i talked to Firesoul on his OP server about a week and a half ago about this and he said it was a great idea, but he has no time himself to contribute anything except a SFB accurate shiplist to work off of...
as for models... FleetDock 13 has a lot of TOS models for some races, not all but some....
Athrahasis & P81's D2 pack of EAW / OP would work for mid and Late era ships for Fed, Klink and Rom... maybe the moddelers here could contribute some some of their work to fill in the rest of the races, including the Orion Cartels...
Remember, this isn't a rework of Firesouls shiplist for OP +, it is just a cosmetic adjustment to the current game using Firesouls added ships in the shiplist...
If i can get time, I can start getting the models for TOS together, but not all races are available to complete that Era (Early), not all races are available to my knowledge for TMP ships for all races (mid era), only a few X ships were made custom for OP and much is lacking in that department (late era) and TNG, the community is currently working on ships for SFC 3 that could be converted to SFC OP, plus I think that many here have the imagination needed to create ships for the rest of the races in the game for the TNG era (advanced)...
I can ask Firesoul if he would send me a breakdown of the years on all the ships in terms of era that OP uses for the ship generation in the shipyard, thus making the game enjoyable in a progressive transition into more powerful ships through the ages.. actually playing a game where cosmetically you see the advancement in technology when playing...
imagine, your in a F-CA ship that looks like the TOS ships, you get into a battle where your wing man is flying a TMP F-CA that looks like the ships in TWOK or ST VI ... then later on, you buy an X ship, and you help a player that is still in their TOS ship, which they are thinking of trading in for a newer model... it keeps the game progressing and everyone can see ship advancements across the board in terms of asthetics...
that is what I was hoping for in SFC 1 when i bought it in 1999, but no Mod was ever done like that in SFC history, well, at least none that I know of... If you already made one Chris for EAW, KUDOS to you.... however, I prefer playing stock ships, but have come to enjoy the OP+ listing because it is way more challenging...
just imagine your Fed TOS ship going against a TNG Klink ship.... what an epic battle that would be, even if the Klink won easily, you could physicall see why right off the bat, instead of wondering why you lost so quickly....
just food for thought....