To the best of my knowledge, the neutral coop problem behaves exactly the same way in EAW as well, that is, if it's the first time both the drafting and drafted player(s) are taking a neutral coop mission, then the DV updates correctly (well, it shifts downwards regardless of mission success). After that, it doesnt work anymore. I don't know if shutting down the game has the same effect as in OP, that is, you get your one neutral coop success again. There are local variables stored by the client which may have something to do with it. When you first log into a campaign, the map terrain does not show bases or planets unless you have moved within 1 hex of them. As you move around, they appear on the map and remain. If you log off the server and re-log into the server without shutting down the game, the map still shows all the bases and planets you moved past on your previous. If you shutdown the game completely, this information lost. This tends to suggest that map data is being held in a buffer somewhere, and may or may not be related to neutral coop working the first time. The fact that it does work at least once though, also tends to suggest that its not a server problem nor a mission scripting problem, but a client bug, although not necessarily. The only true way to debug the problem is to see exactly what data is being returned regarding mission results, and how that is processed by the server. That of course would require access to the code, but that's the first place where I would look.