Hello all.
Just wanted to let all D2 server admins know that you are all welcome to use the SFCx IRC server for your D2 campaigns / servers.
You will need to put in the following in chat.gf:
Besure and change the Port value in your chat.gf or you will not connect. The server is not monitoring the standard 6667 port.
Also a few things to note:
1) the server is a bit slow at connection (this is a known issue that we are working on) so you might wnat to increase the delay before first turn
2) this server is dedicated but is on a frac-T1 so heavy use could cause slowdowns
3) max channels for any "client" is 20 so all the channels for OP should now be available (not tested)
4) all from this community are welcome to use the IRC service both for servers or just for general chat but please keep it clean
5) further changes and tweaking may cause brief outages, we will try to keep them as breif as possible
6) problems connecting (other than case #1 and 2 above) contact me at
cptcastrin@pegicorn.comThat's it. Hope this helps any admins that need a chat server.
gl gh and hf!