Dash Jones have you considered that plasmas might be as accurate as other torpedoes? They have big degradation but people seem to operate on assumptions or suppositions. I have been guilty of things in the past and now I am wary. I know there are exact numbers on how accurate weapons are and I have heard one who say they are just as accurate. In relativity theory we know a lot of what we see is just perception not reality.
I don't speak from a lot of experience with romulans but I do know players percieve things they want to see.
I don't see how you think Polarons are overpowered. Polarons do only 9 damage, they have no proximity ability, cost a lot of pp and rarely penetrate shields.
Quantum bashing is so popular but I am not sure about the solidarity of such bashing's foundation.
I haven't played in a while and I love the Federation but I think I am an obective player. Note the many other occasions in which I have spoken outwardly against the Federation in many ways. I have also played Klingon heavily and other races in a passing manner aside from the Federation. So I have some experience with everything.
It is a wise man who says that one cannot have all the answers but I know for certain there is a problem with the Federation so don't jump on me for trying to point other stuff out.