Topic: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?  (Read 5592 times)

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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2003, 10:09:56 am »

Mace, I don't think the X1 ships in FireSoul's list include the Taldren D7X. The SFB-based DX is a different ship, and it remains to be seen how well or poorly it matches up against the other SFB-based X1 ships.  

I KNOW!!!!   I have Module X1 and know exactly what a real DX is and a DXD for that matter.  I was referring to Tracy's idea to keep the Taldren X's in there and have them come out later after the real X's come out.  

I was a joke about how all of us Klingons would be trading in our better ships for a worse one.  Get it.....a joke.  You guys....


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2003, 11:03:09 am »
I'm already on record as saying I think a mini-campaign/test bed for X-ships is advisable and something I'd like to see.

My thoughts on the subject are pretty much in line with Tracey's on this subject.  I'd like to see a little pre-advanced era time to play some of the late era ships before we start getting to the first generation X-boats.

Sicne we will be looking to test some new designs, I think some the following should be instituted:

1.  100% trade-in value, 0% shiploss (read: you die, you lose nothing, or at least, very little).  In my humble opinion, this promotes a more "balls out" style of PvP and I think this enhances the ability to judge the merits of a given ship.

2.  Mercilessly "R"estrict the largely useless ships in the OP+ (or whichever) list to promote increased availability of the better and/or targeted test ships.  The larger the shiplist, the more often the shipyard is loaded with stuff no one wants to fly.  If we start in 2283, make sure all Early Era Ships are restricted or removed.  Maybe dump everything not created after somewhere in the neighborhood of 2273 or '74.  I know that as a Klingon, I don't want to see ANY of the smaller K-refit hulls in late era.  We should only be seeing W and L refits.  The dread and battleship K-refits won't be lost because they came later.

3.  Since the campaign term is meant to be short, I suggest ship prices be very reasonable...probably "too low" by long campaign standards.  CAs and X-frigates in the 7-10K range.  BCHs and x-destroyers  in the 15K range.  Dreads and X-cruisers in the 25K range.  Remember, we're trying to playtest these ships, not fight a "real" campaign.

I see no problem with including any and all of Taldren's X-tech.  The Hydrans have the PhG2 and that's a nice weapon.  The ability to jam all over the place at high speeds holding overloaded hellbores and/or fusions is nothing to sneeze at, either.  My time in Hydran x-ships was never anything less than a blast.  I'd rather have everything available.  We can judge the merits of the weapons as we go.

I have said this before and I'll say this again...yes, flying X-ships vs. non-x-tech ships is easy and promotes lazy flying.  X-tech on X-tech is anything but boring and lazy, IMHO.  It's just different.  There is power management.  Mybe it's a little different or even a little easier, but it's there.  It's faster, and perhaps more brutal.  One mistake and you could be finished.  Remember, we're not trying to supplant non-x-tech in the DV2 campaign setting.  That's always goign to be there.  We're trying to explore a workable/reasonable version of advanced era technology within the confines of the D2 environment (to the extent that thsi does not already exist).



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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2003, 11:06:32 am »
I get the joke. I just don't get your reference to a weaker DX (the Taldren D7X). It's not in FireSoul's list. Unless he changes his list (or has changed it), the only Taldren X1 I think is going to remain is the Z-CCX, though under the CCX2 name. So, the joke is about a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, and I thought perhaps you were not aware of what was and wasn't in the list. Excuse me for trying to clear things up.


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2003, 11:07:03 am »

Taldrens X ships are abominations, especially the ones with their "X-tech" The ones that Firesoul has put in his shiplist are a lot more balanced to each other. They will still overpower a non-X late era ship of equivalent size, essentially acting as a ship of higher class. A CLX should be equivalent to a BCH, a CAX (CCX) equivalent to a DN, and should be priced accordingly imho.

Agreed about Taldren's X-Weapons.  The New weapons DO give us the Wonderful ability to MOD the game to a post-advanced/TNG era, but they should be avoided in "early" X-Ships.  Use blue Textures and Heavy photons become quantums, G2s are Pulse Phasers, etc . . .  I can truely see an all eras server being possible with X3 and X4 ships.

The idea of X-Refitting Late era ships just makes sense.  The C7 hulls would be good for a decades after 2277 and would still be in service way beyond 2300.   Again, how many Mirandas and Excelsiors fought in the Dominion War?

FS is right about the PH-G Conversion as this is tha only issue that is subjetive, but it doesn't take that much common sense to know what is unbalancing (unless you're the guy who designed the Z-CCX  ).    


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2003, 11:14:29 am »

I get the joke. I just don't get your reference to a weaker DX (the Taldren D7X). It's not in FireSoul's list. Unless he changes his list (or has changed it), the only Taldren X1 I think is going to remain is the Z-CCX, though under the CCX2 name. So, the joke is about a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, and I thought perhaps you were not aware of what was and wasn't in the list. Excuse me for trying to clear things up.  

You're excused  


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2003, 11:16:41 am »

Taldrens X ships are abominations, especially the ones with their "X-tech" The ones that Firesoul has put in his shiplist are a lot more balanced to each other. They will still overpower a non-X late era ship of equivalent size, essentially acting as a ship of higher class. A CLX should be equivalent to a BCH, a CAX (CCX) equivalent to a DN, and should be priced accordingly imho.

Two of the Taldren X heavy weapons could be utilised though. The MIRV rack could be placed on Kzinti ships - I would suggest replace a normal rack with 1 of these per ship. That way, it shouldn't be over the top and would give them a more specialised feel to their drone usage. The other weapon that could be taken into consideration is the Romulan Fast Plasma torp. As SFB has recently introduced the Plasma Sabot (faster plasma), the Fast Plasma torps could replace the G,S,R torps, giving the plasma races faster plasma at the expense of losing the flexibility of downgrading those torps. Given the power curves of the X ships themselves, this may not be a bad idea - perhaps have variants with normal plasma and variants with the new fast plasma.

Whilst it would be tempting to utilise the Heavy Disruptors and Photons also, this would leave the Hydrans at a disadvantyage, so probably best to not go there.

Just some thoughts of mine on possibilities.


Nice ideas there Mog.  I see no problems with the Fast Plasma and putting 1 Mirv on the Kzin ships.  I intend to do some playtesting tonight with Firesouls list and see how the 1st Gen X's fair against each other.  My problem with the nerfing of the CCX and the G rack implementation is still bothering me and I intend to come up with a balanced alternative.  

Just in my fights last night on LB3, against Matsuaksi, Tao, and Stimpy in their Lyran DBCP's, I was at a severe disatvantage. Granted I was flying a HWDV vs a HeavyBattleCruiser.  However in all these matches, I was unable to hit them with a drone, even having 12 drones and all 6 Mastiffs firing.  I cant imagine getting into 1st Gen X's and all the extra PPD and not being able to even use my drones.  Even though one Mirv rack might not help, its 4 more drones I can put in the air so that maybe at least one will hit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fluf »


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2003, 01:57:48 pm »
How about:

The Attack of the Andro Amazons or T&A's...heh...

Give all the women Andro's.....when they defeat a  man in battle ...he is added to their "harem" and must fight for his mistress....the woman with the biggest harem is the winner for women...the last single man is the winner for the men...

C' gotta like that!


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2003, 02:15:58 pm »
LOL!!! So who wants to be the first in my harem??


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2003, 02:37:11 pm »

LOL!!! So who wants to be the first in my harem??  

uhhmmmm.... you do realize that this thread's post count is going over 100 now, right?


pick me pick me!!!   hehe  


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2003, 03:26:42 pm »

LOL!!! So who wants to be the first in my harem??  

You'd have to beat me first . . .  


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2003, 04:17:02 pm »
Why do I suspect you guys would just lower you shields....sheesh

You could at least offer some token resistance...LMAO



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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2003, 05:07:29 pm »

Why do I suspect you guys would just lower you shields....sheesh

You could at least offer some token resistance...LMAO




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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2003, 05:27:24 pm »

LOL!!! So who wants to be the first in my harem??  

and who wants to be first in mine?  


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2003, 07:50:25 am »
Way to kill a thread, Kroma


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2003, 08:14:34 am »

Way to kill a thread, Kroma  

Looks like I found my new cabin boy.  


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2003, 08:29:38 am »
In your dreams Tutu


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2003, 09:34:53 am »


Why do I suspect you guys would just lower you shields....sheesh

You could at least offer some token resistance...LMAO



This would explain all the scratches, abrasions, and minor to moderate brusing medical officers dealt with in the TV shows when klingons took an, erm, 'interest' in one another.

You can take the weather out of the internet, but not the seasons.  Especially this season.



  • Guest
Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2003, 11:13:34 am »



Why do I suspect you guys would just lower you shields....sheesh

You could at least offer some token resistance...LMAO



This would explain all the scratches, abrasions, and minor to moderate brusing medical officers dealt with in the TV shows when klingons took an, erm, 'interest' in one another.

You can take the weather out of the internet, but not the seasons.  Especially this season.


Enough of your banter InvisoCat!!


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2003, 03:12:06 pm »


Way to kill a thread, Kroma  

Looks like I found my new cabin boy.  


Tracey, hide me!!!


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Re: Next "Light" SFCX OP Server? Poll and an "X"cellent idea?
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2003, 11:20:38 am »




Why do I suspect you guys would just lower you shields....sheesh

You could at least offer some token resistance...LMAO



This would explain all the scratches, abrasions, and minor to moderate brusing medical officers dealt with in the TV shows when klingons took an, erm, 'interest' in one another.

You can take the weather out of the internet, but not the seasons.  Especially this season.


Enough of your banter InvisoCat!!  

Bah!  Go talk about sports with your friends, if you're so wound up.

And for people that are unaware, this is what that means:

The invisocat sees all, and it sees that the season is spring,

inviso--, er I mean Holocat.