Great to hear that the fix worked. It's a bit of a hack, but I don't care at this point.
I don't know about the desktop color thing. When I was first running tests, the color rez ALWAYS came up at 16 bit, and I run my desktop at 32. I think that may be either an urban legend, or hardware specific. I was querying color depth through the DC, so I know it's right.
For a technical point of view, sliders are a piece o' cake. It's the interface that is tricky. Not being able to use a GUI during gametime makes it tough. Here's what I settled on:
For every hull you fly (up to 10), you can save a profile. For every profile, you can define an unlimited amount of power sets. A set is the settings of the 3 power bars, expressed as percentages. When you start a match, you first load the profile for the ship you are in. Then you can cycle through your energy sets at the press of a button.
So far I have added these bindable commands:
LoadHullProfileX (where X goes from 0-9, giving 10 profiles.)
CycleEnergySetsUp (Cycles through your energy sets)
CycleEnergySetsDown (reverse cycles)
Sets are cycled in the order they are listed in the INI file.
By default, I'll bind the load commands to CTRL-Fx, so loading Hull Profile 5 is CTRL-F5, etc.
A profile looks like this in the INI:
[Hull 0 Energy Profile]
MaxShields=200S, 100P, 100H
Alpha=200H,200P, 10S
_Custom1=103P, 122H, 110S
The entries can be decoded as follows. The set name is first, that's whatever name you choose, it's only there for human reference. The 3 commands following show what percentages of power you want to each system. The systems must be listed in order of priority. Taking the Maxshields set as an example, Shields will get 200% power, then Primaries get 100% power, then Heavies get 100% last. If there isn't enough energy, heavies won't get 100%, etc. In reality, I'm just going to send mouse messages in reverse order of priority.
Seems simple enough to me. There's only one real hassle, and that's creating the Sets in the first place. It will take a lot of trail and error to get the percentages just right if you want to create Sets. Without access to a GUI, there is no easy answer.
I'm gonna start by creating another command, something like SaveCustomEnergySet. This command reads your current energy settings off the display, converts to percentages, and saves it as a "_CustomX" Set , where X increments every time. It will save it in your current profile. Then you can rename it to what you want. Not perfect, but it works.
What would be really awesome is a stand-alone GUI utility so you can tweak your INI settings when you aren't playing. In a perfect world, this app would allow you to perform refits and select Officers, calculate power nominals, allow you to move energy sliders just like the game, and then save those settings to the INI file. Anyone interested?
Comments? Sheesh, I feel like I'm writing RFCs.