Topic: Okay, Karnak...out with it.  (Read 11563 times)

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KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2003, 07:16:03 am »
What? nothing happened. Just like that, it's over. I didn't even get to unfold my chair. I was so looking to ordering some chocodiles and a program.


 The stink in here is awful. Smells like [censored]...  

Mayhaps you might like to use sometihng like " something coming out the south end of a north bound cow." It keeps the censors happy. Just a thought.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2003, 07:34:54 am »
Karnak DOES have a sense of humor.  I've seen it!  The thing is, most people's sense of humor (let alone personality) doesn't mesh well with Dizzy's.  Though Karnak's sense of humor has shown a tendency to cut out on occasion (much like a safety cut out on an electric motor, if he uses it too much it shuts off), Dizzy has been known to rub people the wrong way.  I'm immune to the effects of his style, as I was engaged to a Texan, and I swear they're all the same like that lol!!!  Anyway, if we can look past the various quirks, we can all get along fine.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2003, 08:13:42 am »
  Thank you for the running comentary.

   Just looks like a few brused, and over inflated ego's on both parties.


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2003, 08:19:00 am »

 Just looks like a few brused, and over inflated ego's on both parties.

Ohhhhhhhh, maybe I will just unfold this chair anywho.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2003, 08:29:29 am »


 Just looks like a few brused, and over inflated ego's on both parties.

Ohhhhhhhh, maybe I will just unfold this chair anywho.  

Yep, crickets have gone quiet. Deck chairs are quickly being unfolded by those now practiced in the task. There are now three players in the circle at the centre of the cemetary, and one of them appears to be writing on the bottom of a rock.  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2003, 08:37:28 am »

 Yep, crickets have gone quiet. Deck chairs are quickly being unfolded by those now practiced in the task. There are now three players in the circle at the centre of the cemetary, and one of them appears to be writing on the bottom of a rock.  

Say, you wouldn't have some chocodiles, would you? The guy hawking them hasn't stopped over here yet and I really like 'em.  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2003, 09:05:21 am »


 Just looks like a few brused, and over inflated ego's on both parties.

Ohhhhhhhh, maybe I will just unfold this chair anywho.  

*munch* *munch* *munch*  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2003, 09:07:06 am »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2003, 09:16:28 am »
Cool music, long time since I've heard it. -cracks open another beer and puts on Kevlar vest in case of any stray bullets  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2003, 10:23:15 am »

       What is your problem Dog?  What did Karnak do?  I want to hear your side of this whatever it is, then I will goto karnak.


Honestly..i'm not the one with the problem.  With all due respect to you, I'm not looking to have a conversation with you over this.  I want to hear from Karnak.  He's almost constantly popping off about the evil SFC2.NET admin team and I want to know why, what are the issues and what is the evidence.  That is all.

If a thread requesting a rational dialogue is somehow "beneath" Karnak (as Dizzy suggests), that's fine too.  I'll make note of that, as well.

And Dizzy...STFU...your comments thus far have been inaccurate and thus useless.  Big surprise!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2003, 10:25:09 am »

Here is an exclusive pick of someone (he shall forever be un-named) kissing Traceys boot...
   Is all this really necessary?

I thought you told me there was no film in that camera??


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2003, 10:41:09 am »

The Steel-Jaw says:

Say, you wouldn't have some chocodiles, would you? The guy hawking them hasn't stopped over here yet and I really like 'em.  

My dear friend, could I interest you in a Gorinthian leather coat and a few plasma tubes?  A Gorn ship model with your name imprinted on the side?  A sneak peek at the inside of my liquor cabinet?  A pair of sunglass that darken each time Kroma lifts his tutu?

I think we should talk.  Before SG3 opens.  

(Shameless Bruce, we'll recruit anywhere.)


I do hope all three of those men checked to be sure there were bullets in their pistols before they stepped into that cemetary.  Because there are two kinds of men in this world.......

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2003, 10:51:59 am »


I do hope all three of those men checked to be sure there were bullets in their pistols before they stepped into that cemetary.  Because there are two kinds of men in this world.......


...Us, and Kroma

Capt Jeff

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2003, 10:57:43 am »

And Dizzy...STFU...your comments thus far have been inaccurate and thus useless.  Big surprise!  

Oh No!!!

Watch out Doggy,  I said that Dizzy, and look what it started.....;)

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2003, 11:06:17 am »

 Snippio say:
My dear friend, could I interest you in a Gorinthian leather coat and a few plasma tubes? A Gorn ship model with your name imprinted on the side? A sneak peek at the inside of my liquor cabinet? A pair of sunglass that darken each time Kroma lifts his tutu?

I think we should talk. Before SG3 opens.  

Name your price on the sunglasses. Whatever the cost, it is probably worth it.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2003, 11:19:44 am »


 Snippio say:
My dear friend, could I interest you in a Gorinthian leather coat and a few plasma tubes? A Gorn ship model with your name imprinted on the side? A sneak peek at the inside of my liquor cabinet? A pair of sunglass that darken each time Kroma lifts his tutu?

I think we should talk. Before SG3 opens.  

Name your price on the sunglasses. Whatever the cost, it is probably worth it.  

Me and my bridge crew will all need those.  That makes 5 please


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2003, 11:38:33 am »

I thought you told me there was no film in that camera??  

M'ress's camera strikes again.  

Hmmm, more bruised egos by the looks of it. More of:
"I do more work than anyone else."
"He doesn't know a good idea if it bit him in the..."
"He shouldn't be an admin because..."

Seems to me this is one of the dangers of having a group that can't collaborate in real-time. Let's face it, most of the exchanges are done on a Bulletin board instead of face to face. As a result no-one sees the work each other have done. No-one can see the other person to decide on the degree of humor. And No-one can effectively moderate or delegate.

What is the solution? in perfect world all of the admins could sit down together on a regular basis and update/assist each other, face to face. But since that is not possible, I don't know what to suggest except maybe a little understanding on everyone's part. Be prepared for the fact that other people may or may not devote more time. Other people may or may not be able to solve the immediate issue. And certainly it is harder to get your point across with text only.

(Pulls up chair sits and produces bag of as yet unamed favourite Kzin snack)

Crunch, crunch, crunch.



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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2003, 11:42:44 am »
Dogmatix... lalalalala... Your thread here, as you WELL know should have been addressed in a PM. You know full well that this has turned into a popcorn fest. Yes, I am king of Popcorn fests. That and STFU are all me. So you know that I must know you know me knowing full well that I know you know this thread is just flame bait. Yes, that is me as well... Remember... Flame bait rhymes with Dizzy... ? So when you started having ppl pull up chairs, and roast weenies on the open fire, you know all credibility in whatever attempt in open and honest dialogue you have attempted to make are now futile, hopelessly lost against the background noise of others hijacking this thread trying to get a rise out of everyone.

You know this. So dont go off on me and tell me to stfu when you know full well that you are sticking ur foot in ur mouth. Go spout your rhetoric to ppl who listen to you... Why dont you start a thread asking if ppl listen to you? I am not listening to you:

Personally, I like you Dogmatix... You are always there when you need me. Btw... I'll make sure your drone costs on SG3 are always more than everyone elses... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!  


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2003, 11:43:10 am »



 Snippio say:
My dear friend, could I interest you in a Gorinthian leather coat and a few plasma tubes? A Gorn ship model with your name imprinted on the side? A sneak peek at the inside of my liquor cabinet? A pair of sunglass that darken each time Kroma lifts his tutu?

I think we should talk. Before SG3 opens.  

Name your price on the sunglasses. Whatever the cost, it is probably worth it.  

Me and my bridge crew will all need those.  That makes 5 please  

I believe those sunglasses are banneded under the ABM (Anti-Bulbous Missile) treaty.


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Re: Okay, Karnak...out with it.
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2003, 11:50:49 am »
What a laffer, Dizz!  

Do me a favor and don't tell me what I know, okay?  

That people "pulled up chairs" and "got their marshmallows out" is none of my doing or concern.  I began this thread in a public place because SFC2.NET's name and it's people are being publically dragged through the mud.  I see not reason why that cannot be discussed publicly with the most frequent perpetrator of that act.  I did say rational debate, did I not?  I mean't what I said.  This began and continues to be an honest attempt to get to the root of a problem in a place and manner that I find wholly appropriate.  You may disagree, and that's quite fine with me.

See Dizz...I'm not anything like you.  I can have a rational debate that doesn't even begin to turn into a flamefest.  I don't need "STFUs" and belligerent tactics to have a useful discussion and make my points.    I used one on you in obvious jest.

I think you're a fun and even funny guy...but don't ever profess to tell me what I know, what i'm going to do or what I can or cannot do, eh?

...and the next time I ask you for anything will be the first time, my friend.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »