Topic: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants  (Read 1348 times)

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Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« on: May 03, 2003, 12:46:10 am »
Stardate 2262.0824.2150:02, Johnsons Bay, Telius System. Medical Examiners office, 127 Bridge Bay Bldg 1.

The morgue was very cold and haphazardly crowded with recently deceased bodies. Despite the bustling efforts of the two young technicians to autopsy and catalogue them, the dead kept piling up faster than they could be processed. The weather on Telios this time of year was brutal.

"You said you were at Starbase 4 last month. Did you ever meet Captain Kirk there?" Asked the overweight medical examiner as he stuffed one of Jenny Johnson's Bakery's frosted filled donuts into his mouth.

"No. Well I wouldnt want to, really," replied the other technician starring at his computer terminal.

"Why is that, I mean isn't he one of the greatest captains in starfleet? I sure like his style. He's a pretty stand up guy. No one puts the fear in them Klingons like he does!"

"Yeah, I suppose, but have you heard about his away team missions?"


"The ones where all the 'redshirts' get killed off?"

"Oh yeah... I remember now. All rumors. What about them?"

"Well, some say that he knocks off his away team members so there would be no witnesses when he steals alien artifacts and valuables for his stash." He stated quite matter-of-factly.

"His stash? Ar you insane? Have you been reading the Orion Enquirer again? And offing his crew! Preposterous! Captain Kirk is one of the best and most respe.."

"No seriously," he intterupted. "I mean have you just thought about it?"

"No, I have more important things to do," he said stuffing another frosted filled donut in his mouth.

"Well eating that jelly donut doesnt look very important and it ain't gonna take those pounds off your waist and get you back together with Sarah."

"It's not a jelly filled it's a frosted filled donut and do shut up about that already, we've already talked about it and its over. That kniving slut deserves someone just like her! I mean... I have a steady job, I make decent money, I have a nice new little Aerocar. C'mon, whats not to like?

"Ummm... you're fat, you live in a tiny bachelor pad on a dead end one way street that I dont know how you got there and you work in a stiff lab to top it off. Remeber when she said you were in a dead end job? Well, she also said you were a stiff and you thought it was a compliment about your you know what?" He stated laughing.

"Ok, damnit. change the subject... anything but this..."

"Ok, fine, Captain Kirk... now where were we..."

"Character assasination and about his stash," the other tech reminded rolling his eyes as he stuffed the third donut in his mouth.

"Right, the stash... So how does he get them off the ship?"

"The crew and ship manifest are doctored?"

"No, he trades with Orion Pirates."

"What? A Federation Starship Captain? Thats crazy... Have you gotten into the amphetamine hallucinogens again?"

"Seriously, hear me out... Remember that article in the Orion Times?"

"Yeah, thats the Orion owned propagandist news agency that furthers the illegal cartel trades... and all they do is charge outrageous prices for the Cartel classifieds section. You know I tried to get a 2-line classified ad in there to sell that other car of mine and they wanted $5,000.00 credits just for a two line ad!? They are out of their swindling minds."

"Sure they are but there was this article that they published about that Enterprise incident with that pirate smuggler."


"So, the article said that this pirate smuggler, what was his name... oh yeah! Mudd. Harry Mudd, was caught by the captain and his cargo of Venusian drugs confiscated."

"Yeah, I heard all about the Venus drug and its hallucinogenic properties... that report was sent out through medical command offices several months ago to be warned of the hallucenogenic proper..."

"Yeah, I know, now get this," he intterupted. "The article goes on to say that the Drugs were reported stolen from that Orion pharmaceutical plant."  


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2003, 12:46:52 am »
"So? So what? We get half of our supplies from that place. How'd you think you got that VTech watch on your wrist? Or my Areocar outside?" He poudly boasted shoving yet another frosted filled donut into his mouth.


"I mean, why waste spending approved Federation funds on more expensive Fed approved medicines when we can get the 'Same product for less in the Orion Shop-a-lot Catalogue!'" They both said in unison smacking a high five.

"Ok, but you're losing me."

"Ok, so that Drug company is out to make money just like you and me and everyone else right?"


"So you think this crap we order off that catalogue is the only thing they make, that they dont make illegal stuff too?"

"Well.. they prolly do," he agreed as he looked around for something drinkable to help wash the donuts down.

"Exactly. And where do you think that Mudd guy got his from?"

"He could've got it from anywhere, the Pirate Cartels trade is a big business. It's spread all the way thru the neutral zones from the Klingon puppet Hydran Hegemonies to the far reaches of Gorn space. It could have come from anywhere."

"No it didn't, cuz look at this." He punched up data on the terminal and navigated to the Federation's illegal activity starship impoundment yard holosite. "Look at this. This is all declassified public information. When a ship is impounded, the border patrol agents always log the ships manifest and checks out wheres its been to see.."

"If there is suspicion of disease or contaminants..."

"Right. So look at that;" he said pointing at a the screen.

"So this is why there are dead bodies piling up all over the place here, eh? Spending all your time on these holosites..." He accused as he began to drink something he thought for sure must be water. Luckily he was right and reached for another donut.

"Like you get any work done eating all the time around here! How can you eat in a morgue?" The skinny tech asked.

"Interesting... The ship originated from that Orion drug plant," He said pointing at the entry.

"Exactly," he annoyingly affirmed while quickly wiping off his associates donut smudge.

"Well, ok, that doesn't make any sense tho... why would the drug company want everyone to know that those illegal drugs came from their plant. They are just asking for trouble," he replied finishing his donut and reaching for another.

"They didnt. The Orion Times printed that article. And the Pharmacuetical company denied any involvement."

"Ahhh... I see," he said laughing. "I fell for that one hook line and sinker, didnt I. You're saying that [muffled sound from donut in mouth] The Orion Times is 'Advertising' the drug for the pharamceutical company and using this incident with Captain Kirk to promote their new drug, right? So then this news travels through the grapevine and we then have a Venusian Drug trade going on all over the Galaxy. I assume that Kirk was paid handsomely for making such a public event out of it all? You can't get free advertising these days... I wonder how much they paid him," he mocked. "The whole Federation must be involved!"

"Thats it exactly!" he exclaimed, surprised that his skeptical friend had finally understood him.

"You know, I really don't understand you sometimes. You are SO full of Telios beans that Im going in the back to grab a surgical mask because I smell you reeking of bullcrap from over here. Here are your gloves, the clamps are over there, we gotta saw this chics chest open. I dont want to be here all night. Here's the datapad..."

"Ok fine, you think Im crazy," he looked at him sadly.

"Yes I do. Its a different conspiracy story from you every month. What was it last time... Oh yeah, the Federation president and the Federation council were never in control of the Federation..."

"But th..." he tried to interject but was cut off.

"It's this quasi-Illuminati order put in place to control us all?"

"Yes but the..." he again tried to explain but was cut off


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2003, 12:47:33 am »
"Yeah, I heard all about that one, and what's worse and more delusional is... how did you say it... that the Illuminati order has been ongoing since it started on earth back in the 1960's with the assasination of the US President, John F Kennedy. I mean did you really think that I'd buy the fact that when a free nation holds a democratic election that the Leader elected isn't the leader, its this quasi-Illuminati group from the 1960's?"

"You dont underst..."

"Wait, I'm on a roll," eyes gleaming, he danced around the side of the table in jest. "You said they sat the new president down on the first day of his innaguration and showed him that Zapruder assasination film and then asked the president if he had any questions. You are truly nuts!" He laughed.

"Ok dickhead, guess who owns majority stock in the Orion Times? That Orion drug company does, that's who. But thats not even the most interesting thing." He said, now lowering his voice as if the corpses in the room would overhear him. "Take a look at this photo on my datapad here. You remeber that autopsy that came in here last week? The Purported Orion Smuggler?"

"Yuhuhm," he mumbled scarfing down another frosted filled donut.

"Well look at this photo."

"Wow... I see it now. Thats very interesting."

"Yeah, now what's even more curious is that they brought in an outside team to do the autopsy and classified the files."

"No, I was curious too but it said the files were missing, not classified."

"Nope, I hacked it. Look at this."

"No way!"

"Yes way! Thing is that with such high testosterone levels in his blood, you would think he was taking other drugs too, but thats not it. He was taking the Venusian drug and that photo proves it!"

"Wow, thats pretty weird stuff."

"You have no idea. Listen." he said even more quietly, "I slipped into the freezer and popped the lock on this guys door and guess what?"


"It wasn't even the right guy."


"Yes way!"

"Damn, so that means not only did they find that this guy was taking the drug, but that they tried to cover it up by classifying the records and then switching bodies so no one would know. That would mean..."

"That would mean it's not just a hallucenogenic drug like medical command has stated it is, it's a real working genetic sequencer that changes you at the nucleaic level."

"Wow, thats pretty poweful ****.

"No kidding."

"So what are you gonna do with this?"

"Dunno for sure, maybe sell it to a tabloid or something, hehe. But if I'm right, it means that there is a conspiracy. And that they are attempting to hide it from us and that it's likely all over Cartel space by now."

"Hey, did you think that since its a nucleic sequencer, that it would work on other species as well?"

"OMG. That would mean..."

"Yes. That would mean the Pirate Cartels could start up a whole new slave trade and sell it to all the races."

"Deep ain't it?"

"Yup. Ok, lets get this over with. I'm outta donuts and I'm hungry."

"Heard that... So this is the suicide overdose victim, huh? Hrmm. That's strange..."


"She's missing her toe tag, damnit. They are always supposed to have a toe tag. How are we to know who the hell this is?" He pulled the sheet off the corpse. "DAMN she's hot," he exclaimed. "Get a load of that super sexy serpent tattoo round her belly button!"

"Wow, forget the tattoo, look at the body on this one, would ya? That's just to bad, man. What a waste," he said as he grabbed her arm. It was soft and supple in his hand. "Wow, they must've pumped her full of anticoagulants..." he reached out and began to massage both her breasts. "She's still soft. Such a shame," he said, shaking his head. "I woulda loved to give her a ride in the backseat of my new Aerocar, if you know what I mean," he said with a cocky smile.

"Well this must be her... she fits the profile on the report perfectly. Never seen a report like this before, though. Wonder where it was processed. This is very strange. Who signed for this? Oh well. Ok, start the suction, there's a lot of anticoagulant in this one, it's gonna be juicy!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dizzy »


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2003, 12:48:31 am »
They both donned their surgical masks and grabbed their equipment. "Ok," he said, sternum saw in hand hovering over her chest, "Fire me up."

With that the other technician pushed the start button and the buzz saw began rotating at twenty-thousand RPM. At precisely the same time as the saw was started, the corpse opened its eyes and suddenly jerked up an arm, grabbed the saw and in the same fluid movement, twisted it out of the technicians hand while throwing it across the room. The terrified technicians recoiled backwards dropping their equipment and just stood mortified as the naked female corpse rose up from the cold metal table and stared back at them.

Both were in utter astonishment, mouths wide open, unable to move with urine trickling down their legs...

"For morgue technicians, you guys are pretty smart, ya know that?" she asked in a sweetly pleasant voice. "Had you not had your hand in so many laundered federation credits and been so actively trying to find an audience for your insane, but catchy," she cocked an eybrow and smiled, "conspiracy theories, that were for the most part true, btw, you'd prolly have lived to see the new drug wars begin. It woulda been a pretty lucrative endeavor for such resourceful and well informed guys like the two of you. Such a shame," she sadly lamented, shaking her head...

They continued to stare on with faceless expresions still shocked to the core at the site of this ghostly impossibility.

She continued. "Now we can't go having you boys running around knowing about this sort of thing. People might even start believing you." She walked over to the data terminal, hit the Delete All Files key and turned back around saying, "Too bad you guys are going to have such a nasty accident here."

They just continued staring at her, white as sheets, apparently too shocked to understand what she was saying.

She hesitated for a moment at the thought of what she was ordered here to do."What? haven't you ever seen a dead person before? Look into that mirror over there boys," she said drawing a small needler pistol that was taped to the small of her back." The last thing the morgue technicians heard was the slight muffled swooshing sound of the needler firing tiny nanotubes full of acid into their brains.

The naked and very leggy Assassin then strutted over to an earlier arrived body bag and unzipped the zipper. "Well, not very flattering" she remarked at the older woman as she carefully stripped off her clothes. "but you won't be needing these anymore."

The assassin then took up a small vial of liquid she found on the medical examiners counter and let pour  the contents across everything she touched, the two (newly) deceased bodies, the buzz saw, the body bag, the table and the computer data terminal. She then pulled a pack of smokes and a lighter out of the fat technicians shirt pocket and his keys out of the other.

Cheapskate, she thought to herself, not at all surprised at the lousy taste of the cigarette. She took one more long drag, paused to take it all in and then while exhaling, flicked the cigarette back behind her quickly igniting the liquid as she strutted over to the exit.

Before making her hasty getaway, she looked over her shoulder to admire her work. "Don't mind if I take a ride in your new Aerocar, do you?" she laughed mockingly as she started up its engine and zoomed away...

Part II comming soon...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dizzy »


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 11:56:05 am »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Storyline Part I: Anticoagulants
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2004, 04:53:40 am »
Part II deals with SG4... Weeeeeeeeeeeee!