hmm, will have to check the BF. It wasnt showing up in the yard before because the stock shiplist has it listed as restricted. TraceyG changed it last night so it would appear along with the Lyran L-EGO. I would say that its probably the BPV modifier and there wont be much we can do until you guys get some more ships in your yard as time passes. For now, just consider it my gift to the Gorn lol!
Immortal ships have always been a problem in the D2 because of the lack of availability of some ships at certain BPV ranges in early era. We will be moving into mid era soon, and the problem seems to work itself out then, as more ships become available. I figure the Mirak DN is probably in the same boat right now, although no one can afford one yet.
As far as the missions go, all mission problems are being recorded for the scripters and we will be sending them info on all the problems. Keep the feedback coming.
The double/damage double/shot bug seems to be a new feature that was added in the last patch. I really dont think it has much to do with the scripting, but we need to note the missions that it occurs in and see if there is a pattern. Most of the time, this bug occurs in co-op, which could mean 2 things:loss of packets when connecting with the other player, or possible mission scripting problem, where the AI gets control of your ship.