K-D7C should have 3 tractors until it gets the 2 extra tractors/mechlinks for PFs. (Look closely, it's not just a mechlink refit, two new tracs are installed on the waist.) You could add a K-D7CF, although the D7C would likely be refitted to a D7L before it got the trac/mechlink refit. I decided to give it to the D7L since it is in the right era(2275). The K-D7C is 136 without the trac/mechlink refit. 140 with it.
Likewise the R-KRC and R-KRCS should have 3 tractors not 5. Your R-KRCSF's 5 tracs are OK. Additionally, all the KRCS's should have 5 APR, not 7.
The G-CC+ and G-CCF should have 2 APR, not 3.
Fed CA+ shouldn't automatically have the RH Ph-1 refit. It should have just the Ph-3 and G-rack refit. Your CA+ is really a CAR+.
Your L-DWL got the PowerPack refit. I think the DWLP should get it (as Taldren tends to combine the PowerPack and Phaser refit together, see CWL vs CWLP) or you need to make a base DWL that is without a PowerPack.
Possible Combinations of L-CWL (134 bpv)
CWL = 30 power
CWL-Phas = 30 power, Ph3 to Ph1 refit, +4 bpv (unbuilt)
CWL-Pow = 34 power, +9 bpv (unbuilt)
CWL-Phas+Pow = 34 power, +13 bpv (Taldren's CWLP)
Combinations of L-DWL (103 bpv)
DWL = 23 power (not in OP+ shiplist)
DWL-Phas = 23 power, Ph3 to Ph2 refit, +2 bpv (unbuilt)
DWL-Pow = 27 power, +9 bpv (your "DWL" although it didn't pay for PowerPack, bpv = 103)
DWL-Phas+Pow = 27 power, Ph3 to Ph2 refit, + 11 bpv (your "DWLP" although it didn't pay for PowerPack, bpv = 106)