Alright, I talked with firesoul's nerfed comments and it sparked a curiousity in me.
The first thing I did was determine if the ISC were nerfed to the extent where I would believe it. (ie I can kill X with OP+ 2.0 but not 2.1) I'd played the ISC only very, very rarely but I HAD begun to move away from by beloved Federation destroyers and experiment with fighers (thanks to the heavy casual carrier war destroyers). So, in the next hour or so I flew some ISC skirmishes against AI.
My mentality was thus: How much harder does it feel from 2.0 to 2.1 with three (randomly picked) ISC carriers? Secondly, I payed attention to the damage given and damage recieved for the battles (though I didn't chew through them or write them down) and the length of the battle.
From 2.0 to 2.1, I didn't notice any significant changes in battle length, damage recieved, damage dealt, or the 'feel of difficulty.' Some of the carriers have been hit pretty hard, yes, but I found the same ships as opponents were about the same amount of challange for either 2.1 or 2.0.
Also, remember there's a BVP adjustment, so mission matching should be alright (I haven't tested this, though).
So I can't complain. I haven't done any PvP, but if there's an ISC out there willing to have a go with both 2.0 and 2.1, we can test this aspect fairly quickly. I'm also not a ISC player, but I can only really comment on what i've done to see if the changes REALLY are nerfing or not.