Topic: Litterbox Update  (Read 5443 times)

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Litterbox Update
« on: April 18, 2003, 10:43:13 am »
12 hours again after the server reset, it crashed again.
So we can rule out SQL or the shiplist causing it.

I replaced all the gf files on the Litterbox with the DOE GF files. And then ran the server, and guess what??
It didn't crash.
So, we have now narrowed the problem down to a server setting. (Fluf's fault... LOL!!) Which one, I have no idea because nearly all the settings are different.
Don't be too alarmed if some of the ship prices, spare parts, turns per year are a bit off at the moment. They'll be fixed shortly as they are all set to the Day of the Eagle specs currently. (Yes, that means for now you can blame Scipio for any problems!! Mwuhahahaha!!)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2003, 11:53:28 am »
Figures, Fluf ... I think all who have not voted for biggest donut hole should obviously see Fluf as a winner.


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2003, 12:06:58 pm »
Well maybe this is a blessing in disguise
Im getting my butt kicked by the AI. The mission I find the hardest is the Courier mission. It is usualy my DD with two F-FFs Vs. L-CA, 2x L-CL, L-DD. Ouch


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2003, 12:25:22 pm »

12 hours again after the server reset, it crashed again.
So we can rule out SQL or the shiplist causing it.

I replaced all the gf files on the Litterbox with the DOE GF files. And then ran the server, and guess what??
It didn't crash.
So, we have now narrowed the problem down to a server setting. (Fluf's fault... LOL!!) Which one, I have no idea because nearly all the settings are different.
Don't be too alarmed if some of the ship prices, spare parts, turns per year are a bit off at the moment. They'll be fixed shortly as they are all set to the Day of the Eagle specs currently. (Yes, that means for now you can blame Scipio for any problems!! Mwuhahahaha!!)  

SOOOO, if all the settings are screwy, they'll be fixed in a little while, but my 2000 points will be gone anyway so It won't matter.... nggggggg..........!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2003, 12:28:29 pm »
Ok... I've made some adjustments to the gf files. All the spare parts, shipcosts, etc, should all now be Litterbox settings.
The errant gf file (I say this tentatively) appears to be, when I replaced the Litterbox file into the server, it crashed straight away. I may have missed a setting somewhere when editing the gf files to Litterbox specs, so if there is anything erroneous at all, please post it here.
Oh, thanks to FireSoul putting up a chat server, chat is now working on Litterbox 3.


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2003, 12:49:02 pm »
Oog.  Call me when this all gets straightened out once and for all.  

I'll try and amuse myself with something else until then.  I had finished yet another harrowing mission in an F5C this morning, gotten my obligatory 300 PP and that's gone all for naught again.  heheh...



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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2003, 12:56:22 pm »
Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige.


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2003, 01:31:09 pm »

set to the Day of the Eagle specs currently. (Yes, that means for now you can blame Scipio for any problems!! Mwuhahahaha!!)  


A good thing no one can reach me now, since I took a cue from J'inn and am now living in Nepal!  I don't have internet or e-mail access here, but feel free to telephone.  <snicker>



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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2003, 03:35:36 pm »
Yep everything seems to be working now as it should.  Appearantly, I left a setting I was using in single player to test with in the and it was causing the server to crash when it changed years.  Anybody that was playing from last night should still have their ships and PP.  This was not a reset, just a change in the files.

Note: you now have mandatory missions in neutral space.  We can change that if you would like to see non-mandatories in neutral.  

Oh and its all Scipios FAULT!


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2003, 10:51:23 pm »


set to the Day of the Eagle specs currently. (Yes, that means for now you can blame Scipio for any problems!! Mwuhahahaha!!)  


A good thing no one can reach me now, since I took a cue from J'inn and am now living in Nepal!  I don't have internet or e-mail access here, but feel free to telephone.  <snicker>


Yada Bir Pawnee Howjur Scippy!.....

BTW  thats Nepali
Chuut the Polyglot


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2003, 01:45:29 pm »
Can someone tell me where one can get the latest updates please?  Jumped in a few days ago to check the shiplist and now of course changes have been made giving me my favorite CRC errors.  I'll sit around till everything is working - till then i'll keep having a ball with Freelancer.  


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2003, 03:59:23 pm »

12 hours again after the server reset, it crashed again.
So we can rule out SQL or the shiplist causing it.

I replaced all the gf files on the Litterbox with the DOE GF files. And then ran the server, and guess what??
It didn't crash.
So, we have now narrowed the problem down to a server setting. (Fluf's fault... LOL!!) Which one, I have no idea because nearly all the settings are different.
Don't be too alarmed if some of the ship prices, spare parts, turns per year are a bit off at the moment. They'll be fixed shortly as they are all set to the Day of the Eagle specs currently. (Yes, that means for now you can blame Scipio for any problems!! Mwuhahahaha!!)  

"(Fluf's fault... LOL!!) "

Man I almost am starting to feel bad for the lil Fluffer he tried so hard to give us some enjoyable playing time and messed up so good *snicker* we love ya Fluf... but damn it is always your damn fault =)


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2003, 04:16:07 pm »

Can someone tell me where one can get the latest updates please?  Jumped in a few days ago to check the shiplist and now of course changes have been made giving me my favorite CRC errors.  I'll sit around till everything is working - till then i'll keep having a ball with Freelancer.  

Laflin the original dowload is down right now.  We exceeded our bandwidth.  Got to the same thread and if you already had the download, run the reinstaller that Rajnsaj has posted and it will revert you back to the original shiplist.  Or just make a copy of your original shiplist, run the installer and then put your original shiplist back in both your specs file and your MetaAssets file.

The original download is still on SteelClaws site , which is posted in that orginal thread.  Any new players, just copy your shiplist and put it on your desktop.  Then download the installer from SteelClaws site and run the exe.  Then copy your original shiplist back in and you should be good to go.


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2003, 08:52:08 pm »

Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige. must have missed the F5C part ...make 300.....spend 250 for repairs and supplies..... ....



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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2003, 12:02:23 am »


Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige. must have missed the F5C part ...make 300.....spend 250 for repairs and supplies..... ....


I'd take a K-F5C over a F-CL any day... lol!!


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2003, 09:45:14 am »



Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige. must have missed the F5C part ...make 300.....spend 250 for repairs and supplies..... ....


I'd take a K-F5C over a F-CL any day... lol!!  

I'll take an F-DD over an F-CL... same amount of power but less stuff to run off it.


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2003, 06:56:13 pm »



Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige. must have missed the F5C part ...make 300.....spend 250 for repairs and supplies..... ....


I'd take a K-F5C over a F-CL any day... lol!!  

Well,  let's see


Hull CL

2x phot
6x P-1
2x P-3

30 power




Hull FF

2x dis-3
2x Drone-a
2x P-1
3x P-2
1x amd 6

22 power



In early with slow drones 2 a-racks are not going to make much difference .  Klingons don't get anything with 6 P-1 Until mid era.(unless one of the dreads has more...)

I stated the F5C is the best thing in it's size for the Klingons, you don't like the CL, but you do have better ships avaliable in early.  For us the F5C is the only thing flyable in the starting range.

Anyway, ship to ship, I'll take the Fed CL at 100 early VS an F5C and win more than I'll lose.  True it's not a great ship, but it could be much worse.....  And I'm not very good at PvP.


PS thanks for your efforts on the new servers!!!!  


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2003, 12:13:12 am »




Dog, it should all be ok now, so feel free to start racking up prestige. must have missed the F5C part ...make 300.....spend 250 for repairs and supplies..... ....


I'd take a K-F5C over a F-CL any day... lol!!  

Well,  let's see


Hull CL

2x phot
6x P-1
2x P-3

30 power




Hull FF

2x dis-3
2x Drone-a
2x P-1
3x P-2
1x amd 6

22 power



In early with slow drones 2 a-racks are not going to make much difference .  Klingons don't get anything with 6 P-1 Until mid era.(unless one of the dreads has more...)

I stated the F5C is the best thing in it's size for the Klingons, you don't like the CL, but you do have better ships avaliable in early.  For us the F5C is the only thing flyable in the starting range.

Anyway, ship to ship, I'll take the Fed CL at 100 early VS an F5C and win more than I'll lose.  True it's not a great ship, but it could be much worse.....  And I'm not very good at PvP.


PS thanks for your efforts on the new servers!!!!  

I thought the F-CL had 4 photons and the DD had 2 but you're probably right about engine power not being equal.  It would be hard to charge 4 photons with 19 power!!!


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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2003, 01:26:34 am »
The F-CL is based on an "old style" cruiser.. and has only 2 photons.
The DD is a more modern saucer styled ship, and has 4.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Litterbox Update
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2003, 06:43:16 am »
I think I would rather have the F-CL over the F-DD.