But the question WAS asking how it compared to the others, specifically OP. I think it was summed up nicely, "SFC Lite".
But yes, if you are more of a Trek fan and not so much an SFB/SFC/TOS/TMP fan, then surely, buy it. Some of the "FEATURES" Castrin doled out ARE indeed nice. Some of the others, well, they suck in a certain % of peoples opinion.
Warp in mission... Very nice, until you get some jerk in a BoP who cloaks and flys around the map edges for an hour, warping away whenever you detect him.
A/V? Some nice aspects to it, IF of course you figure that a 24th century Starship is unable to target a moving vessel as well as your average skeet shooter who can hit a hi-lo crossing pair of birds...
Its a good game, I enjoyed playing it right up until they gave a beta patch. Im waitin on the offical myself. Try some of those OP new missions and by all means dload the OP shiplists, they ROCK!
Have a nice day!