Following up on my current bug hunt, I have found a solution to the problem of not being able to start in the advanced era on a copy of OP that is fully patched and up to date.
My initial surmise that there must be a part of an older config file that would help me was actually incorrect, but I figured out a way to fix it anyhow. It involves the file.
Here is the way it looks normally:
Name = "Time"
TurnsPerYear = 5
MilliSecondsPerTurn = 60000 // (60000)
DelayBeforeFirstTurn = 10000
TimeStopWhenInTactical = 1 // (0) ALWAYS 0 for Server!
BaseYear = 2263
0 = 0
1 = 10
2 = 20
Now, I was looking through the files when I looked at and got to thinking. I see only three items for base year modifiers under the [Clock/StartingDate] section, but there are FOUR modifiers for it in the game: Early, Middle, Late, and Advanced. So I decided to try something. I added the following line to he bottom of the file:
3 = 30
I put that on the next line down from the last entry in the [Clock/StartingDate] section so that the section now reads as follows:
BaseYear = 2263
0 = 0
1 = 10
2 = 20
3 = 30
I then saved the file(Note: You must remove the Read-Only attribute of the file, or you can't save the new version) and went and played the game using the best way I could think of to test. I started a new Mirak campaign and checked to see if I had the most advanced missile engines available to me. I did. Furthermore there were X class ships available when ships started showing up available for purchase. So I have solved this bug.
If anyone is interested, I am uploading my modified file to my website and putting a link in this post so that all you have to do is download it, and put in in the <gamedirpath>\MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\SinglePlayer folder and not have have to edit the file yourself. The link is Enjoy.