idea: what if I used a BaseStation UI of some sort, to be able to see the FRD's weapons?
idea: should I enter FRDs with the fighter / PF upgrades over time? Yeah, I should.. just like bases.
problem: most missions are hardcoded to use the most basic FRDs..
ie, taken from ShipYard assault code:
std::string shipyard = "";
eRace race = mGetRace();
switch ( race )
case kFederation: shipyard = "F-FRD"; break;
case kKlingon: shipyard = "K-FRD"; break;
case kRomulan: shipyard = "R-FRD"; break;
case kLyran: shipyard = "L-FRD"; break;
case kGorn: shipyard = "G-FRD"; break;
case kHydran: shipyard = "H-FRD"; break;
case kISC: shipyard = "I-FRD"; break;
case kMirak: shipyard = "Z-FRD"; break;
default: shipyard = "O-FRD"; break;
In other words, only the basic "FRD"s are used in the standard missions.. .. which makes sense because they're entered as "SPECIAL" in the shiplist. Bleh.
.. adding the other FRDs isn't a problem, but nothing would use them unless scripted for it.. and thus that would only work with custom shiplists with the extra FRDs.. .. double bleh.
idea: should I enter DEFSATs? It would be amusing.. .. maybe use "BOX" for the model.
.. I like the idea already.
DEFSATs are usually destroyed on 24 points of damage, no matter the internals. This could be simulated with armor.
ie: DEFSAT has 6 weapon boxes. They would count as 6. There would be ..say.. 2 excess damage hits, and 16 armor hits.
They would have no DAMCON, SENSOR, etc. hits... unless it's absolutely necessary. Then I would simply put the minimum of "1" in the proper fields.
idea: maybe create planets that recieve upgrades (as ground bases)? .. it wouldn't work all the time, but some planets could launch fighters I suppose. PFs for others.. let me check the ground bases SSDs... hmmm... .. small ground fighter base: 6 fighters (4).. medium: 12 fighters (8).. Interesting. ..
problem: how would people/scripts account the BPV used for the use of these bases?
problem: How many such bases should be used per planet? 1?