Well I was going to stay out of this, but oh well cant miss a good flamefest. Although Im not a member of the SFC2.net admin team, I am a Race Moderator for the SFC2.net organization and have also been a Server Moderatior in various OP projects. I have never found the SFC2.net Admin team to be nothing but helpful whenever they can. LB3 was originally going to be a SFC3 server (which is still in the making). However when I saw the new patch for OP come out, I immediately downloaded the server kit and decided to do an OP campaign so that we could check out the patch and play with the fixes.
Once I saw that the SFCX team had Reclamation going and had a good handle on this already, I decided to hold off on putting a server up. However when DOE ended and after talking with Karnak and seeing that SG3 was going to be delayed at least 2 weeks, and also seeing TraceyG's thread requesting DarkElf get some kind of server up in the interim, I decided to put LB3 on EAW.
My original intentions were just to put this on the KOTH Server. However, Kortez is in the middle of moving and ther server could not be used. I throw the campaign together in 72 hours and simply post a thread saying I need a server to put the campaign on. Within hours, I have both Rajnsaj and the SFC2.net team saying they would be willing to host it. We decided to go with the SFC2.net/XenoCorp server in order to hold the amount of players that we expected would come. DarkElf put the campaign up for me and off we go. All this without kissing anybodies behind! TraceyG has been taking time out from her studies to help correct problems we have had in settings, and the missions, and the server without me asking one thing of her.
I was glad to work with Karnak and put his missions in LB3 for testing. The missions are enjoyable I was hoping to see more of them. We found some bugs in them, and I was hoping that he found them and we could swap them out with a new download. I was quite dismayed to see his post about his missions and LB3. Karnaks issues with the SFC2.net team do go back to AOTK and his account problems. I was in the middle of alot of this and am aware of the situation that occured on AOTK. During AOTK, BBJ was quite busy with real life, and TraceyG was just learning the server, DB editing and such from Skull and BBJ. We had several accounts bugged during AOTK, and all of them were being handled as well as possible with the time allowed. Karnak felt slighted because he was the ISC ARM at the time, and a few Federation accounts got fixed before his was. This was in no way any favoritism on the SFC2.net admins, (which at the time TraceyG was not even and admin, she was just helping BBJ because of his time constraints). It was a matter of TraceyG learning to adjust the DB and learn the system. Karnak said he was quitting, so his account was not adjusted then. Then he returned and when he contacted Jinn about the matter, it was finally fixed. But his resentment to the SFC2.net team has grown since that time.
Karnak, I suggest you get over your resentment of the SFC2.net team. Ego's are not needed here. Everyone can contribute to this community, and no one stands above another here. You are a very talented programer, and your skills are needed to make this game enjoyable. I suggest you get over any past problems with anyone at SFC2.net and work to patch up these relationships. I would really like to have your updated missions put in the next download for LB3, as the players really enjoy them, and you need the testing done in a large playerbase like this. Dave has redone his and TraceyG is working on hers. Dont get yours left out because of all this BS.
Dizzy, TraceyG has been a little more active this week because she has some time off this week from her studies. That is the only reason she has been on more this week. And I cant thank her enough for all the time she has put into helping me straighten out LB3, which was crashing due to my stupid settings. (its always MY FAULT). She is working on some bugs we found in her missions last night and I hope she finds them with the time she has this week. She could be taking some time away from all this mess, but instead chooses to devote most of her free time to the people of this community. I cant thank her enough. As far as SG3 goes, I hope it is a rousing success, and I think with will be, if we can all pull together here, get these petty squables and egos put away and get these mission packs debugged and playable for everyones enjoyment.