing


After this came a life of crime...  

Then we tried a new fomr of treatrment on him:  

He didnt like this much and complained quite a bit:  Chuut complaining

And then it happened... He became so bad and unruly, that he became the inspiration for these books:  

And sad to say, but the repeal of this law will hurt cats everywhere. Its all his fault:  

What more is there to say? Chuut is a disgrace to cats everywhere and has directly lead to them being hurt, mutilated, tortured or worse.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dizzy »


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2003, 08:08:10 am »
ROFL to you all!!


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2003, 10:09:26 am »
I was under age when that photo was taken. Where's my lawyer dammit?!?!?!?!?


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2003, 11:41:18 pm »
LOL.  It's the thread of the dueling photo-jokers.

*playing banjo*


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2003, 12:49:26 am »

<beep boop beep-beep boop boop bop beep>



Oh, hi Mom.  Why am I calling?  Well, I just wanted to warn you that you might want to stay away from the TV today.  I think they are doing some wiring work in your apartment building today, and it might not be safe to turn on anything electronic.  You know I'm always looking out for you.

What's that?  You've been watching TV all day and you've already seen the commercial?  <gulp>  Umm.... what commercial would that be, Mom?  I've no idea what you are talking about?

Oh, THAT commercial.  Gorn gone wild?  No!  That's not me!  Yes, I've seen it, and I admit that skinny one at the Python convention flashing his "assets" looks a bit like me, but no, I didn't even go to the Monty Python convention this year.

Ouch!  Mom, don't yell so loud.  I told you that wasn't me.

No, Agave is not a bad influence and hanging out with him did NOT lead me into a bad crowd.  Ummm, yes, Kroma is a bad crowd, but let's not be judgemental.  You always tought me to be open-minded.

What?  Yes, I could have found a way to get some more chocodilles that didn't involve hiking up my shirt.  No, I mean HE could have.  The Gorn in the commercial.  That wasn't me.  It was just some other Gorn that looked like me.  

No, I didn't drop my pants either.

NO!  I told you I didn't go to the Python festival this year!  Those pictures I sent you last week were from last year's festival.

NO!  You did not raise a liar and a slut!  I'm a good boy!

YES!  Those forty hours of labor were worth the effort!

MOM!!! Stop crying!!

<Sigh>.  OK, I won't come home for Christmas this year if you think that would embarress the whole family.  But really, I'm telling you that wasn't.....

Mom?  Mom?  She hung up!

<sigh> those royalties better be worth it.  Mom makes a mean chocolate-covered, powdered donut, pancake surprise at Christmas.  I always loved those.

-S'Cipio the Disinherited


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2003, 04:56:10 am »


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2003, 12:00:39 pm »


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2003, 02:28:22 pm »
OMG......I almost missed this .   Thanks I think?  


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2003, 02:46:44 pm »
You missed his satanic cult heavy metal band days..

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2003, 02:51:21 pm »
" I .... wanna scratch my post all niiiiight ..... and chase mice everyday.... "


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Re: Warning Explicit Content........ Snickers Inc. Presents ........
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2003, 10:24:06 pm »

You missed his satanic cult heavy metal band days..


The band was #1 for a long time until Gook left and our agent let Hooch in the band


It was all downhill from there <sigh>

But maybe there is sill a future for a Kzin with a 8" tongue.....

God of Kat-nip and Furballs (former Rock idol)