Topic: Okay, Karnak...out with it.  (Read 10952 times)

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2003, 10:46:00 pm »
  A conversation.

      Karnak can have an ego, just like Dog.  He can also express his opinion.
     If someone is a little thin skinned don't read it.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cocomoe »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2003, 12:11:41 am »


  Well you got one dude.    


Are you saying this in response to cleavens post about dogmatix getting rid of the interloper?

You better not be.

Dogmatix, this thread is highly abusive. I officialy protest.

I havent heard from Karnak since this thread was put up. I'd suggest you stop being the damned relationship police and let him have his say. Its a damn free country and if he want to tell someone to kiss his ass, he has a right to. But when ppl start moving toward expelling a player or even suggesting that, then it has gone too far.

Dog, if Karnak doesnt come back, I hold you responsible and as such have to give serious thought as to wether I should leave as well. I'm sure you'd be happier seeing us both go...  

Nah..that wouldn't make me happy, Diz.  I like you both.

What would make me happy is seeing you not overreact at every turn or fail to understand simple English.  

Your most recent post is wacky in the extreme, mah brutha.  Leave if you like.  That's your choice, not mine.

As far as Karnak goes...did you miss the part about how this thread was about soliciting his say by requesting information as to what exactly was his problem?  Remember how I requested a rational discussion?  Sure ya do...go back and read it all again!

No soup for you until you do!

Relationship police....ahaha!  Priceless.  

Sorry I posted in this thread again.  I couldn't help it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2003, 12:24:01 am »
Well, I'm pretty much on the same page as Fluf. I'm not an admin, couldn't mission script to save my life, wouldn't know what gf setting does what. But I have been around for a while, and I've been lucky enough to be the Assistant Race Moderator for the Feds on This has let me get to know many of the admins fairly well, I'd like to think, and I call a number of them  friend. I'm sure that's a large part of why I've taken exception to Karnak's comments about them, as my opinion may be a bit colored.

Dizzy, I just don't understand why you would think any of the admins come off as "elitist". I certainly don't see it. From what I can tell, those I talk to on a regular basis are quite excited by the prospect of SG3, it sounds like a great campaign, and I totally commend you for your efforts. And let me take this opportunity to again apologize for not being able to contribute more to the SG3 development forum. As to Karnak, let me say that, as Fluf mentioned, this goes back to AOTK. I won't belabor the points of that episode here, but since then...

Karnak, since then, you have largely been combative, insulting, and simply rather hard to get along with. Quite frankly, I don't understand why. Until this thread, I had yet to see anyone call you out first. You always seem to be the aggressor in this regard. Many here would agree. Yes, not a few of us have traded barbs with you...doesn't that say something to you?

 I would like to be on record as saying that I applaud you for taking up scripting, and contributing to the community. But...

 There are so many people here that have contributed in their own ways, large and small, and that's what makes us a COMMUNITY. And, just like any community, there are differing personalities,  which is inevitably going to lead to arguements, hurt feelings, and a not a few insults. But, it is how we face the consequences of those arguements, and own up to our mistakes, that DEFINES us as a community. And, at this point, you have some owning up to do.



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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2003, 07:18:45 am »
After reading all these and previous posts on this subject, I have but one comment myself.

I can't thank the SFC2.Net team enough, for all the hard work and effort they have put into the EAW servers!!!!

I know very little about computers themself's much less all that goes into putting a server together, but just what I gather at work letting Jeff vent to me about tweeking this or that, to get everything hopefully right before a server starts up. Then I have to remind him that they are all...ONLY HUMAN...and mistakes happen!!

All I'm saying is...I have had Hrs and Hrs of FUN, and its taken my mind away from RL when I've needed it, I bought this game and the others for that very reason !!!!  

So Again.....Thank You  ALL.....very very much!!!!     (Tips his hat !!)

Salute to Dog and Fluff....good posts guys!!!



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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2003, 07:20:01 am »
It looks to me like both sides in this matter have had problems with each other and things have got too heated. I really doubt that a public thread can help anything and agree with Karnak's decision not to contribute to the argument.  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2003, 07:24:13 am »

It looks to me like both sides in this matter have had problems with each other and things have got too heated. I really doubt that a public thread can help anything and agree with Karnak's decision not to contribute to the argument.  

Good post


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2003, 09:17:41 am »

It looks to me like both sides in this matter have had problems with each other and things have got too heated. I really doubt that a public thread can help anything and agree with Karnak's decision not to contribute to the argument.  

.... beyond that which he already has contributed, as documented above.  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2003, 11:00:42 am »

.... beyond that which he already has contributed, as documented above.    

"Good post."  

Hey..if this thread changes things going forward, it hasn't been a waste in my eyes.  We'll just have to see.

Thanks for the kind words Wanderer (again, happy birthday!) and C-Los.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2003, 03:27:59 pm »
Hello crimnick,


These folkes are worse the "us Off-Topic" Forum people are eh,
Woo, the bodies stack here fast,

Take care,



       What is your problem Dog?  What did Karnak do?  I want to hear your side of this whatever it is, then I will goto karnak.


Sheesh....well.. in this thread ...on page 4...dizzy posted this:


 Ya, and remember SG3 is comming up. Its very cool. Cleaven, I hope you will give it a try.

The neutral coop bug... shouldnt be an issue on SG3, there is hardly any neutral terrain. Anyways... I support OP and EAW.

My first server was on OP. And the sfcx guys are the most commited bunch of admins I have ever seen.    OP D2 still doesnt work worth beans and they still keep at it trying to get it to work. If this effort doesnt win you over to OP, then screw off. They deserver better than what they have been given...

But give the SG3 EAW campaign a chance. Dont dis it cuz its an EAW campaign. It took forever to get just right. And is sure to be a crowd pleaser. It needs a large player base, so I hope to see you there when it launches. The beta server for it should go up in a cpl days, and Ill let everyone know where to get the D/L.

As far as the OP and EAW servers... the SCFX guys have told me they supprt SG3 on EAW. I support their servers. I mean... some ppl like one over the other. Thats fine.

If you dont like SG3, then stick to the OP campaigns. But try SG3 out. There's just too many cool things that aere new to ignore it. Hehe... I have so many cool surprises in SG3, you will freak out!


You'll note the highlighted comment...

Followed by: Capt Jeff's reply in which he uses a well known Dizzism...STFU


 Dizzy, really......STFU !

People have waited a year for a patch, and now have one that makes the game enjoyable for them (and me as well, as I have and love playing OP).

It's like telling someone they suck on their birhtday....lets encourage movement to having 2 fun and playable games.

Then we have Karnak chime in a few posts later...


 No worries, jdmckinney.

If OP can run a stable dyna campaign with the same quality control as an EAW dyna then it won't take much work to convert existing missions and servers to OP.

What I see as a bigger danger to the community as a whole is all the snippy statements going around from admins in the last few weeks. You want to drive programmers away from SFC development or potential programmers from mission scripting then let's just keep it up. Same goes for people with campaign ideas that would love to admin a campaign. When they see the admins acting like this who in their right mind would consider the techies reliable enough to get the job done.

   It starting to get to the point where I think I should start asking for Forum moderator intervention for the good of D2.

Statements like "STFU" from admins only get people irritated and consider you a person to be ignored.


 Note...a forum Mod might also say never know...

Then...a few posts later...we have Jeff's reply to karnak.....


 You know, I could go on and on about my commitments and time spent helping better this game and community, but I don't have the ego to go on and on about it like someone here.

What have you done so far ? How long have you had friendships with people from this board?

If you knew some of these people half as well as I do, you'd know that sometimes Dizzy needs to be talked to in a manner that HE understands to make it stick.

Again..STFU is a well known dizzism...

Now on the 6th page...Karnak replies to Jeff again...


 You'll have to enlightend me on what exactly you've done for D2 in the last 6 months cuz I don't get impressed easily. So far, I've seen the following:

1) Dizzy putting in mucho hours on SG3 certainly more hours than you have put in.
2) Been given irresponsible assurances about web-casters and then dumped.

As for me, I'm trying to clean up the mess the admins are leaving behind, and getting quite tired off it, to be frank. First, by getting SG3 going. Second, check out this thread and especially read KBF-Crim's comments:

As for saying a person needs to be yelled and cussed at to get the point across. That's abusive behavior and you know it. No one, and I mean no one deserves to be treated like that. I assume you are an educated person you must have a more sophisticated vocabulary to draw on.

Do that one too many times in the workplace and you are fired. Go ahead and try it if you don't believe me.

   You know I really don't feel good about doing all this SG3 cleanup for the admins. Why don't you fire up your own Visual C++ compiler and cleanup your admin mess instead of relying on outsiders to do it. If you can't then I think it would be best it such people as yourself stay away from SG3. Because, if you do I will very much be tempted to ban your ass off the server. Why? Because, that's the way one has deal with people like you to get the message to stick.


Then a reply to a different thread to Tracy when she asks about bug fixes for Karnaks scripts:


 The missions are fixed but suddenly after my little chat with Jeff I don't think I want them on L3 anymore unless you plan on banning him from L3. So, you may as well pull all my missions out.

Thanks. me.....this last statment is "I'm taking my ball and going home"...

Dizz has an obvious, though slightly twisted, sence of humor....

Does karnak have one?.....your guess is as good as mine....if not...I hope he finds where he hid it...

But let me say this to  everyone ....I dont suffer fools well.....and only a fool would get into a pissing match about  nothing ...My disrupter has an optional setting called "moderate"....I allready had to use it once recently on the server schedual thread...and I'm not afraid to use it again.... I remember quite well what was said in that thread...and who said it....

And I dont read so good without my I would be  very careful to use the word "ban" in a post, as I might confuse it with a request for a time out...

Is that clear enough for everyone?

Play games all you want...but dont play stupid games.

Oh yeah....I almost forgot....


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2003, 04:00:49 pm »

1. Keeping me Interested in a desk top game 5 times longer any !! [Fookers]

2. Making me visit these boards everyday for way to _ucking long ! [Delete that god dammed off topic forum it just pisses me off ]

3. Making me meet all these very cool folk ,yes even Nanner and Dizzy are cool [Jury's still out on Kroma though ]

4. Forcing me to learn drone defence and at least show some improvment in piloting skills to stay somewhat competitive.

5. And last but not least Making me stay up all night to play their extremly well thought out campiagns that took god only knows how many hours to compleate ! all for what ? Nothing!  not a _ucking penny , only abuse from morons who dont appreciate other peoples time and efforts !


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2003, 04:14:07 pm »

3. Making me meet all these very cool folk ,yes even Nanner and Dizzy are cool [Jury's still out on Kroma though ]


Note to self, pickup hot pink cathod on way home for Doplers rig.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2003, 04:16:44 pm »


3. Making me meet all these very cool folk ,yes even Nanner and Dizzy are cool [Jury's still out on Kroma though ]


Simply's quite impossible for a chubby lizard in a pink tutu to be "cool."  Granted, I'm a Klingon and such imagery just goes way beyond the pale of what we think is acceptable attire for a Warrior.



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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #72 on: April 25, 2003, 04:17:43 pm »

Well I was going to stay out of this, but oh well cant miss a good flamefest.  

Kortez orders his Chief Adviser Amraz into the Kzinti throne room as he reads the forums.

"Yes, sire," Amraz bows, as always.

"I see Fluf is posting unauthorized flames again ..."

Amraz shuffles back and forth.  "It's not the first time, Sire, and he is right, so ..."

Kortez cuts him off.  "Who cares if he's right?  Has he baked the pies We ordered him to bake yet?"

"Uh, um, no, Sire," Amraz is trying to think of a way to settle this peaceably.

Kortez stands up and points his finger to the door.  "Then have him dragged to the dungeon and throw him into the Pie baking chamber we set up there.  I want 50 pies of all varietes from him or he'll never leave!  Right, wrong, who cares?  I want my pies!!"

Amraz bows and departs hastily  "At once, Sire!"

Kortez shouts after Amraz "have Fluf send Blade his pies or he dies ... you too!"

Kortez sits down and codes a transcript of one line:  "You can't find good help here!"



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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #73 on: April 25, 2003, 04:22:09 pm »
Must be nice  ! He is building me a magnificent unit per the wifes request dosent say much for me aye ? Hope Scips not reading this thread


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #74 on: April 25, 2003, 04:49:52 pm »

The Dopler admits:
Must be nice  ! He is building me a magnificent unit per the wifes request dosent say much for me aye ? Hope Scips not reading this thread  

For the love of God, man, put that thing away!  No one wants to see that!  And to think you put this in a thread with the title, "OK, Karnak..... out with it!"

Well, at least you have the courage to admit you needed enhancement.  I can respect that.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #75 on: April 25, 2003, 09:40:23 pm »


 But let me say this to everyone ....I dont suffer fools well.....and only a fool would get into a pissing match about nothing ...My disrupter has an optional setting called "moderate"....I allready had to use it once recently on the server schedual thread...and I'm not afraid to use it again....  

Seems..I wasnt taken seriously...

Ambassador Dogmatix.....with all due respect and heavy heart....

By the power vested in me by Taldren and with guidence from the Klingon Honor Code and for the express purpose of galactic relations......

I hereby relieve you of command of this thread.....

This thread serves no purpose other than continue something that should be handled in private....your point was made long ago...

I accept full responsibilty for this act of gross insubordination and stand ready to face any action the Black Fleet may deem fit....