Doggy, I'm a pessimistic moody barsteward when I haven't smoked a spliff. I vowed I'd try not to post in "controversial" threads when not stoned - I broke the vow and you see the result.
I just got irritated by the old EAW/OP arguments resurfacing again, after the latest OP patch had me excited about OP coming back. And you know, try as I might, I just cannot bring myself to leave SFC2 and all the friends I have here. My most recently decided ambition is to be able to take 6 months off work, and inflict my weird English sense of humour on those friends in person. I doubt I'll ever be able to afford to do that, but I can live in hope.
Anyhow, I agree - OP has more potential than EAW (sorry Scippy but it's true) and it would make sense for everyone to move there. Taldren do seem to have an interest in improving the product still - the splitting and fixing of the TRB is proof of that. A weapon not even documented as being in the game gets fixed and tweaked to be more like SFB - I've "bashed" Taldren when I've felt they deserved it, but I am just as quick to praise them when they do something unexpectedly good
This is one instance of that.
Doggy, you are a saint - again, if I could afford to, I'd do the same - send out copies of OP to whomever wanted/needed it.
I've talked with Nomad, and I believe he's going to lower the supplies prices to levels more in line with the mission payouts. I hope that this eliminates that reason for not coming and trying it out. All Reclamation needs is some more players on it - to stress test the dyna and (just as importantly) make that neutral space different bloody clolurs so co-op is then useful strategically.
Oh, and Karnak, this thread has been anything other than a flamefest. It's been very useful imo. I suggest you examine your own behaviour, past and present, before you cast yet another stone at people. It's not the first time you've jumped on someone for a petty thing.