Topic: Fleets  (Read 1534 times)

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« on: January 25, 2003, 02:43:05 pm »
why can the AI split human fleets?

2 human fleet members move into a sector with 6 AI's. All AI's attack.

1 Sov, 1 Defiant in human fleet
4 Sphere  Primes, 2 Pyramids in AI fleet.

Sov gets 2 Pyraminds
Defiant gets 4 Sphere primes

1.) How did this happen
2.) If this is going to happen why didnt the Sov get the 4 Spheres?



  • Guest
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2003, 02:43:05 pm »
why can the AI split human fleets?

2 human fleet members move into a sector with 6 AI's. All AI's attack.

1 Sov, 1 Defiant in human fleet
4 Sphere  Primes, 2 Pyramids in AI fleet.

Sov gets 2 Pyraminds
Defiant gets 4 Sphere primes

1.) How did this happen
2.) If this is going to happen why didnt the Sov get the 4 Spheres?