Topic: Correction on CnC rules  (Read 4480 times)

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Correction on CnC rules
« on: April 22, 2003, 01:37:27 pm »
This is to let everyone know that there was an error in the CnC rules for litterbox 3, it states on the condensed version that you have to hold the rank of Admiral to fly a DN class vessel ( CVA is classed as a DN ), this is not correct as per rules, the correct rank for a DN class is ANY rank of Admiral, including Rear Admiral. This post was made so that noone goes CVA happy when they show in the yards, I'm a firm believer in playing by the rules...

BB is only for the Fleet Admirals until otherwise changed by server admins and administrators...

Have fun! I know I am!  


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2003, 01:40:07 pm »
Gotta be bloody rear admiral.... Oy the only good mirak ships are DN's and they are sub standard as it is LMAO (ok not really they are actually rather fun)

Anyone know what the setting to reach rear admiral is on Fluf's server? (It's the same as DOE) but not sure what it is.


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2003, 02:09:52 pm »
would you plz post a link to the CnC. I havent read the rules yet


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2003, 04:08:01 pm »

Gotta be bloody rear admiral.... Oy the only good mirak ships are DN's and they are sub standard as it is LMAO (ok not really they are actually rather fun)

Anyone know what the setting to reach rear admiral is on Fluf's server? (It's the same as DOE) but not sure what it is.  

Nothing sub-standard about the Z-DN in early era to middle era or the Z-CVA in any era.

You want substandard?  Try the F-DN or the C8/9.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2003, 04:09:04 pm »


I'm a firm believer in playing by the rules...

Have fun! I know I am!  

Aren't we all?  On both accounts?  



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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2003, 04:45:59 pm »


Gotta be bloody rear admiral.... Oy the only good mirak ships are DN's and they are sub standard as it is LMAO (ok not really they are actually rather fun)

Anyone know what the setting to reach rear admiral is on Fluf's server? (It's the same as DOE) but not sure what it is.  

Nothing sub-standard about the Z-DN in early era to middle era or the Z-CVA in any era.

You want substandard?  Try the F-DN or the C8/9.  


Try the G-DN...yuke


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2003, 04:58:27 pm »


Gotta be bloody rear admiral.... Oy the only good mirak ships are DN's and they are sub standard as it is LMAO (ok not really they are actually rather fun)

Anyone know what the setting to reach rear admiral is on Fluf's server? (It's the same as DOE) but not sure what it is.  

Nothing sub-standard about the Z-DN in early era to middle era or the Z-CVA in any era.

You want substandard?  Try the F-DN or the C8/9.  


Fed DN *snicker*

C5 fun dread, C8 Mean dread, C9 it isn't a dread it's an abomination.

And yes the Z-DN is probably the better DN out of all races for when it comes out.


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2003, 05:01:38 pm »
The one and only greatest DN of the galaxy:



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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2003, 05:06:54 pm »
Unfortunately, by the time you can afford a Z-DN it is far from the best dread (not even close).  But I have to agree, its not as bad as the F-DN.    


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2003, 05:32:22 pm »
Heh..that pretty much goes for any DN out right now, unless you're like some and can practically live online.

I'd be shocked if I get within 40-50K of being able to afford a DN by the time this server concludes.  Of course, that doesn't bother me too much since I loathe flying them in the first place.



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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2003, 06:01:54 pm »
 I cannot say that any of the DN's suck, since I'm really only familiar with 2 of them.  And I like both the R-CON and the H-PAL.


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2003, 06:49:57 pm »
Whats the addy to the CnC


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2003, 07:32:15 pm »

The one and only greatest DN of the galaxy:


Uber bastards lmao =)

nice call the CCZ is the best DN in the game lol


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2003, 08:15:50 pm »


The one and only greatest DN of the galaxy:


Uber bastards lmao =)

nice call the CCZ is the best DN in the game lol  

NOT!! Rom PRA is the best. The Condor line is the only line of dreds in the game with a 100% HET rating!!!  


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2003, 10:10:21 pm »
What R u guys SMOKIN !

 everyone knows the best bang for ur buck DN is the rommie KHK!  


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2003, 11:10:03 pm »
Since the website is down, here are the rules that were taken from AOTK (CW7).
 To play on any SFC2.Net server means that you agree to play by the rules stated on this page and that your email address and account info can be used by SFC2.Net admin staff for broadcasting messages to all players and for contacting you in the case of a complaint. If a complaint has been made against you you will be contacted at the email you use for your account login. Your email and account info will not be shared with any other party for any reason.  
 If a mission does not end properly, i.e., you have met the objectives but it just doesn't end, you can try to fly off the map, then try to forfeit or press Alt+F4 to shut down SFC2. Pressing Alt+F4 will not report the mission back to the server.  
 Do not post accusations against players or groups of players in the forums. There are only three ways to make a complaint:

1) Deal with the person privately, or;
2) Tell your Race Moderator (RM).

If you cannot your RM (or don't know how to) please send us an email at and we will forward it for you.  
 Draft dodging is not permitted. This means if you are drafted at anytime you must either accept the draft or press the forfeit button.  
 Always show common courtesy to all other players. Abusive players will not be tolerated.  
 If a player drops in a mission (i.e. They crashed and you get a "Player Left..." message NOT that they were killed) you can try to finish the mission normally. It may or may not end. You do not need to be concerned about bugs causing shiploss.  
 Avoiding mandatory missions, or any other part of the game, by logging on and off the server is not allowed. Unless you have logged off due to a crash, lock-up, or a bug, please wait 10 minutes before logging back on.  
 When in a mission, fight or leave. Do not lead your opponents around the map wasting their time. There are many good run and chase strategies but staying in the map with no intentions of fighting is not one of them.  
 If you are having a bad connection, either dropping a lot or causing your opponents to constantly drop, we ask that you stop playing for a while and try again later or move away from any other players on the map. If your connection continues to cause problems we ask that you do not play on SFC2.Net until you get a better connection. Likewise, if you are causing game lag regularly when in missions with other players, either log off until your connection is better, play in an area where it is unlikely you will run into other players, or try changing the type of ships you are flying. Fleets with a high number of fighters or PFs have been known to cause game lag.  
 If you are in a mission with another human player(s) and you die, or if you fly off the map, stay until the mission has been completed by all other players. Do not forfeit, AltF4, or otherwise cause the mission to end. If you do so it may cause the mission to crash for the other player or players.

 It is absolutely forbidden to exploit any game bugs of which you are aware. If you discover anything new, please enter a bug report at

An example of a game bug is the Fighter Bug. This bug makes it so that fighters will not engage an enemy near the map borders. Therefore, it is illegal when fighting a ship the uses fighters to stay near the border so that your enemy's fighters cannot not harm you.

Another example of a bug is the Defensive Plasma Bug. You may not fire Defensive Plasma at a single target (a squad of fighters is okay). This is due to a bug that will make the defensive plasma strike the single target more than once.  
 If you do not play by these rules this is what will happen:
1. You will be contacted by either us or your RM for an explanation.
2. If either you do not respond or you cannot agree to follow the rules your account may be disabled and your IP address blocked.
3. If it can be resolved there will be no action taken.

The point behind us having these rules in place is to help players learn to play fair within the current issues with this game. The last thing we want is to stop someone from playing but we will not hesitate to ban a player that refuses to cooperate. This is done to create the best gaming environment we can for the players who are here to just have fun.  

Patrol Bug: In some cases this mission will award a victory (DV goes in your favour) to a small ship that disengages from a larger ship. If you find this is happening to you (you are winning in the smaller ship by running away) you are required to leave that hex IF you have no intention of trying to beat the larger opponent.

Your options are:

1. Leave the hex

2. Leave the hex and go get reinforcements

3. Stay and try to fight

4. Try to draft the larger ship into a different mission

In all cases, if this is happening, it is highly recommended for both sides to try to take a different mission other than a Patrol if possible.
 Mercy: There is no rule that requires you to allow an opponent to disengage if you are winning. This is completely up to the player that is winning whether to let the losing ship leave to fight another day or not.  
 Self Destructing: If you are in a mission and have obviously been beaten (For example: you have no hull or power left and are a sitting duck waiting for that final blow) and you either crash or lose connection, you are required to self destruct your ship on your very next mission. You are NOT to consider yourself lucky that the mission crashed and you survived. If you SHOULD have died you must finish the job yourself. This one is a test of honor and honesty.  
Spying of any sort will not be tolerated on SFC2.Net campaigns. This includes but is not limited to: Website hacking, illegal forum access, RW eaves-dropping. We would hope that our players enjoy themselves while participating in our campaigns, yet refrain from commiting such acts as could harm the community as a whole. This community is built on the conerstones of mutual enjoyment, respect, friendly rivalry and fair game play, lets all work to keep it strong.

Spying for this rule does not include specific actions exspressly authorized by an Admin as part of a campaign.  
 Line of Supply:
To establish a Starbase, you must be able to trace an unbroken line of supply back to either 1 planet controlled by your empire, or 2 starbases controlled by your empire. These planets and starbases must have begun the game under your control (they must be original parts of your Home Empire space). The LOS can be traced through allied space.  
 Deep Strikes: Allowed    


  • Guest
Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2003, 11:11:40 pm »
here are the actual CnC rules:

 Command and Control rules:

1) You must hold at least the rank of Commodore to fly more than one ship.

2) You must hold at least the rank of Admiral to fly a DN Class ship. RMs and the S.A.C. are excluded from this rule.

3) You must hold the rank of Fleet Admiral to fly a BB Class ships.

4) Escort ships may not be flown solo.

5) Only one "Carrier" (see below) may be part of any players fleet.

6) A maximum of two fighter capable ships are allowed in any fleet. (Fighter capable means ANY ship that has the ability to carry fighters).

7) The maximum number of PFs in any fleet is 8.

8) Only one "Bombardment" ship (see below) may be part of any player's fleet.

9) Command Ships and their Command limitations are as follows:

Federation Command ships are:

POL+ (only if you want to fly 3 police ships)
DWC (2 War Destroyers or smaller, no "Escort" ships)
CLC/NVS (2 CL or smaller, 1 may be an "Escort" if you have the NVS)
NCC/CC/CC+/CB/CCR (2 CA's or smaller, 1 "Escort" allowed)
BCG/BCF/BCJ/BCE/BCV/BCT/BCT+ (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 1 "Escort" allowed)
DN/DN+/ DNG/DNF/DNH (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 "Escorts"
CVA/CVA+ (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 "Escorts" allowed)
CVS/CVS+/CVL/CVL+ (1 CA & 1 CL or smaller, 1 "Escort" allowed)
SCS (1 BC or smaller & 1 CA or smaller, 2 "Escorts" allowed)
BB (Any 2 ships, 2 "Escorts" allowed, no BBs)
Federation escort ships are:

Federation Carriers are:

Federation Bombardment ships are:

Gorn Command Ships are:

FF+ (only frigates)
DDL/DDL+ (only Destroyers or smaller)
BDL/BDL+/BDP (War Destroyers or smaller)
CDD/HDP/MCC (Light Cruisers or smaller)
CC/CC+/CCF/CCH/BF (2 CA's or smaller)
BCH/DNE/DNL/DN/DNF/DNT/DNH/DNP/BCHD/BCHV (Any 2 ships CA or smaller)
BB (Any 2 ships, no BB)

Gorn escort ships, carriers and bombardment ships are:

Hydran Command Ships are:

GEN+/CU/CRU (only frigates, no escorts)
DWL (War Destroyers or smaller, no escorts)
UH/UH+/CNT/ERL/WAR (Destroyers or smaller, no escorts)
BAR/COM/APA/NVL/NVL+/COS (CL or smaller, no "Escorts")
SUI/SUI+ (2 CA's or smaller, 1 "Escort" allowed)
LC/LM/LB/D7H/CAV/CAV+ (2 CA's or smaller, 1 "Escort" allowed)
CHA/CHC/OV/OS/AB/OV+ (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 1 "Escorts" allowed)
PAL/PAL+/PAH/IC/IC+/ID (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 "Escorts"
allowed, no BB)
MNR/MNV (Any 2 ships, 2 "Escorts" allowed, no BB)

Hydran Escort ships are:

Hydran Carriers are:

Hydran Bombardment ships are:

ISC Command Ships are:

FLG/FLGW/FFL (only frigates, no escorts)
CPF/CPFW ( 2 DD's or smaller, no escorts allowed)
CVL/CVLZ/CVLP/CVLS (2 CL or smaller, 1 escort allowed)
CC/CCY/CCZ/CV/CVZ/CVS/CVSZ/CCD/CVSD (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 1 escort
EDN/DN/DNZ/DNT/CVA/CVAZ/CVAD (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 escorts
allowed, no BB)
BB/BBZ (Any 2 ships, 2 escorts allowed, no BB)

ISC Escort ships are:

ISC Carriers are:

ISC Bombardment Ships are:

Klingon Command Ships are:

G2C (only G2's)
F5C/F5L/F5CK/F5LK ( Destroyers or smaller, no escorts)
F5V/F5VK (Destroyers or smaller, no escorts)
FWC/FWL/F6 (War Destroyers or smaller, no escorts)
D5C/D5L/D5V/D5VK (CL's or smaller, no escorts (1 "Escort" if you have the D5V))
DWC/D5W/D7C/D7L/D7W/D7T/D7V/D7VK/D7LK/D7WK ( CA's or smaller, 1 escort)
C7/C7V/C7T/C7TK/C7K (2 CA's or smaller, 1 escort allowed)
C5/C5B/C5K (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 1 escort allowed)
C8/C8B/C8K/C9/C9B/C9K/C10K/C8V/C8VK 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 escorts allowed)
B10/B10K/B10V (Any 2 ships, 2 escorts allowed, no BB)
B11K (Any 2 ships, 2 escorts allowed, no BB)

Klingon Escort ships are:
E3, E3E, E4E, E4EB, D5E, AD5,

Klingon Carriers are:

Klingon Bombardment Ships are:

Lyran Command ships are:

MP+ (MP only)
DWL/DWLP/PFT/PFW/PFWP (War Destroyer or smaller)
CWL/CWLP/CWLF ( CL or smaller)
CC/CC+/BC (2 CA's or smaller)
DN/DNP+/DNF+/DNPP/DNPF/DNH/ (Any 2 ships CA or smaller)
BB (Any 2 ships, no BB)

Lyran escort ships, carriers and bombardment ships are:

Mirak Command ships are:

FLG (Frigates only, no escort)
DWL/DWV/MCC/MCV (War Destroyer or smaller, no "Escorts" unless you have a DWV or MCV, then 1 "Escort" allowed)
CC/CC+/CCH/CV/CLV/CLV+/NCC (CA's or smaller, 1 escort)
BCH/BCV/CVS/CVS+ (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 1 escort allowed)
DN/DN+/DNH/CVA (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, 2 escorts allowed)
BB (Any 2 ships, 2 escorts allowed, no BB)

Mirak Escort ships are:

Mirak Carriers are:

Mirak Bombarment ships are:

Romulan Command ships are:

SNP+ (1 SNP only)
SEL (1 Frigate only)
WE/WER (1 WE/WER/WB only)KR (1 Destroyer or smaller only) Command abilities until 2265 only.
SKL/SKC/K5L/K5LB (1 Destroyer and 1 FF)
SPJ/SPL/SPL+/SPZ/KE/SPE/CH/KDP (1 CL and 1 DD or smaller only)
RDV/KDP (1 CL or smaller and 1 DD or smaller)
KRC/KRCS/SUA/KRP/SHA/SHK/SHK+ (2 CA's or smaller)
RHK/NHK/KCR/KHK/THK/THV (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, no BB)
KVL/K9R/K9RB/K9RH/CON/CON+/PRA/ROC (Any 2 ships CA or smaller, no BB)
K10R/KCN (Any 2 ships, no BB)

Romulan escort ships, carriers and bombardment ships are:

KOTH-Steel Claw

  • Guest
Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2003, 07:54:27 am »
If you are caught breaking the CnC rules, remember, it is FLUF's fault. Thank you and have a good day.


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2003, 10:07:44 am »
How can the E3 be considered an escort??

Seems an oversight, not that I or anyone else would fly it anyway.  


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2003, 01:53:48 pm »
 A general question.  If you have more than one ship, how do you rearrange them so that your Command ship is automatically set as your starting ship for missions?  Can this be done without selling off and repurchasing your escorts?


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Re: Correction on CnC rules
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2003, 02:09:03 pm »

 A general question.  If you have more than one ship, how do you rearrange them so that your Command ship is automatically set as your starting ship for missions?  Can this be done without selling off and repurchasing your escorts?

One can play with the ship control setting in the scripts for AI created ships and player created ships but I would put in on my "nice-to-have" list behind the "show-stopper" bug list.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »