Topic: Games of The Masters: EAW mission mini-pack and OP add=ons  (Read 3918 times)

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Games of The Masters: EAW mission mini-pack and OP add=ons
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:40:34 pm »
OK, if you're game for a few missions with twists, I've put together a mini-pack of 8 new missions for EAW (OP version coming soon):
 Games of The Masters
The mission pack incudes all the .mct files you'll need to test drive these in single player.

The premise of the scripts is that an ancient and powerful race, "The Masters", are using combat between the lesser races as a form of entertainment.  As such, they have set up a number of challenges for starship captains.  The eight missions are described below.

Note that in all contests, the Masters have disabled the safety mechanisms which prevent a player from firing on their allies, and in all missions if you fire on an AI ally they will thereafter attack you as if you were an enemy (though you're still treated as being on the same side for victory and DV effects).

   Mirror Mirror is a standard 3-v-3 battle, but the Masters take the ship(s) piloted by the drafter and give identical ships to everyone else in the mission.  It is VERY difficult to tell friend from foe!

   The Arena is standard 3-v-3 combat, but the Masters pick ships for each participant AND if players stray too far from the center of the map (roughly range 55) then their ships are automatically destroyed.

   Rocky Horror features terrain-intense maps, and a battle against one or more asteroid monsters.

  Get Smart, aka Control versus Kaos is a standard 3-v-3 battle, but the player may sporadically lose control of their ships for short periods of time while the AI tries to do an assortment of very stupid things (heh, that wasn't hard to induce)

  Have Gun Will Travel, aka A Knight Without Armour, features battle against one or more shieldless Hydran Paladins

   Time Warp involves The Masters bringing in ships from an alternate time or an alternate universe as combatants.

   Eight Track features combat in a figure-eight map, with terrain used to encourage players to stay on track.  

   A Pound of Cure is another 3-v-3 that begins with all the weapons on each ship destroyed - the player must decide what to repair and in what order before battle can truly begin.  (Yes, carriers have a distinct advantage here, but The Masters don't seem to care.)

have fun!

« Last Edit: April 30, 2003, 11:27:41 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2003, 06:50:18 pm »

Please post in painful detail exactly how to download and install so that I can play this in single player.

Please write your post in Moronese as I don't read English very well.



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2003, 06:51:56 pm »
Wooohoooo!! Nice work Dave...  but how does the Master Scripter fair in his own Master Games??  


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2003, 07:08:21 pm »
OK J'inn .... ummm ... wait a sec, let me get my English - to - American phrase book out ... hmmm .... wrong dialect, I don't seem to have Lawyer listed in here.   Ah well, just have to wing it.

(1) download the .zip file listed up above somewhere, remember where you put it

(2) go find the file you downloaded and double-click on it

(3) there are two kinds of files in the package, files with the .scr extension and files with the .mct extension.  Winzip, or whatever tool unzips the files for you, will likely let you select groups of files and extract them to whatever location you browse to.
(3a) extract all the .scr files into folder "Assets\scripts" in your Starfleet Command II folder
(3b) extract all the .mct files into folder "Assets\scripts\campaigns", again somewhere within your Starfleet Command II folder

Hopefully that's it!  Start the game up, and when you go to single player you should find a bunch of new campaigns in the list.

If you don't see the new campaigns in the list, then go on to step 4:

(4) If (3a) or (3b) went wrong, find out where you did put the files, and either move or copy them to the right folder.  

The "Find" program in your start menu is very handy if it comes to this - click "Start" (yes I'm still using Windoze '98, dunno what magic you might have to perform on them thar newfangled XP thingies) and click "Find" in the menu that comes up.  In the box under file names tell it to look for "Met_NW5TheArena.scr" and it should track things down for you.)

Notes: there shouldn't be any problem with these files conflicting with any other SFC files you've got lying around, so don't worry about that.  Having extra copies floating around in the wrong directory is also no biggie, so don't sweat that either.



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2003, 07:13:22 pm »

Wooohoooo!! Nice work Dave...  but how does the Master Scripter fair in his own Master Games??    

Hmmm, better not say anything that could be construed as "baiting" here ...

I actually really enjoy "Mirror Mirror" - 3 on 3 with identical ships, and by the time the furball is well underway you can't tell who's on which side, and if you fire at the wrong ship suddenly it becomes 4 on 2 ... very nerve wracking, especially for Lyrans (since you have to be careful not to sideswipe your buddies with the ESG now)

lotas fun ... best part is, in coop you can kill your allies and still get the win.   (Where's Squiggy when J'inn needs him )



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2003, 07:18:12 pm »
Are these D2 missions or Skirmish missions?


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack *DELETED*
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2003, 07:23:58 pm »
Post deleted by rajnsaj


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2003, 07:27:24 pm »
Oh-ho-HO!  Evil Dave strikes again.  These sound fantastic!



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2003, 07:58:42 pm »

Are these D2 missions or Skirmish missions?  

D2 missions Corbo



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2003, 08:03:20 pm »
SWEET!!!!!!!! you think that "someday" might take a crack at "simulating" the SFC1 campaign missions?

I know many people would be greatly thankful.....

Daew Anahos

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2003, 08:03:27 pm »
Downloding now!

All hail EVIL DAVE!



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2003, 08:17:52 pm »


Are these D2 missions or Skirmish missions?  

D2 missions Corbo


I don't suppose there is any way to make them Skirmish missions? They sound more suited to that venue. Just my $.02.


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2003, 08:28:34 pm »

I don't suppose there is any way to make them Skirmish missions? They sound more suited to that venue. Just my $.02.  

They are probably more suitable as Skirmish, but if I make them skirmish missions I'll never ever play them - a mental block or something, I very very rarely play missions unless they're thrown at me as part of the dyna.  Weird but true.

They probably wouldn't be difficult to adapt to skirmish mode - I'll post the source code as soon as we're sure there's no particularly nasty bugs hidden within, anyone who wants to adapt them is more than welcome to.



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2003, 10:03:13 pm »
Really Cooleth, Lord Evil Dave, Prince of Scripting Darkness.

There one mission coming up for SG3 that's kinda like what you listed, hehe. Tis scary, Tis scary....

Many sincere thanks for your scripting advice and encouragement last week. I really appreciate it given the circumstances.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2003, 11:26:53 pm »
Np Karnak!  We need all the evil scripters (and evil frogs ) we can get!

OK, I've compiled these beasties for OP, but am too beat to test 'em tonight, so we'll try the crap shoot and just add 'em to the OP mission pack  If any problems turn up let me know!  

The complete and up to date set of OP missions, including these new weirdos and updated .mct's, ReadMe's etc, is at

The same goes for EAW at

I'll be out of town tomorrow and maybe the day after, so any problems are hearby happily deferred to the weekend

enjoy, hope you have fun, hope there aren't too many bugs - this last round came out of a happily creative two day energy spurt
« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 12:40:02 am by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2003, 04:46:57 am »
Ahh, Deth O'Kay and the Hammerhead. This takes me back.

Dave, I'd have to agree with Corbo that these would be much more suitable for skirmish play. I think they would seem a little odd in a D2 context. That being said, thank you very much for the time and effort (once again) that you have put into these

Daew Anahos

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2003, 06:46:57 am »

Ahh, Deth O'Kay and the Hammerhead. This takes me back.

Dave, I'd have to agree with Corbo that these would be much more suitable for skirmish play. I think they would seem a little odd in a D2 context. That being said, thank you very much for the time and effort (once again) that you have put into these  

Trivia time!

In the same captain's log story as referrenced by Mog, there was the Hammerhead & another pirate ship...what was the other pirate ships name?

Here's a quote about it for a hint... "And the (ship name) lived up to her name" it's paraphrased and not exact. I would say sue me but a certain furry lawyer hanging around might take someone up on that.

PS Dave any way to get a mct file with the regular Evil Dave & the master missions together?  

Daew Anahos

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2003, 07:04:38 am »

 PS Dave any way to get a mct file with the regular Evil Dave & the master missions together?  

Never mind, saw that you have already done this.  (/me has duh look on face.)



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2003, 07:12:57 am »
Dang, you got me thinking now about the other pirate ship in that scenario. I remember the modified D7C Doomslayer being in it, and a Lyran CA or CC. I think the other pirate ship began with a H too, Heavensent, perhaps? Was the other pirate captain called Rocco or Ricci? Been a while since I read that CL.


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2003, 07:58:15 am »
OK, had to go dig it out ... that was one of the best stories in Captain's Log (IMO at least)

The O.P.C. Hammerfield was Deth's ship, and yes, Neil Ricca's ship was the Heavensent.
Horatio Jone's Exeter was in that one, along with Lestha on the Doomslayer.

Oh, and Crim - yes, one of these days


Daew Anahos

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2003, 08:08:49 am »
Mog got it right first! You win a NEW...oh wait, sorry no budget  

Dave, how's about taking a crack at another fine story from the logs, Refiner's Fire might get Scippy with that one, it was a classic Romulan/Gorn sssssssssssstory (had to capture the flavor) plus then there's the Juggernaut one where a Feddie a pirate and a Tholian walk into a, no, take on a seemingly unstoppable ship.

Btw, tried out the missions... LOVED EM! You da man!  
« Last Edit: May 01, 2003, 08:10:25 am by Daew Anahos »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2003, 08:35:31 am »

Mog got it right first! You win a NEW...oh wait, sorry no budget  

Dave, how's about taking a crack at another fine story from the logs, Refiner's Fire might get Scippy with that one, it was a classic Romulan/Gorn sssssssssssstory (had to capture the flavor) plus then there's the Juggernaut one where a Feddie a pirate and a Tholian walk into a, no, take on a seemingly unstoppable ship.

Btw, tried out the missions... LOVED EM! You da man!  

It was a Klingon not a pirate.


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2003, 08:46:11 am »
Juggernaut had a Fed (Kosnett ?), Klingon, Thoilan and a pirate called Greymane ( ? ) in it.

Refiners Fire had a Gorn, Fed v Rom & Klingon, with the "decoy F-DD".

There is such a wealth of possible scenarios in the CL books, but I think the majority of them would be better for skirmish/multipay rather than D2 missions.


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2003, 09:03:45 am »

OK, had to go dig it out ... that was one of the best stories in Captain's Log (IMO at least)

The O.P.C. Hammerfield was Deth's ship, and yes, Neil Ricca's ship was the Heavensent.
Horatio Jone's Exeter was in that one, along with Lestha on the Doomslayer.

Oh, and Crim - yes, one of these days


Captain's Log#2 was a good one.  A favorite of mine is the running battle campaign between the Klingons and Hydrans in Captain's Log#4.  Of course, there's always the ISC Strike Cruiser CSS Celestra and Rom Sparrowhawk in CL#16 or 17??.  I could see converting this battle into a D2 special mission.

 BTW,  Frogs won.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

The Postman

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2003, 11:20:08 am »
I just tried the OP link and it goes to a null page.    


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2003, 11:35:13 am »


Mog got it right first! You win a NEW...oh wait, sorry no budget  

Dave, how's about taking a crack at another fine story from the logs, Refiner's Fire might get Scippy with that one, it was a classic Romulan/Gorn sssssssssssstory (had to capture the flavor) plus then there's the Juggernaut one where a Feddie a pirate and a Tholian walk into a, no, take on a seemingly unstoppable ship.

Btw, tried out the missions... LOVED EM! You da man!  

It was a Klingon not a pirate.  

Juggernaut had a Fed, Tholian, pirate and a Klink. That was a wicked beast with the rotating shield.

Personally, the best SFB campaign I ever played was Operation Unity. If Andros ever become workable in OP, that would be one hellacious campaign.    


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2003, 01:53:11 pm »

It was a Klingon not a pirate.  

There's a difference?

Oh wait, you're right.  There is a difference.  Whenever the pirates want to appear "swashbuckling", they do bathe.

My favorite scenario to play from a Captain's Log was from #8, I believe.  "Ceasefire Collapse".  This was at the end of Day of the Eagle, when a sizeable faction of the Federation believed their war was lost and arranged to sue for a seperate peace with the Romulans.  The scenario starts with a R-KE and a F-CC sitting nose-to-nose, diplomats on the planet below, and their supporting fleets behind them.  Then something goes horribly wrong......  (I'm sure it was Fluf's fault)



Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2003, 08:12:21 pm »

Mog got it right first! You win a NEW...oh wait, sorry no budget  

Dave, how's about taking a crack at another fine story from the logs, Refiner's Fire might get Scippy with that one, it was a classic Romulan/Gorn sssssssssssstory (had to capture the flavor) plus then there's the Juggernaut one where a Feddie a pirate and a Tholian walk into a, no, take on a seemingly unstoppable ship.

Btw, tried out the missions... LOVED EM! You da man!  

The Juggernaught  mission is available for EAW with the Juggernaught model at Fleetdock13.

I also recall "Ceasefire Collapse" and a handful of other SFB missions being made for SFC1. Not sure where they are today, maybe at the old Klingon Intelligence Breifing site. There are a great many SFC1 missions I want to see brougt into OP. Repair Rondevous, and The Quantum Factor (custom made monster mission) are just two of the SFC1 ones I want to try in OP.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2003, 12:40:58 am »

I just tried the OP link and it goes to a null page.    

Whoops - typo in the URL, sorry 'bout that!  It's fixed now



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2003, 12:31:07 pm »

 Oh, and Crim - yes, one of these days  

WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY cool


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2003, 03:21:01 pm »
Played a couple of these in OP(all I've seen so far) in single player and here are the results.

One called Rocky Horror.  It was in a thick asteroid field, I had 2 or 3 quasi allies(I could target them but they were'nt shooting me) against 1 plasma rock monster.  Dispatched it and it ended.

next one was one called Pound of cure I think.  said something about not being surprised about the condition of my ship.  faced 3 enemies that were fighting each other as well as me.  Blew up one of them and went toward another and I crashed to desktop.  My ship was fully intact by the way with no damage at the start.



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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2003, 05:18:40 pm »
thx Mace,

in all the "Masters" missions the ships from allied races are still technically your allies, but you can target them and they'll turn on you if you damage them (any AI will turn on each other if they happen to damage each other accidentally, e.g. with t-bombs or esgs)

I haven't seen a CTD yet, but I've been doing most of the testing on the EAW side.  If your ship was undamaged at the start of the mission then something funky is definitely going on.

EDIT: Was it using the stock shiplist, OP+ v2.0,  OP+ v2.1, or OP+ v2.1b?  (just in case it's related to a shiplist issue)


« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 05:24:05 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2003, 06:07:04 pm »

thx Mace,

in all the "Masters" missions the ships from allied races are still technically your allies, but you can target them and they'll turn on you if you damage them (any AI will turn on each other if they happen to damage each other accidentally, e.g. with t-bombs or esgs)

I haven't seen a CTD yet, but I've been doing most of the testing on the EAW side.  If your ship was undamaged at the start of the mission then something funky is definitely going on.

EDIT: Was it using the stock shiplist, OP+ v2.0,  OP+ v2.1, or OP+ v2.1b?  (just in case it's related to a shiplist issue)



It was using OP+ 2.0  I was in a Lyran CFF


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Re: Games of The Masters: an EAW mission mini-pack
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2003, 06:53:20 pm »
thanks, will see what I can find out
