OOH OOH!! I got my first human kill today!!!!!
Me as Maxillius on LB3 in my R-WB+ vs.... uhhmm... another human, started with A but I don't remember the rest... in his F-NAC
I drafted him, but didn't know he was there till I got the big count... seems he was supposed to have two others with him!!!
1v1 fair fight <snicker>... seems I caught him on his way to resupply, as he had no drones.
I thought about letting him run, but what sane warbird captain has EVER let his prey run off? (as opposed to it just happen that way because his ship's powered by 6 centurions in the engine room on exercise bkes)
The finishing blow was a point blank plasma R blast, crippling me as well
The mission immediately after that I was drafted by another Fed, this one in a BCF, and I lasted long enough to watch him throw me a T bomb, set it off, and alpha me to death... like I needed to be alphaed, I was at half hull integrity after the previous engagement. Anyway, I sat around ant watched him and the AI fight it out, best battle I ever seen. He was so concentrated on the Hawk infront of him that he didn't see the Condor behind and ended up taking 4 plasma balls Kroma-style. He won, but toward the end the Condor and the BCF were crawling and burning.... great fun!!