Topic: Reclamation: Chapter 1 "Et Tu, Talleth?"  (Read 1372 times)

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Reclamation: Chapter 1 "Et Tu, Talleth?"
« on: April 18, 2003, 08:26:03 pm »
The Reclamation Storyline, Chapter One.  The First Betrayal....

He could not allow the rage that he felt inside to show.  Talleth made an effort to relax as the Federation Admiral Nemmin, the nominal leader of the Alliance Reclamation Task Force, began that evenings strategy session.  

These Federation Humans were more perceptive than what others in the Interstellar Concordium were willing to believe.  This serious error in underestimating the humans is what had led to the current humiliation.  An ?alliance.?

When news of Reclamation had leaked out, the ISC had moved rapidly to annex the entire area.  Some of the characteristics of this stellar cluster defied rational scientific analysis, but more importantly, the Reclamation System had all of the tags of Allo?manictch.  Or, loosely translated, " The Lost Builder."  A name mentioned only in fragments of documents dating back to the origins of the Organians.  

But the ISC had been the last to arrive on the scene.  War had already erupted between two major factions, and the ISC task force was not powerful enough to take on all of the other interested parties.

So they sent him.  Commander Talleth.  A highly decorated Captain in his own right, but very few knew of his secondary affiliation as one of the highest ranking members of T?Re ? the secret society and intelligence arm of the High Church.  His mission -- to enter into an alliance with the Federation and its allies, and to gain the Reclamation System as an ISC Holding in any way that he could.  

The Reclamation System was more than a valuable resource.  It might just be the key to unlocking an ancient alien technology of nearly god-like proportions.  Only the ISC suspected at this point, and none of the other races could be allowed to learn that Reclamation may be much more than just an energy-rich anomaly.  

Talleth watched the Federation Admiral as he briefed the battle plan for the upcoming Reclamation campaign.  One part of his mind watched the presentation carefully, noting the disposition of forces and the role laid out for his own ISC task force.  He reluctantly realized that the plan was superior in scope and well balanced in terms of objectives vs forces used.  Too bad it would all come to nothing.

The presentation finally ended, and Talleth stood to leave, smiling as the Admiral left the room.  He casually made his way to his own quarters, just as he had done for the past week, with no variation in plan.  

As the door whispered shut behind him he could feel the unseen Federation intelligence agents relax their scrutiny.  It was time.

Casually, he flipped a switch on his luggage.  His room was now impervious to casual scans.  A holographic screen flickered into existence above his working desk, and the screen immediately cleared as the signal went through, several hundred light years away.

Centurion Cassius Divan, Intelligence Officer of the Praetor?s First Romulan Reclamation Expeditionary Force turned to face Talleth in the holographic screen.  

Talleth paused for a moment, weighing what he was about to do.  It was of no importance.  The field needed to be cleared, and this was the best way to do it.  Let them eliminate each other, and leave the ISC in possession of Reclamation?.
Without any further thought, Talleth began, ?The Federation will deploy its fleets along this axis of advance??..?  

The End.

Come Join Us on Reclamation, an Orion Pirates Light Campaign.  





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Re: Reclamation: Chapter 1 "Et Tu, Talleth?"
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2003, 09:32:20 pm »

Great story, Z!

Anyone care to defend the ISC's good name? We've got ships waiting for you.


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Re: Reclamation: Chapter 1 "Et Tu, Talleth?"
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2003, 09:13:55 am »