Topic: Stymied by a Chameleon  (Read 1289 times)

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Capt. Sarmox

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Stymied by a Chameleon
« on: April 29, 2003, 09:13:17 pm »
This is the Chameleon-class one-man scout/prospector from FASA's Trader's and Merchant Princes supplement.
I can't figure out what I have done to this mesh. The textures show uo in Taldren's model viewer, the M6 editor, and AssimView, but I'll be damned if they show up in the game. None of my other efforts have done this. My next step is to delete the whole thing and start over, but before that I wondered if someone here might have a clue. Here's the zip if anyone wants to snag it for a look.      Chameleon mod file    


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Re: Stymied by a Chameleon
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2003, 11:15:45 pm »
Yeah, I don't know. I opened it in MilkShape and the textures laid nice on it. Then I tried it in SFC3 and it worked fine there. I checked to make sure that your bmps were all the right size and they were. I had no problems with it, infact, it looked really good in the game. Good luck with it, I hope you find the problem.  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Stymied by a Chameleon
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2003, 05:10:13 am »
I like the model and I hope that you get the texture problems solved. looking forward to this one in the near future  

Capt. Sarmox

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Re: Stymied by a Chameleon
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2003, 05:51:03 pm »
Thanks for checking it, InterMech. Okay, so it works in SFC3... why not SFC2? It's the only mesh I've tried to texture in Gmax before exporting to Milkshape. I suspect that might be part of the problem, but I thought I'd gone back and removed the textures and associated helpers completely. Curiouser and curiouser.

Glad y'all like it. With any luck, I'll figure it out