How about:
"The pleasure barge Riverboat Casino has reportedly struck an asteroid."
"System 23,14 contaminated by Chocodiles after Gorn freighter wreck."
"The notorious pirate J'inn spotted in system 43, 5. He is to be considered armed, but not particularly dangerous."
"A giant space slug has sacked Earth, film at eleven."
"Captain Agave's tequila shipment was intercepted by the Federation, resulting in a complete lack of organization."
"Fleet admiral Fluf has been on the server 21h:16m:47 s as of now."
"Captain Gwarlock sent to investigate Orion Slave Girl ring. He hasn't been seen for three weeks."
"Catnip shipment to Mraa hijacked by pirates. Captain ChuutRitt sent to investigate. He hasn't been seen for three weeks."
"Romulan ale shipment seized at Federation border. SPQR denies incident, their exsistence, and that you are reading this."
"Hydrax sacked by giant space cow, film at eleven."
"KBF-Dogmatix has assasinated his commander and risen to the rank of Commodore with a bonus of 10,000 prestige points."
"Eat at Joe's."
"Donut shipment hijacked. Constable Matsukasi sent to investigate. He hasn't been seen for three weeks."