Topic: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here  (Read 2086 times)

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Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« on: April 17, 2003, 06:31:35 am »
After the first day of the Reclamation campaign, I thought we should have a place to collect feedback from everyone. Feel free to answer some of these questions or offer up your own feedback.

How are the missions going? Are you challenged enough, too much, or not enough? Is the variety good?

Have you been able to run any coop missions in neutral space and see the hex defense go down?

How are the shipyards? When you capture hexes to add more economy, does your production increase?

How many ships did you lose? How many did you buy? How are the starter ships treating you?

Have you had any connection problems with the server or with other players?

Did you play any PvP missions?

Has anyone captured a VC hex yet?


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2003, 06:57:06 am »

After the first day of the Reclamation campaign, I thought we should have a place to collect feedback from everyone. Feel free to answer some of these questions or offer up your own feedback.

How are the missions going? Are you challenged enough, too much, or not enough? Is the variety good?

Have you been able to run any coop missions in neutral space and see the hex defense go down?

How are the shipyards? When you capture hexes to add more economy, does your production increase?

How many ships did you lose? How many did you buy? How are the starter ships treating you?

Have you had any connection problems with the server or with other players?

Did you play any PvP missions?

Has anyone captured a VC hex yet?  

1- Well. Yes, Challenged enough. NO, Varierty isn't that good vs neutral hexes.
2- no.
3- I haven't really noticed, but I'd say yes. I saw a L-BT+ this morning, for over 20000 prestige.
4- none. 1. The starter ship L-DWP is a good ship for its size.
5- no. well.. just the chat.
6- no.
7- no. No one has captured a VC yet, although I noticed a blackhole hex down to 47.

Other comments:
Is it really ok to not force missions on neutral hex? Players can roam around as they please. I bought myself a mauler and decided to be a nuissance to Feds and Hydrans.

.. also.. completely unrelated (Really! :-)
.. once I completed a battlestation assault,saw it removed from the map, moved elsewhere  and started another mission afterwards, I would CTD. That happened twice to me. It CTD'd on the next mission's briefing sceen.. (probably as it's setting up items in memory or something)



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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2003, 07:08:41 am »
Personally, I was on quite a bit during the day, but missed most of the evening shift. While I was on, the only empire I did not see represented was Kzinti/Mirak. Federation and (wow!) Lyran were the most popular choices through the early part of the day.

Missions were suitably challenging even against the AI (though I'm a bit rusty). I had two problems. First, when you play Fleet Action in an asteroid hex, the AIs tend to split up on either side of a middle area that has 6 closely-placed asteroids. When an AI finishes its opponents on one side, it likes to run through these rocks to help its ally. Unfortunately, they tend to either take a lot of damage on the chin from dust clouds (best case) or smack into a rock (worst case). I lost a couple Klingons this way; after all, they are an overzealous lot. Second, when I ran a Courier Intercept with Tempest in a neutral hex to try allied coop, even though we lost the mission by letting the courier escape while we killed the other 3 ships, the hex defense went down. Feel free to list any missions you have successful neutral coops with, or any unusual results.

The non-plasma empires tended to have just 2 ships in the shipyard (or a base and 1 ship) at a time, but I knew this going in. This reflects the story/map setup, with the disputed area being in the plasma races' backyard. They get more territory to start, and the other empires have smaller forward enclaves they must build up. As you get more economy, your production will increase, which also reflects the delay in moving ships from your home territory to this front. As Lyran, I saw the shipyard go as high as 3 ships when we added 1 20 econ. hex, and 4 when we added another 20 econ. Ship sizes went from FF to CA. There are plenty of economy hexes (even some 80 econ. asteroids) for players to boost their economy with.

On ships lost, I ran my starter L-DWP into a rock, and then promptly lost an L-DDD (LDR destroyer) to 2 ISC ships when I unexpectedly lost a Klingon AI to the aforementioned asteroid field. I then found myself in an unsatisfactory L-DDP, which I traded in after buying an L-DMP (LDR military police ship). After a few more missions, I was able to snag an L-DCWL (LDR war cruiser leader, price: 4700 range) just before the shipyard cycled it out of the queue. I did see up to a CC while I was on. Most BCHes won't be out for the first couple of days, so don't be surprised if you don't see them right away. DNs and CVs will probably not show up until you get some more economy.

I only played missions with one other player, but had no apparent problems. The server did reboot once during the day while I was on, but overall it was stable. Chat is still down, but we may have a solution shortly. Some players still haven't learned to keep their nicknames to 10 characters or less to receive tells, but most were able to send and receive direct messages fine.

Capt Jeff

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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2003, 07:11:17 am »
1.  Challeneged yes....mission
2.  No
3 Shipyards had 3 ships in it, none of which I had enough pp to buy.  List did change to a different 3 ships, but still couldn't afford them.  
4.  1.  The F-DD.   Always tough against multiple Rom AI Evil Dave missions though.  It is doable...just takes a while.
5. No
6.  No
7.  not that I am aware of.

quick note.

Upon loss of my F-DD, I recieved a Tug.  while it has less armorment, it is classed as a CA, thus making it slightly more expensive then a DD due to the price modifiers.  I will earn about 300pp if I trade it in.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2003, 07:20:53 am »

... once I completed a battlestation assault,saw it removed from the map, moved elsewhere  and started another mission afterwards, I would CTD. That happened twice to me. It CTD'd on the next mission's briefing sceen.. (probably as it's setting up items in memory or something)

This is interesting. We may have to set bases to stay on the map. I would advise players to avoid base assaults until after we've made the change. Then we can see if the crashes still happen.

On the no mandatories in neutral space, I feel this is fine for a couple of reasons. First, the primary VC is in the middle of the map and the campaign is only projected to be a 2-week(ish) run; with spotty to no neutral coop, it would be difficult to get to and fight over the main VC with neutral mandatories being enforced using Evil Dave missions -- and even more difficult to get back home for resupply/repair. Second, defenses are sufficiently high on the starting empire hexes that nobody should lose their territory without having plenty of time to defend/boost it. If players seek out PvP by crossing neutral space, all the better! We want PvP to be easy to initiate, not difficult.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2003, 07:24:37 am »
Jeff, I did notice the Fed replacement for the DD was a TUGG (commando variant, no heavy weapons). I suppose we could try to tweak that, but hopefully most players are ethical enough NOT to lose their DDs specifically to gain a small amount of prestige. I don't see a problem with selling it, though. Consider it a consolation for having that crappy DD to start.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2003, 07:57:57 am »
Played for awhile last night, noticed a couple things. In a Klingon frigate in patrol missions I am drawing  a gorn Heavy and a gorn light, that seems a bit much is anyone else getting this? I am having a bit of trouble building up points, if I win a mission it costs me so much to restock I end up breaking even or losing points, Also in base defence mission if there is too much going on it freezes and ctds on me.  


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2003, 08:37:53 am »
The mission enemy draw sounds a bit off, but what ships are you seeing? It would be good to know the BPVs. A K-F5C starter is actually a destroyer (don't let the frigate name fool you), so CLs are not out of the ordinary. The CA has me wondering, though.

My own experience with an L-DWP starter vs. Gorn ships was much more balanced. In Fleet Actions with Klingon F5-series AI allies, I was generally seeing G-SRs and DD-series enemies. The SRs, though heavies, are sufficiently weak. I was seeing all ranges of DDs, including BDD variants, DDLs, DDGs, etc. Once I got into a DCWL (CL), I started seeing some tugs (heavies) and HDDs or other CL-level ships.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2003, 10:32:42 am »
Alright guys, I'm having some problems with your elevated supplies cost.

Spare parts are always a problem and I can see why you'd want to boost the price of them.
Marines???  Being a Klingon this hurts bad.
Missiles????  Not the fast or mediums but the slow ones????  What about the Mirak???
This hurts the Klingons as well, but it kills the Mirak.  

I lost my F5C starter ship to a swarm of Gorns and was put in a F5D with very little pp to spend.  I go to at least fill up my racks with weenie slow drones and what do I see??  the little exclamation point that I have overspent.  So I take a mission with the stock loadout and pull another swarm of Gorns some with Plasma D's.  They promptly run me out of drones and run my off the board.  Now, I get a pp penalty for disengagingand am left with a droner with no drones and no money to reload.

Man, what a blast I'm having.   Might want to rethink your settings.  While novel in your approach I think you've alienated some of the races.   Good for Lyrans and Plasma races since they have no expendables, not bad with Fed's and Hydran's, but Hell on the other 2.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2003, 11:29:37 am »
Hey nomad:

Chat quickfix:
Install it onto your D2 server.. We tested it with a EAW server this morning with success. The IRC server is mine.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2003, 11:38:08 am »
Hmm...I was going to check out "Reclamation" because I was tired of starting over in LB3.  Can't say I'm in a big hurry, though...with the apparent cost of resupply for those races that use lots of consummables.

I'll probably still stop by and see for myself, though...heheh.



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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2003, 12:04:49 pm »
The supplies certainly are worth looking at. The thought on the marines was that there are some really nasty commando tugs in the game using FireSoul's list, and they have been shown to absolutely kill ships with hit-and-run alone. Drones should only cost anything if using mediums. If slows are actually being charged for, we need to reset some modifier somewhere. I'll look into it when I get home this evening.

As for having a tough time in an F5C, I suggest running the simple missions if you're alone, or running coop in allied space to build prestige -- there seem to be more missions starter ships can handle in your home space. A CW is only running about 4Kish, so it's not all that hard to get one.

As for consumables not hurting the plasma races and Lyrans, I've never put much stock in that view -- Lyrans have to fight in close, and spend quite a bit in repairs and repair parts, plus mines and marines. Plasma races may have an easier time against the AI, but they still have to get in close against high-speed player ships. When it comes to drones, if making the mediums a little pricey (still less than Taldren defaults) helps to level the mission time field between the haves and have-nots, I'm inclined to err on the side high prices and adjust down from there as needed. Heck, I've seen AI D5s with slow drones take out comparably-sized AI Gorn ships -- surely the players can do at least as well?

On the chat, Castrin has been working on this, so I'll let him know.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2003, 12:07:03 pm »
I managed to find him online, so I told him there.


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Re: Put Reclamation Campaign Feedback Here
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2003, 12:14:28 pm »
By the way, for those looking to find missions that don't put you in 3v3, there is a Patrol variant showing in neutral space that puts you against 1 enemy ship and a running freighter. I've found this to be pretty simple, but still challenging at times trying to nab the freighter. There's also the prisoner escort mission in home space, which when I played it spawned Orions (pushovers), plus customs duty that you only need to capture a couple of freighters to win.