What a laffer, Dizz!

Do me a favor and don't tell me what I know, okay?

That people "pulled up chairs" and "got their marshmallows out" is none of my doing or concern. I began this thread in a public place because SFC2.NET's name and it's people are being publically dragged through the mud. I see not reason why that cannot be discussed publicly with the most frequent perpetrator of that act. I did say rational debate, did I not? I mean't what I said. This began and continues to be an honest attempt to get to the root of a problem in a place and manner that I find wholly appropriate. You may disagree, and that's quite fine with me.
See Dizz...I'm not anything like you. I can have a rational debate that doesn't even begin to turn into a flamefest. I don't need "STFUs" and belligerent tactics to have a useful discussion and make my points. I used one on you in obvious jest.
I think you're a fun and even funny guy...but don't ever profess to tell me what I know, what i'm going to do or what I can or cannot do, eh?
...and the next time I ask you for anything will be the first time, my friend.