I'm sorry I'm not understanding things too well, so please someone explain:
First, what CnC rules are in question affecting how anyone flies anything on OP? Up until recently, there were no campaigns, and Reclamation is the first semi-serious attempt at one. There are no CnC rules on Reclamation. The only limitation is a 2-ship ownership limit setting in the .gf files.
Second, if nobody's played an OP campaign with this shiplist so that they've actually gotten to X-ship releases, isn't all this guff about getting neutered unfounded? Have you tried the X1 ships in the OP+ list vs. other X1 ships? Remember, they were ALL redone according to FS. Another important point is that FS does not use PhG on his X1 ships, so the non-Mirak/Kzinti X1 ships do not have anywhere near the ability to deal with MIRVs that Taldren X1s do.
Third, where is this history of Mirak/Kzinti oppression that seems to be a point of contention? Again, we are almost starting over with OP campaigns, so what balance or rules do or don't get used is up for debate until we've actual had some campaigns.
I'm trying to see both sides of this, and it seems to me what the Mirak/Kzinti need is a MDC-type X-drone cruiser, which would have B racks and ADD12s. I personally don't agree with FS's G-rack use in this case because the upper limit of drones one can buy with a G is much lower than with a B. While the more reloads translation may work OK for the AI, it does hurt the player-flown ships.