Topic: A Question of Murder . . .  (Read 1568 times)

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Ishmael VII

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A Question of Murder . . .
« on: April 23, 2003, 10:37:00 am »
I need advice.

How does a Lyran in a BCP, BCF, BCPP, etc.  kill a Hydran player in a CAV in middle era when said CAV is loaded with Hornets?

This is a serious question.

Afterwards if the ESG fried body of Bearsalyer is found adrift in space, I'll thank each of you for your help.

NOTE:  With AI help I have a chance due to the distraction factor.   I need to know how to do it one on one.  Also  I DON'T HAVE DRONES!!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Ishmael VII »


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2003, 10:46:33 am »
Ah, the power of Cheese.....


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2003, 10:55:31 am »
ESG the fighters. ASAP. Don't let them live. Ignore the ship if you have to.

- Heck, you have 4 ESGs.  Use them at range 3.
- You have 4 transporters (I believe). You have tbombs.
- You have attack probes (which DO do more damage than 2 against fighters.)
- Fighters have 2 ECM and 2 ECCM all the time. Work against that. Set your ECCM to 2, and your ECM to 3.
- Don't bother with disruptors against the fighters. Turn them off. Use the power to move quickly.. or to recharge often.
- Feel free to tractor a fighter group if you don't have sufficient firepower to kill it.  They can't re-enter the mothership's shuttlebay if they're tractored. Kill them next.
- Lyrans can launch Suicide Shuittles at a decent rate.. I think it's 2 at a time for that ship. If you overrun some fighters, press 'Q'.

Once the fighters are dead, kill the ship (which is now disengaging. ;-)

-- Luc


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2003, 11:13:40 am »
Lead him into an Asteriod.  

Ishmael VII

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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2003, 11:20:17 am »

ESG the fighters. ASAP. Don't let them live. Ignore the ship if you have to.

That was my plan. <sniff>


- Heck, you have 4 ESGs.  Use them at range 3.

I knocked out one group this way.  Then the 785673 other Hornets played Wack a Stimpy.


- You have 4 transporters (I believe). You have tbombs.

Tried that also.  Very easy to -Bomb with your shields have already been knocked down. Less stress that way.  LOL


- You have attack probes (which DO do more damage than 2 against fighters.)  

Good tip.


- Fighters have 2 ECM and 2 ECCM all the time. Work against that. Set your ECCM to 2, and your ECM to 3.

I didn't know this. Good to know, it will help.  I'm such an eeeediot!


- Don't bother with disruptors against the fighters. Turn them off. Use the power to move quickly.. or to recharge often.

Got it.


- Feel free to tractor a fighter group if you don't have sufficient firepower to kill it.  They can't re-enter the mothership's shuttlebay if they're tractored. Kill them next.

Another good tip.


- Lyrans can launch Suicide Shuittles at a decent rate.. I think it's 2 at a time for that ship. If you overrun some fighters, press 'Q'.



Once the fighters are dead, kill the ship (which is now disengaging. ;-)

I noticed the ship itself seems kinda puny.  <snicker>

Okay Bearslayer you are sooooo dead!!     <gulp>


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2003, 11:36:18 am »
Vs fighters...

Only things i have done are

Tbombs - only use em AFTER u have already phasered the fighter group.  Reason is that the damage is applied to the grouping, not each fighter, so whittle it down first then Nuke the remains n let god sort it out.

Eccm & ecm are important as firesoul says

turn ur ESG capaciter recharge down to zero after it is charged that way u dont lose alot of speed after firing the esgs as they try to recharge

same goes for phasers

sabre dance - if he puts fighters on "defend me mode" ie hovering around his carrier, bobbing inside range 8 to pot shot his ship could be useful BUT the fighters hellbores fire out to range 10 or so (can be very hazardous)

another ploy can be to do a run at him, make him launch his fighters, then pull away, he may recall them, when he does hes SOL for fighters for about a minute as they cycle thru the launch bay.

If hes smart he will go fast and chase ur butt, BUT u can use this to ur advantage with a well prepared level 2-3 tractor (and some big nads) by HET into him and trac him before he can launch all his fighter wings, then proceed to beat the hell outta him with phasers and ESG's & Tbombs, then run like hell at best speed to recharge.

My experience is if the fighters are out, stay outside range 10+ ALWAYS or u will be ashes.

BUT your movement and firing can force him to react to ur moves by placing or recalling his fighter wings.

This has been the only real way that I could kill some groups.  REMEMBER if you can kill 2 of his grouops and still have some shielding left you can now attempt to go Toe to Toe as ur firepower would quickly nuke another group or even two at point blank.  Sure u will be hurting but now u end up figting a ship that only has SS Tbomb and phasers to attack with.

My long term has been if up against a CAV try to saber for a while and see if a mistake is made, such as having the fighter groups chase u at a dis tance from the carrier. if this is not done then you are in for a major hurting.  


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2003, 11:51:11 am »
Another thing to keep in mind since the latest patch is that the fighter factories are gone. So even if he recalls them after you have damaged the group it will deplete his spares. Thus you don't have to kill them entirely anymore to have an effect. Don't try this with PF's though as the PFT factories are still in full swing.


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2003, 12:01:34 pm »
Hehehehe... Bearslayer will kill me for saying this, and I was such a dick on IDSL... but I about took his whole 3x DN ship + escorts out with my Lego. He had to disengage after I took out all his fighters and one of his ships... My Lego was untouched.

The Lego is SUPREME Anti-Cheese.


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2003, 04:27:02 pm »
LOL, that is too cool, Diz, nice pic.  


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Re: A Question of Murder . . .
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2003, 04:17:17 am »
Meow Ishmael

The above is pretty good advice, although I wouldn't necessarily recommend tractoring Hornets that are armed with phGs - tractor range is ~2.5 which makes phGs pretty nasty.

What I would recommend is getting one of the F versions of the BC series (one with 2 PFs/INT). Fighters will always concentrate on other fighters/PFs first. Launch your PFs and follow them in. The fighters will shoot your PFs (if they are INT they will probably die very easily, but should have served their purpose) allowing you to close on them and wipe as many full groups out as you possibly can, then open the range to recharge your weapons, hopefully having taken at least 2 groups out (btw I would save suicide shuttles for the carrier itself). If any of your PFs survive this, recall them/it and use it again on your next run.

Alternatively, instead of hitting the fighters on the first attack run, hit his ship with absolutely everything [full alpha + 2 suicide shuttles when on top of him] (except the 2 FA dissies which should be offline), use H&R on his shuttlebay, open the range and recharge. This should leave his ship gutted for power with a dead shuttlebay (ie cannot land or launch fighters till it's repaired). Now he lacks the power to escape and you can pick him off. Be mindful of being tractored by him if you overrun him (to prevent the range 0 ESG hit).

Glad you're trying Lyran out. I love flying them.

One more thing. Toten suggested a HET. Lyran BCs do NOT have a 100% HET. Try it and you can guarantee you will breakdown. Also, you can avoid having to turn down the ESG slider and phaser slider if you don't have weapons set to a higher priority than movement. Only thing I do on the power management settings is set ECM to 4, the rest I leave at 5, unless in a knife-fight, and then I will set weapons to 4 also. Also, on the ships with 4 ESGs, set the slider to 50% from the start. You'll then be able to charge phasers, then ESGs then your central dissies while maintaining high speed and ECM. I treat Lyrans as ~3 turn loading ships - yet again it comes down to patience