You idiot! You gave away all our secrets!
Now that everyone knows how to fly our ships, they will want to be lyran!
We were unique.. the few, the proud, the race that nobody played. Now we will be rubbing shoulders with the dregs- fluf, dogmatix, dh123, deadman6, etc etc. The frickin' imaginary romulans will probably jump on the bandwagon too! OY!
I sit here, tears of dissapointment dribbling into my beer and clammato (great stuff, not that you barbarians would appreciate it!) awaiting the onrush of lesser beings to the Lyran ranks....
The above was humor
Great writing Stimpy/Ishmael, spit my beer and clam a couple of times.... Bastard!
Of course as punishment you are sentenced to the Martha simulator- (borrowed from the Klinks)- Martha in a leather jumpsuit with knee high stilleto heel boots and a riding crop. Dominating you until you bake perfect sugar cookies, get all the stains out of the carpet with lemon juice and baking soda and make a perpetual motion machine with a pine cone, scotch tape and a cardboard box.