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Topic: Romulan Babysitter Narrowly Escapes Death!  (Read 1251 times)

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Romulan Babysitter Narrowly Escapes Death!
« on: April 22, 2003, 08:36:05 pm »
 GG Leto.  One of the best I've had in a bit, as far as plasma battles go.  I demand a rematch when u have more time.  Let's settle it once and for all.

 To Stimpy and a Klinkgon I fought last night, please forgive my poutiness and general malaise.  I spent a night as a substitute teacher at Commodore Agave's tequila Express, and was quite pissed.  Again, I apologize and look forward to rematches at your convienence.  Betcha didn't know Gorn could whine (with the exception of Kroma - or' he who hasn't been seen').

  It's interesting.  Everytime I name a ship after Kroma, it gets destroyed the mission after.  Go figure.  It's the GSF Scipio from here on out.


Ishmael VII

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Re: Romulan Babysitter Narrowly Escapes Death!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2003, 09:32:34 pm »
It was MadELF the evil Klingon that was with me.  

You didn't seem your usual obnoxious self.   Sort of down and surly obxoxiousness.   Not a perky and happy obnoxious in your usual lovable way.   We were worried.    Why Mad ELF was downright distressed.    You know how touchy elves can be.

He said

"You know Stimpy.  I'm worried about that Gwarlock fellow.  He's not right in the head."

Stimpy:  Duh whicha mean Mad ELF?"

MadELF:  He seems a little crabby.

Stimpy: Ooohhhh I love crabs!!

MadELF: Shut up Stimpy.  I mean crabby, as in surly, as in unhappy.

Stimpy:  Lizard boy is <sniff> unhappy  <waaaaahhhhhhhh>  I want him to be happy MadELF.

MadElf:   I know Stimpy, but in this universe no one truly knows what makes a Gorn happy.

Stimpy:   Kroma says it's a pair of red pumps.

MadELF:  Stimpy you eeediot!!  Tell me you didn't buy Kroma a pair of pumps!!

Stimpy:  Do you think Gwarlock would like a pair of red pumps Mad ELF?

At which point MadELF T-Bombed me silly.

I hope you feel better Mr. Smelly Lizard Type Person.

Your Friend,




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Re: Romulan Babysitter Narrowly Escapes Death!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2003, 09:40:58 pm »

Stimpy:  Lizard boy is <sniff> unhappy  <waaaaahhhhhhhh>  I want him to be happy MadELF.

What Warlock needs is the Happy Helmet.  Can't you just see "old blood and guts" being forced to dance around and sing the happy-happ joy-joy song?


