Really nice mission that Investigation... unless the derelict is a PF Tender! Let me tell you a little story.
There I was, toodling merrily along, minding my own business, when along comes an Investigation mission. Well, being the curious type, I investigate. Appearing in front of me was a derelict ChickenHawk PF tender. As I am playing Romulan this time out, I felt bad for the wounded survivors of whatever befell the happless crew and beamed off the few remaining casualties (the little icon with the arm sling). On my way past, I noticed that they only had 6 marines on board as well and since for some inexplicable reason, even though we are of the same race, we are reading as enemies (I know I know it's in the script, dramatic license you know), I decided to board them. Since my ship only has a measly 6 transporters (snicker), as I over ran the poor bird I gave it a tap with my non-lethal phasers to persuade the stalwart marines to let me board the ship and "help out" with repairs

(if you guys were not aware, you can now capture the derelict for mucho PP). As I completed my boarding action and cleared the ship, what should appear but three perfectly heathly Romulan Interceptors directly behind me.
"Hmmm, that's interesting," I thought... for about two seconds as they immediately opened up on my rear shield with F Plasma at point blank range!!!!

Venting plasma and furiously trying to turn off the X-mas tree my ship now resembled (five engine hits and various weapons and systems offline) I screamed at my Plasma D crews, "FIRE, DAMN YOU, FIRE!!!"
Alas it was not to be. The plasma D crews just looked at me blankly and said, "But they're
Romulan! You know, pointy ears just like us?" and refused to fire at them. By then the Hydran OS had arrived and I was never more glad to see Hydran fighters in my life! Of course, my Plasma D crews had no qualms firing at
them! Inexplicably, the Hydrans had no interest in the PF's and vice versa. The Hydrans headed straight for the derelict, leaving the PF's to snipe away at me with their phasers while they waited to give me another enema. Luckily, a well timed barrage from the OS saved my bacon and I almost considered letting the Hydrans go for the favor, almost. I got over the urge and captured them too. All in all I think they got off better than I did. That'll teach me to render aid to wounded Romulans!

Great mission there, Dave