It's been a while since I last posted something on here. I'd like to start by saying (ahem) "TALDREN, BRING OUT A PATCH THAT FIXES BUGS, NOT MAKES MORE OF THEM! MAKE AN OFFICIAL - NON BETA - PATCH SOON!!!!!! I'M TIRED OF BEING A LOWLY LIEUTENANT WITH 78,000 PRESTIGE [OVERALL] COMMANDING A SOVEREIGN! I SHOULD BE A CAPTAIN!" and then I'd like to run some ideas past all you fellow SFC3 fans.
FIrst up, I reckon that Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres' daughter Miral is VERY hot in the alternate future. With or without ridges. (WIth ridges preferably though...don't ask) and then I'd like to say that I actually finally watched the last episode of the Voyager series. And I was sitting in my lounge mouth gaping when I saw a) Ablative armour and b) Transphasic torpedoes. Now, I know you Roms will cry out that the Feds would have too much of an advantage (torpedo excluded) becuase of the highly durable armour but Taldren, would it be possible to make an ablative armour add-on with the SFC3 engine? It could use the second Bridge item hardpoint, it's not like the Federation can use it for anything else...unless you're me...And it would have to weigh in at atleast 700-800 mass points but think...
Massed fleets of Federation vessels attacking Borg space with more protection than usual, of course to make it fair, they would have to be penetrable. Say, about 1.5 to 2 times stronger than a type 10 shield? Be reasonable, the Voyager suffered only 50 percent damage to its aft armour modules after being attack by 3 Borg cubes. Or, it could be used INSTEAD of shields. It could be a seperate item in the shield section of the refit screen. FORWARD, AFT, PORT and STARBOARD Ablative armour generators. Or something similiar, I dunno, I'm just getting ideas out of my head.
RIghto, Transphasic torpedoes. Eek. If I were a Borg, I'd be leeking coolant from my imperfect bladder when I saw an Intrpid lurking up behind you with ablative armour up and Transphasic torps armed. But, I am fair and would settle for a T-Torp doing say 30 damage with a 20% chance of a direct hit (one shot kill) and they can't be fired in volleys. What do you Feds think? Kick a little bit o' Borg hiney?
And don't despair Romulans, I hold a spot in my heart for you poor sods. I recently began a Romulan Conquest campaign and I downgraded to an FF with Type-I disruptors and was ambushed by 2 Pirate light cruisers. Here's what has to happen a) recharge time decrease. I was playing solataire while I waited for my Type-Is to recharge and b) damage increase. They are crap compared to the Typ-IX phaser, and the K-Disruptor Type-I is better than the Romulans version. How do you Roms survive?
ALso, TALDREN! Bone to pick with you! WHat ever happened to the ROMULANS HAVING PHOTON TORPEDOES??? They do have them, and their green like Gravimetric torpedoes. I changed the load out of ALL my Romulan ships to carry G-Torps so at least now they pose a threat to the Federation, and made the Type-L and M Plasma torps unavailable for refit and made the Heavy plasma torp the only type availabe. Taldren, what did we pay AUS$80 odd for? I'm an Aussie, I payed $80 odd for a game that doesn't promote me, and isn't accurate in it's simulation of the Star Trek universe. Even the opening movie contradicts the game. The Romulans are using GREEN photon torpedoes, yet you're stuck with mostly innaccurate plasmas in-game.
Now that I've had my spit and hope someone involved in making a patch or add-on is taking notes. WE NEED:
1) Promotions. I've never seen a Lieutenant command a Sovereign. Actually I haven't seen them command a ship at al, but I know where you're coming from.
2) Ablative Armour. So what if the Federation have better shields, now they can have armour that's better that's better than shields. It'd be lighter than Shield generators which makes for more manouverable ships.
3) Transphasic Torpedoes. Federation anti-Borg uber-weapon. Capable of a one shot kill against a Borg Cube chances are slim.
4) Romulan weapon recharge times decreased and damage dealt increased.
5) Romulan Photon Torpedoes (GREEN) and Plasma Torpedo as stand alone unique weapon.
6)Bring in the Dominion, Cardassians and Bio Species 8472 or is it 8742 I can ever remember but bring them in!
-Jem'Hadar Attackship - CL
-Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser - BCH
-Breen Warship - DN
-Jem'Hadar Battleship - BB
-Karemman - F
-Hideki - FF
-Keldon - BCH
-Galor - DN
-Cardassian Military Frieghter - F
-Bio-Ship - BB - It beats a Borg Cube, c'mon, be reasonable.
Above are the proposals for the ships of those races. They are all actual official ships, not fictional and their types (FF, DD, CL, CA etc.) are determined by their firepower not their size. And the Keldon is more a troop carrying Galor than a Battleship. I've seen those things in action, two got raped by the Defiant.
So, whadda ya think? DO I have too much time on my hands or do I actually have something here? Though I do relaise these things take time.
Well, that's all for now.
Captain (Should be) DarkWolf556, Commanding USS Yamato, Aegis/Aegean class DD.