That's great, FireSoul and Nomad. Don't get me wrong. I can hang. The question I have the time or patience to net next to nothing every mission and, then, at such time as I can actually afford a new ship, I have two or three to choose from in the shipyard?
Well...I guess my points are these (and Mace has mentioned one of them)...
1. In a D5,
one 3-marine H&R attack (a major Klingon tactic), it costs me 39 PP..right out the window...and that's with only the possibility of doing damage to the targeted system(s). Heaven forbid you try and capture something, too..or do another H&R attack. 39 pp goes to 78 or 117 rather quickly. You've used 9 marines. One mine or t-bomb to get some precious internals or shake a tail...8 pp. Figure in any given multi-ship mission you use 6-8 of your mines. 48-64 PP...all for the priviledge of using mines. Spares? 18 pp, you better hope you can beem some off enemy ships (often causes you to take internals), because replacing them alone will eat up your entire pp award per mission. If these measures are meant to somehow mitigate the "built in droner advantage," I'd say you're thowing the baby out with the bathwater. Your perrogative of course. Just not my cup o' tea.
2. When I received my
stock D5 in 2275, the supply costs were so high I couldn't even afford to fully outfit my ship. Two problems here, as I see it. D5K (at least) in 2275, eh? You fight AI with refits up to that point and you're in a stock variants that was commissioned 7 game years ago and has seen the release of four or five later variants since then. This is just a minor but important quibble, not a deal-breaker by any means. Not being about to fully outfit your ship even once to start sort of sucked.

3. This is the point Mace touched on. The times I've logged in, I've been the ONLY one on, or there is maybe 2-4 other people on. Contrast this with 8 people on LitterBox 3 in the morning...and 15-25 people during prime time. I'm not sure exactl;y what accounts for these discrepancies. I'm sure there are a number of factors. It's not the mission pack..because virtually the same missions are being used on both. The draw of FireSouls's shiplist doesn't seem to be enough. I know a lot of people who dig that list...and I'm one of them. Yet, I'd prefer LB3 (totally stock shiplist and in early era) because you can actually make some reasonable headway due to supply costs.
You may think the supply costs are perfectly fine, but I'm guessing most people do not. Only the die hard, very skilled few are going to like, let alone cope with those settings. The rest will probably go somewhere else. For me, it's not a matter of being able to hang. I can do that. I was never in danger of losing any of my missions, difficult as they were. It's the return on my playing time. If I only have maybe 10 hours a week to play, I'm going to go where fighting hard for 2 or 3 hours gets me into a decent, surivable ship..,maybe even one of of favorites. Playing 10 hours on Reclamation might get me into that same variants (if it's one of the three ships in the shipyard), but it will have been like pulling teeth to get to that war destroyer...heheh. It seems to me that while governing the "built in droner advantage" (which I don't really agree with, but I won't get into that), you're exascerbating the problem of nutters vs. the casual players.
Put simply, I had a stock D5 on LB3 and a stock D5 on Reclamation. I flew the stock D5 on LB3 more because it was more "fun."
Now, i'm merely stating my feelings on the matter to give some constructive feedback. I suspect my opinions probably don't carry much weight and I do appreciate the efforts in bringing us what looks to be a great idea for an OP campaign. I know it isn't easy to do that and I also know you will not please everyone all the time.
I hope this helps, if not, I apologize in advance for any ruffled feathers or fur or whatever...heheh.