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Topic: FMSE Questions  (Read 4285 times)

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FMSE Questions
« on: April 29, 2003, 10:39:21 pm »

     I put together a simple SFC1 Skirmish TMP Era Script using Eagle Eye Software's Fleet Mission Script Editor (FMSE) and have some questions.  The script is a Klingon Battlecruiser K'Tinga (K-D7K (Nightstorm's Model)) attacks the refitted Enterprise (F-CA+ (Nightstorm's Model)) while the Enterprise is in Drydock near Earth and the Space Station (BS+ (Atra-Hasis Deacon Model)) and 3 shuttlecraft (F-SH (GhostFox TOS Galileo Shuttlecraft Model)) .  The 3 shuttlecraft are flying between the Drydock and the Space Station.  The map is large (30 x 30) and contains the Sun, Earth, Moon and some asteroids

1.  How do I enable the "Customize" Button so that I can stock up on supplies (spare parts, transporter bombs, marines, shuttlecraft, etc) and choose different maps before playing this script?  I supplied 2 maps, the one described above and another which is open space for the K-D7K and F-CA+ to battle in.

2.  How do I play this skirmish so that I am flying the Enterprise (F-CA+) when I enter the game under the Federation Race?  I have set up this script so that it is available to play under the Klingon Empire or the Federation Race.  I can successfully play this script under the Klingon Empire.  However, when I select the Federation Race my script loads the Federation interface but I am still flying the Klingon Battlecruiser K'Tinga (K-D7K), how strange.

3.  This last question has nothing to do with FMSE.  I have modified the K-D7K Klingon Battlecruiser to be the K'Tinga from TMP.  I have replaced the Forward 3 Phaser-1 Banks with 3 Photon Torpedo Tubes, replaced the Aft Phaser-3 Banks with 2 Photon Torpedo Tubes, removed the Port and Starboard Disruptors, and added an extra Phaser-2 Bank to the Port and Starboard Phaser-2 Banks.  Any suggestions on how I should modify the Power of this bird to make it fair and balanced, not too powerful, yet not too weak either?




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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2003, 11:27:32 pm »
Thanks Rod.  It seems the cloning occurs whenever "Team" is set higher than 1.  Even though my script has 3 teams, Team1: K-D7K, Team2: F-CA+ and 3 F-SH (Shuttlecraft), Team3 (nuetral team): F-BS+ ( Space Station)  and Drydock, I have to keep "Team" set 1 to avoid the cloning of the Klingon Battlecruiser.  I guess it is a bug Eagle Eye Software never bother to fix.  Does anyone know what happened to Eagle Eye Software?  Their web address, http://www.teracode.com/eagleeye/ , is no longer valid,  HTTP 404 - File not found.  Did they change their web address or shutdown their website?

Thanks again,

Rod O'neal

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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2003, 12:14:14 am »
I've never used more than 1 for the # of teams. Someone was having problems with cloning and had the # set to 6. When it was changed to 1 the problem stopped. Since using the 5th ai team also causes it I just assumed that setting the team #s to 6 also did it. I'm not a good beta tester, I guess.   I'm glad to know that it's any # other than 1 that causes it. The knowledge might save me future frustration.
A while ago Heaven's Eagle, if I remember right, posted stating EagleEye software was no longer going to work on FMSE, or ShipEdit any more. It was taking up too much time and causing too much frustration. That's all I know  


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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2003, 07:06:49 am »
The only way that I know of to make a script in FMSE to do what you like is to create more than one script.

If one script you would have the Klingon be the player ship and would make it playable for Klingons only.

In the other script you would have the Fed be the player ship and would make it playable for Feds only.

I have seen some FMSE script packs done by others in the past that used this method.  They would usually include separate versions for multiple races.  A bit of a pain, but a good work-around.


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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2003, 07:08:53 am »

Thanks Rod.  It seems the cloning occurs whenever "Team" is set higher than 1.  Even though my script has 3 teams, Team1: K-D7K, Team2: F-CA+ and 3 F-SH (Shuttlecraft), Team3 (nuetral team): F-BS+ ( Space Station)  and Drydock, I have to keep "Team" set 1 to avoid the cloning of the Klingon Battlecruiser.  I guess it is a bug Eagle Eye Software never bother to fix.  Does anyone know what happened to Eagle Eye Software?  Their web address, http://www.teracode.com/eagleeye/ , is no longer valid,  HTTP 404 - File not found.  Did they change their web address or shutdown their website?

Thanks again,

I don't think that their website is running anymore  You can still get FMSE and it's patch from the different mirrors out there, including from my website.

I was hoping to see a version of FMSE for OP and SFC3.

Capt. Sarmox

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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2003, 07:22:43 am »

Thanks Rod.  It seems the cloning occurs whenever "Team" is set higher than 1.  Even though my script has 3 teams, Team1: K-D7K, Team2: F-CA+ and 3 F-SH (Shuttlecraft), Team3 (nuetral team): F-BS+ ( Space Station)  and Drydock, I have to keep "Team" set 1 to avoid the cloning of the Klingon Battlecruiser.  

To play the F-CA+ instead of the K-D7, try swapping their team assignments. Team 1, IIRC, is the default player team, right? To play either side, you'd have to have the two altered versions of the mission.  


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Re: FMSE Questions
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2003, 09:33:51 pm »
Thanks guys for all of your input.  You confirmed what I was dreading, which is having to make multiple versions of the same script with FMSE in order to play it for each race involved in the script.  Well, I have been putting off learning Microsoft Visual C++.  This would be another good reason to learn it.  So that I have more creative control over the SFC scripts I make without having to duplicate my efforts.

Thanks again,


