Topic: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?  (Read 55981 times)

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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #360 on: April 30, 2003, 11:39:32 am »

Yeah, bases would get it as well.  But, sensor blinding by weapons fire is something else not included in the SFC conversion.  

I'm quite aware of that.. .. nor is the 1 point of power used.

.. but it feels 'right'.. it feels like it would be the right thing to do in this case.
I want opinions.

-- Luc


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #361 on: April 30, 2003, 11:42:54 am »


Yeah, bases would get it as well.  But, sensor blinding by weapons fire is something else not included in the SFC conversion.  

I'm quite aware of that.. .. nor is the 1 point of power used.

.. but it feels 'right'.. it feels like it would be the right thing to do in this case.
I want opinions.

-- Luc  



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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #362 on: April 30, 2003, 11:47:52 am »


What are you agreeing to?


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #363 on: April 30, 2003, 11:54:16 am »



What are you agreeing to?  

That it is the right thing to do by giving ships and bases with special sensors more drone control.


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #364 on: April 30, 2003, 11:56:24 am »
Cool! Other opinions?


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #365 on: April 30, 2003, 12:33:53 pm »
  Suddenly, a small grey cat is pushed out from beween the forum curtains and onto the podium. It blinks in the sudden, glaring light and grabs the microphone with a paw, "Uh, test?  Te-- *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIING* -st?  Alright, I think it's working.  Ahem."

  "I have been bamboozled, er," The small cat scribbles something on its speech sheets, "Er, I mean, asked to state my opinion, for the record, concerning the plus six drone control that is proposed to be given to ships with special sensors.  I, Holocat, find myself in favour of giving said refit to the general OP+ shiplist.

  "Firstly, this refit was proposed as a solution to some of the problems that the mirak purportedly face with some of their ships.  From preliminary findings, it should add drone control to many deserving mirak ships.  However, it also adds drone control to some federation and klingon ships as well, pushing a few into what many will consider," it raises it's kitten paws for effect, "cheeze."

  "In defence of this, firstly, the ships that are being pushed into this 'cheeze' are already considered my most in the community to be 'cheezy,' and thus should not bear any significant tatical problems, barring the usual ones that already exist with said 'cheezy' ships.

  "Secondly, most bases will recieve this upgrade, most having the special sensor in question.  I see this as an improvment of the situation, as most bases do not have an overwhelming drone launch capacity anyway."

  "Finally, I believe that even in the case of cheeze, I would find fighting against the extra missle control... intresting.  I see it as a new and hitherto unexplored avenue of drone craziness which I think I would enjoy.  Thank you for your time."

  The cat trots off the podium and looks between the curtains.  "Whaaaat?"

« Last Edit: April 30, 2003, 12:36:04 pm by Holocat »


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #366 on: April 30, 2003, 05:30:27 pm »

The E-rack is, in effect, a B-rack that loads as fast as a C-rack.

If you can somehow address the "problem" with adding reloads to the stock C-rack, I suppose that's fine.

Incidentally...that raises a question.  The D5DR in your shiplist is the same as a D5D, but supposedly has extra "reloads."  How is this manifested?  I see no difference between it and the stock D5D in terms of systems, maximum drone load (90) or the "free refills" (36)  you get after a mission.   What have I missed?

All the Mirak ships should have E rackS.



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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #367 on: April 30, 2003, 05:32:42 pm »

Couple quick shiplist questions, and this seems to be the place to get a good answer  

F-DDG/+  is listed as a drone bombardment ship....why?   It only carries 2 G racks.

Also, should the F-BCG have double drone control?   The BCV, which is  identical weapons wise, has it.

Same question for the F-GSC/CVL.


Feds want everything!


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #368 on: April 30, 2003, 05:34:22 pm »


Doh,  actually Kortez was a Klingon in the GFL and we kidnapped him.  So his change over to the Mirak shiplist has been, well for lack of better words, less then stellar for him.  He just plain thinks the Mirak shiplist sucks.  Unfortunately, I have to agree with him on alot of his points.  But I have always flown Mirak since the game came out and have always managed to overcome.  

Yes, I know...hence my suggestion.  You can take the Klingon out of the Empire, but you can't take the Empire out of the Klingon.  


I still smuggle Gath and bloodwine, and my painstick factory has been making money for the longest time.

Blowing up Fluf has a definite attraction ...

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #369 on: April 30, 2003, 06:16:59 pm »
Any chance this will be ready for the weekend? I am giving my brother a brand new copy of OP and want to give him the latest stuff... Having never played OP or SFB I want to make a good impression on him so I can recruit a new player LOL!



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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #370 on: April 30, 2003, 06:26:58 pm »
I started last night.. so..
If I go nuts like I usually do, and forego testing .. maybe.
.. if I want to reserve time for testing,.. no.


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #371 on: May 01, 2003, 05:51:14 pm »
You guys will test this for me..
.. I intend to put this work up tonight.

-- Luc


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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #372 on: May 02, 2003, 08:50:25 pm »

I have noticed the G-BTLE is a CA with the same weps at the G-CA, better shields(all around), 5 tractors, and a little less power.

At 78 BPV it is basically the same ship as the CA at 130?  Is this right?

The G-BTs as a rule may need to be looked at.




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Re: Planning OP+ shiplist 2.1 .. controversial?
« Reply #373 on: May 02, 2003, 08:55:28 pm »


I have noticed the G-BTLE is a CA with the same weps at the G-CA, better shields(all around), 5 tractors, and a little less power.

At 78 BPV it is basically the same ship as the CA at 130?  Is this right?

The G-BTs as a rule may need to be looked at.



You might be right.. you definitely might be right. But let's not post in this thread anymore. .. instead, start a new thread.