Topic: David Ferrel--My Appologies  (Read 3399 times)

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Lord Bile

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David Ferrel--My Appologies
« on: January 27, 2003, 11:16:11 pm »
Since you banned my other handle, Ill use this one.

I appologise for saying some of the things I said to you. You must understand, I was upset.

Ive been talking with people during this whole ordeal, and I am now calm. You are correct, you are the proffessional modelers, not me. I am just a wannaBe.

so please accept my appology. And also to those that I have insulted, it seems that I was going by alot of Hearsay, and was wrong to jump to conclusions. I am upset I didnt win, and reacted out of anger. I personally think i do nice work, but hey, its up to those that are in charge and have the experiance that get to decide who's was better.

so...Im Sorry.

I will now go back to my cave with my tail between my legs
« Last Edit: January 27, 2003, 11:17:13 pm by Lord Bile »


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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2003, 11:30:21 pm »
Thumb up to LB for doing this!

Com'n Taldren (Dave Ferrell) this when we get a group hug...  

EDIT: re read the message. LB don't put yourself down as that. It's just a simple disagreement doesn't mean your work is appreciated any less by the fans.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2003, 11:42:03 pm by 3dot14 »

David Ferrell

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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2003, 12:32:23 am »
Apology accepted.

You DO good work.  I think your Scorpion is a *very* nice model and was noted by some of the judges.

It was a tough competition and the judges said repeatedly that there were many great enteries and
picking a winner wasn't easy.  As I told you before, there could only be one winner each week, yours
just wasn't it on any of the four rounds.  Does it mean your a bad modeler?  No of course not!  It just means
there was something about another model that they liked more.  Nothing more nothing less.




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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2003, 01:01:14 am »
 LB, Its good for you that you came forward and admitted you might not always be right about everything. To me this will make me respect you more. However Mr. Ferrell I believe LB had some good points in his arguments as you also did, yet i see that when all the name calling and childish things stopped he was man enough to apologize for his rude behavior and iI have yet to see an apology to him for the rude and uncalled for remarks you had made to him. As an example I quote "You are nothing but a spoiled child who is upset because you didn't win". I think that since he was willing to say he was sorry for such comments I believe it to be only fair for you to do the same.      

As for you Skinman I dont know you, I dont want to know you, and I am no Graphic Artist, but I must say I was sick of your crap attitude after your first post. Mr. Im all high and mighty. Jeez youre so proud of that so called education but It seems to me that with all that time in school you could have learned to at least insult someone properly. Christ I had a hard time even figuring out what you were saying considering you cant even spell most of your words right. In your second two paragraph post to him alone  there were six seperate spelling errors that a second grader could have picked out, and thats not including you're first post. So I dont think you should be trying to flaunt your education in others faces buddy. Just because you went to school doesnt make you better than everyone else.  So i suggest you let go of your ego before someone comes along to take it down a notch or two.

As for the contest entries:  Great work gentelmen.  Im glad to see there is still some life left in the modding world even though i havent played a Starfleet Command game since the days of  :)  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kain72 »


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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2003, 03:34:04 am »

I had a conversation with one of the greatest modelers around here last week. We discussed how this contest would serve no purpose other than to feed some and trash others egos, and how he refuses to submit his work to it.. I for one liked this place a lot better when we were'nt arguing about about crap like.........


This once was a place where we could all come to share our work and learn new skills. But anmymore, this is what is happening.......


It almost makes me feel like posting about my work is not worth my time and less important than moaning and groaning. With all due respect to the Taldren staff, I think you should reconsider running this contest any longer. We are at risk of losing "MORE" great modelers from this community because of it.

Just my $.02
« Last Edit: January 28, 2003, 03:34:35 am by Ducttapewonder »


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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2003, 08:18:07 am »
Kudos to you, LB. It takes guts to apologize in this fashon.

And congrats to all the model winners! Well deserved for their great entries.

Be well,



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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2003, 09:22:21 am »
If it makes you feel better I liked your ship (Diamond Head)  the best; the details on the aft shot are superb.  I also like the (Scorpion) next best.  

Kudos to you and all the ship modelers who make some fantastic looking ships!  The USS Hendrix model is also pretty cool.
I really don't posess the capability to make ship models, so I really appreciate seeing ones with such detail!

- Mags

Chris Jones

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Mods n Things
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2003, 09:39:26 am »

I would be honored to include any or all of the contest entries in mods that i put together.

I personally like LB's work, and understand his thoughts as I've known him since the early days of SFC.

That Hecate is an awesome piece of work.

I don't get down to small details when looking at a model. I put it in the game, fly it around, and imagine it in a TV episode or a movie.  With the Hecate It looks very real to me in game, like it ought to be on a TV or movie screen.  I do not nitpick a window or an impulse engine, because Star Trek is science Fiction anyway. Who's to say?  

From my point of view, I would include all of those round 4 entries in my latest TNG Mega-Mod for SFC3.

If I were a judge, I would base my opinions on how it looked in game and not even open the mod viewer.

I consider myself very lucky to be friends with a lot of modelers and understand the process of making a model. Modelers take pride in thier work, and get quite defensive at times.

I also understand David's reaction to LB's comments. There can only be one winner.

Kudos to LB for this apology.

LB,  my internet at home is offline for a little while for various reasons.. I'll catch up with you soon..




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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2003, 11:02:20 am »
Now we see the mark of a true it obviously takes more balls to admit when one is wrong, than to continue with the attitude. I say, no more official model contests. As was said, all it seems to have done is fuel more flaming and bs than it should have.  My hats off to you LB and all the others that entered. WZ said it best in his Modding 101 tut... model only for yourself, not the people here. If you like what you've done, then don't worry what someone else thinks about it. LB, there are so many people here that can't wait until you finish a WIP, that, if nothing else, you should know the SFC masses love your work.  'Nuff Said.  

Clark Kent

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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2003, 01:11:03 pm »
I dunno.  I don't think the contest was bad in itself.  There is bound to be dissapointment when one tries very hard to win, and they don't.  I've been in situations like that before, and it's hard to take a loss.  Nothing wrong with that.  It's normal, and I even think healthy.  I wouldn't cancel future model contests just to try to avoid people being disapointed.
Kudos LB, it's hard to apologize like that, and kudos David, it's hard to accept an apology sometimes shortly after an argument.
And for what it's worth, LB, I'm a big fan of your work.

James Formo

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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2003, 01:32:53 pm »
I feel the love man. No harm no foul I say.  I don't think there is  anything wrong with some venting in the forum as long as its not always the same person. Helps clear the air so to speak. I think we all get a bit more vocal at times in forums because we can't  see each others body language.  

If there is another contest in the future. I suggest having different catagories. A seperate one for TOS, TMP, TNG and non-trek.  Have more prizes, more winners, maybe the prizes could be smaller but have more winners to reward everyones efforts.



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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2003, 01:54:47 pm »
Different eras would be nice.

Also I would also suggest that no models from professional modelers be entered either.  They have their recognition already.  


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Re: David Ferrel--My Appologies
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2003, 02:05:25 pm »
Luckily I was not a judge. If I had been there would've been 3 and 4 way ties every week of the contest as the work I saw was constantly high calibar rendering mixed with some exceptional imaginations. Indeed these folks add nothing but genius to the SFC/Taldren community.

Thank to all for entering the contest and sharing your vision with us.



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Re: Mods n Things
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2003, 02:40:37 pm »


I would be honored to include any or all of the contest entries in mods that i put together.

I personally like LB's work, and understand his thoughts as I've known him since the early days of SFC.

That Hecate is an awesome piece of work.

I don't get down to small details when looking at a model. I put it in the game, fly it around, and imagine it in a TV episode or a movie.  With the Hecate It looks very real to me in game, like it ought to be on a TV or movie screen.  I do not nitpick a window or an impulse engine, because Star Trek is science Fiction anyway. Who's to say?  

From my point of view, I would include all of those round 4 entries in my latest TNG Mega-Mod for SFC3.

If I were a judge, I would base my opinions on how it looked in game and not even open the mod viewer.

I consider myself very lucky to be friends with a lot of modelers and understand the process of making a model. Modelers take pride in thier work, and get quite defensive at times.

I also understand David's reaction to LB's comments. There can only be one winner.

Kudos to LB for this apology.

LB,  my internet at home is offline for a little while for various reasons.. I'll catch up with you soon..



Ditto this response, LB has been a friend and fellow trekker since I met him in 98'/99' it was my meeting him and Capt Ravenous that I eventually ened up also meeting  Chris Jones( thereby allowing ME! to add some of my inconsequential inputs to the modding community), all this time , the ONLY thing I've ever really seen LB go nuts about, was Improving his work!!,LB has always shown himself to be an excellent human being, assisting up and coming modellers, contributing to new Ideas and forum posts,etc but he is ALSO a human being who will voice his discontent and fight for his beliefs( as would most of US!!) and I TOO am very proud to call him a friend!  

P.S. HEY JONES!!!!!! email me with the latest news man, been a bit, cya!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by RICK000 »