Topic: You bet I want a screenie from this: Announcing the MF Darkstar!  (Read 1460 times)

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Okay, it's finished for SFC 1, SFC 2, and SFC 3... although no guarantees on the SFC 3 version for placement of weapons and such.  Did my best, and hopefully it'll be all well and good.  

But it's finally out:

This shows the scale of the various *stars.

AA2000 should really be thanked for this one.. this is an awesome design.  

Get 'er at Mare Imbrium:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: You bet I want a screenie from this: Announcing the MF Darkstar!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2003, 09:26:37 am »
Yippe the DarkStar for all versions of SFC that is AWESOME, i also noticed that you have the Kane's Station online totally awesome going to be playing this on SFC3 for sure love this ship since i first saw it, wish i had time to do the fanfic with it that i promised, ah well keep up the awesome work and lets hope the b5fc mod comes back to life  


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Re: You bet I want a screenie from this: Announcing the MF Darkstar!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2003, 01:26:04 pm »

Yippe the DarkStar for all versions of SFC that is AWESOME, i also noticed that you have the Kane's Station online totally awesome going to be playing this on SFC3 for sure love this ship since i first saw it, wish i had time to do the fanfic with it that i promised, ah well keep up the awesome work and lets hope the b5fc mod comes back to life  

Consider my version of the Station a teaser, I had a talk with Kane the other day and he's in process of re-uploading the Station.  However, he's on dialup right now.. so it may take a bit.  And what I have up is an older mirror, not the newest version of the Station that was up just before perooz went down.  But the good news is that when I was talking to him, the B5 section was complete, and he was working on BSG and Trek when I had to go to bed.  

As for the Darkstar, it was long delayed... mostly because the project stalled because of RL issues with Kane and myself (plus others in the project).  But the project has never officially died, this release is still part of the B5FC Project.  The only thing different about this one over the others is that it doesn't have the Shipedit file with it as did the Whitestar.  But they're the same basic stats for both ships as I understand it.. just the Darkstar has two lesser powered guns in place of the one nose gun.

Next B5 releases for SFC 3 are:

Sharlin Cruiser
ISA Victory Class
Babylon 5

The tough part here is going to be the Victory Class.. I'm worried the game is going to scale this down from its canon 1.25 miles because it's a ship.  If I make it a space station for designation, maybe that'll do it.  Don't know..


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Re: You bet I want a screenie from this: Announcing the MF Darkstar!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2003, 06:03:55 pm »
Wow! nice screen shots on the three stars.
And Alec is right the Dark Star is an atempt to copy the original White Star using Minbari technology and there limited knownledge of Vorlon Tech.  


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Re: You bet I want a screenie from this: Announcing the MF Darkstar!
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2003, 07:11:42 pm »
Atheorhaven- no, that may not be correct. I have a Super Star Destroyer (the one I was crowing about last week), and it shows up in game SUPER giant.... very laughable as it outsizes a Cube by five times, an even dwarfs a planet. If that model is large, it'll surely show up large. Of course, when I played with your Shadow Battlecrab, it showed up smaller than I thought it would.
Any idea how to change its size in 3DMax? I hit the tools, then added 'resize world units', but it makes no changes in-game.
That was my two shillings worth, maybe it helps.

Either way- the models ( the Dark Star especially) are real beauties. Good work comrade.