According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, those species with character traits that enhance their ability to survive and therefore reproduce are more likely to survive and dominate over others which eventually become extinct. Survival of the fittest.
Now, if a man prefers a woman with large tits, and this is a genetically inherited trait, then it follows that large breasted women are more likely to produce offspring than there less well-endowed sisters. After several thousand years of civilization and who knows how many 100,000s of years of evolution before that, we can predict then that the modern woman would have no need for cosmetic surgery and that we'd all be walking around with GGG racks...

Is this the case though? Well, a little observation (and I'm quite sure here, that the men have done plenty of that) suggests that this is not the case. Logic dictates then, that we can make the following conclusion wrapped in humour.
Q: How many men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Just one, men will screw anything.