Thought I'd try this again, since my
first try seemed to fall by the wayside. Also, the BC class is probably the favorite line of ships for D2 players, and I know a lot of 'em who would love this if it got made
(besides, they know I can make them custom registries, heheh-thanks for the blanks, Pataflafla!).
Near as I can tell, it would seem to be a fairly straight-forward kitbash of P81's Enterprise. Stretch the secondary hull 20% or so, new nacelle struts
(In the pics I used the nacelle struts from P81's Kali), and a little knob below the deflector dish for the photon/plasma tube on a second model for the F and J. Like I said, from what I can grasp of modeling, it seems pretty straight-forward. And, as you can tell from my sig pic, I have a bit invested in this idea...
Thank you for any consideration of this kitbash.