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Topic: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!  (Read 4534 times)

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  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2003, 11:32:31 am »

That's my kind of change/"upgrade."



  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2003, 11:36:38 am »

That's my kind of change/"upgrade."

It wasn't so easy on the server-side. Hopefully having 1 server for this up will solve the GSA chat problems.


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2003, 11:51:55 am »
Thanks FireSoul, I just replaced the chat.gf file on the Litterbox with yours, and it appears that all the chat channels have been created just fine. Thanks for your efforts.


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2003, 11:55:35 am »
Chat's working?!?  For Litterbox??!?!??!  I haven't been able to see any chat, so how do I fix that???


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2003, 12:03:08 pm »

Chat's working?!?  For Litterbox??!?!??!  I haven't been able to see any chat, so how do I fix that???  

The problem was .. well.. GSA has been banning some IPs from using their chat service (IRC).. reason: unknown. Logic: unknown. D2 servers need that service for the chat to funciton.

.. the solution was to find a compatible chat server.. and rasjnaj found the solution on some public IRC network somewhere. .. just using their IRC servers without permission isn't politically correct, IMHO.. but it gave me the clue we all needed: what IRC server available out there was compatible to a D2 server.

So I got a copy of Unreal IRCd source package, compiled it and ran on it my Linux server. It works. Rasjnaj connected to it just fine. We now have an alternate IRC service D2 servers can use.

NOTE: the chat.gf file is on the server side. *NO* change is needed by client applications. (game's side)
The admin just takes the file, plug it in the right spot, and restart the server. It just works.

NOTE2: well.. this IRC server is on port 6999 because I need to leave my machine's port 6667 clear. If you need to open up a firewall port, make sure 6999 TCP is in the list. This might be the only think people need to do.. if any. Because it's a TCP service, NAT gateways will handle it just fine.


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2003, 12:32:16 pm »
It appears to be working just fine on Litterbox 3. Thanks FireSoul.


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2003, 01:07:06 pm »
I just got the UnrealIRCd 3.2-beta15 (Win32) to run on The Wheel locally (Win2Kpro).
It took some fiddling but I think I got it.

I'm gonna go login to test... will report...  


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2003, 01:14:16 pm »
Yup it seems to work OK,

 just gimmie a shout if anyone needs a hand configuring it for Win32.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by rajnsaj »


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2003, 01:18:11 pm »


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2003, 01:41:29 pm »
i still cant get in errrrrrrrrr  


  • Guest
Re: Litterbox 3 testing server unlocked for the public!
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2003, 08:42:01 pm »
The unrealircd.conf file I am using for running unrealircd
as a service on Win2kpro is posted below. It is generalised
and still could use a little work (straight from the example).

Copy this text into a text file in your unrealircd installation folder
and name the file "unrealircd.conf", you will also need to create
a messacge of the day and rules files as specified in the conf.

TO EDIT: just replace any string or value prefixed by ***REPLACE ME***
with the appropriate string or value for your server:


 * example.conf by Daniel Hawton AKA Osiris (osiris@unrealircd.org).
 * $Id: example.conf,v 2003/02/21 19:22:59 syzop Exp $
 * Works for Unreal3.2 and up
 * Okay guys.  This is the new example.conf. Its look is much like C++, kinda.
 * Anyway it is time to go over this.  It's hard to pick up at first, but
 * with some pratice and reading you'll understand.
 * NOTE:  All lines, except the opening { line, end in an ;, including the
 * closing } line. The IRCd will ignore commented lines.
 * PLEASE READ doc/unreal32docs.html! The online version is also available at:
 * www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIrcd/unreal32docs.html
 * It contains a lot information about the configfile: gives information about
 * every block, variable, etc.

/* Type of comments */
#Comment type 1 (Shell type)
// Comment type 2(C++ style)
/* Comment type 3 (C Style) */
#those lines are ignored by the ircd.

 * At *NIX UnrealIrcd supports modules (like the proxy scanner)
 * Check doc/unreal32docs.html section 3.10 to see how loadmodule works.
loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/scan.so";

 * NEW: me {}
 * OLD: M:Line
 * me {} defines the name, description and unreal server numeric for
 * this server. Syntax is as follows:
 * me {
 *  name "server.name";
 *  info "Server Description";
 *  numeric (server numeric*);
 * };
 * If linking, this numeric may not be used by any other server on the network.

   name "***REPLACE ME***www.thewheel.dns2go.com";
   info "***REPLACE ME***The Wheel D2 Chat Server";
   numeric 1;

 * NEW: admin {}
 * OLD: A:Line Admin gives information on the server admin. you
 * may put as many lines under admin { as you wish.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * admin {
 *   "first line";
 *   "second line";
 *   [etc]
 * };
admin {
   "***REPLACE ME***Wheel Admin";
   "***REPLACE ME***rajnsaj";
   "***REPLACE ME***rajnsaj@hotmail.com";

 * NEW: class {}
 * OLD: Y:line (old was confusing)
 * These define settings for classes. A class is a group setting for
 * connections. Example, server connections, instead of going to a client's
 * class, you direct it to the server class. Syntax is as follows
 * class (class name)
 * {
 *     pingfreq (how often to ping a user/server in seconds);
 *     maxclients (how many connections for this class);
 *     sendq (maximum send queue from a connection);
 *     recvq (maximum receive queue from a connection [flood control]);
 *  };

class           clients
   pingfreq 90;
   maxclients 500;
   sendq 100000;
   recvq 8000;

class           servers
   pingfreq 90;
   maxclients 10;      /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
   sendq 1000000;
   connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */

 * NEW: allow {}
 * OLD: I:Line
 * This defines allowing of connections...
 * Basically for clients, it allows them to connect so you can have some
 * control and/or set a password.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * allow {
 *    ip (ip mask to allow);
 *    hostname (host mask);
 *    class (class to send them to [see class {}]);
 *    password "(password)"; (optional)
 *    maxperip (how many connections per ip); (optional)
 * };

allow {
   ip             *@*;
   hostname       *@*;
   class           clients;
   maxperip 12;

/* Passworded allow line */

 * NEW: allow channel {}
 * OLD: chrestrict
 * Allows a user to join a channel...
 * like an except from deny channel.
 * Syntax:
 * allow channel {
 *   channel "channel name";
 * };
allow           channel {
   channel "#WarezSucks";

 * NEW: oper {}
 * OLD: O:Line
 * Defines an IRC Operator
 * IRC operators are there to keep sanity to the server and usually keep it
 * maintained and connected to the network.
 * The syntax is as follows:
 * oper (login) {
 *     class (class to put them in, if different from I, moves them to new
 *                class);
 *     from {
 *        userhost (ident@host);
 *        userhost (ident@host);
 *     };
 *     flags
 *     {
 *       (flags here*);
 *     };
 *     OR
 *     flags "old type flags, like OAaRD";
 * };

   O      global
   o      local
   a      services-admin
   A      admin
   r      can_rehash
   e      eyes
   D      can_die
   R      can_restart
   h      helpop
   w      can_wallops
   g      can_globops
   c      can_localroute
   L      can_globalroute
   k      can_localkill
   K      can_globalkill
   b      can_kline
   Z      can_gzline
   t      can_gkline
   B      can_unkline
   n      can_localnotice
   G      can_globalnotice
   N      netadmin
   C      coadmin
   z      can_zline
   W      get_umodew
   H      get_host
   v      can_override

Note: netadmin gives you OaAN
admin and services-admin give you o as well

oper ***REPLACE ME***rajnsaj {
   class           clients;
   from {
      userhost *@*;
   password "***REPLACE ME***";
 * NEW: listen {}
 * OLD: P:Line
 * This defines a port for the ircd to bind to, to
 * allow users/servers to connect to the server.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * listen (ip number):(port number)
 * {
 *   options {
 *     (options here);
 *   };
 * };
 * or for a plain
 * listen: listen (ip):(port);
 * NOTICE: for ipv6 ips (3ffe:b80:2:51d::2 etc), use listen [ip]:port;
 * That works also.

/* Options for listen:
   OLD   |    NEW
   S      serversonly
   C      clientsonly
   J      java
   s      ssl
   *      standard

listen         *:6601

listen         *:8067;
listen         *:6667;

 * NEW: link {}
 * OLD: C/N:Lines
 * This defines an okay for a server connection.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * link (server name)
 * {
 *   username   (username, * works too);
 *    hostname   (ip number/hostmask);
 *   bind-ip      (What IP to bind to when connecting, or *);
 *   port      (port to connect to, if any);
 *   hub (If this is a hub, * works, or servermasks it may bring in);
 *   [or leaf *;]
 *   password-connect "(pass to send)";
 *   password-receive "(pass we should receive)";
 *   class      (class to direct servers into);
 *   options {
 *      (options here*);
 *   };
 *      /* If we use SSL, we can choose what cipher to use in SSL mode
 *       * Retrieve a list by "openssl ciphers", seperate ciphers with :'s
 *      */
 *      ciphers "DES-CBC3-MD5";
 * };

   OLD   |   NEW
   S      ssl
   Z      zip
   N/A      autoconnect
   N/A      quarantine
   N/A      nodnscache

link            hub.mynet.com
   username   *;
   bind-ip    *;
   port       7029;
   hub             *;
   password-connect "LiNk";
   password-receive "LiNk";
   class           servers;
      options {

 * NEW: ulines {}
 * OLD: U:Line
 * Lets these server's clients do pretty much anything.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ulines {
 *   (server to uline);
 *   (server to uline);
 * };
 * You may put as many servers in there as you like.
ulines {
   * services.roxnet.org;
   * stats.roxnet.org;

 * NEW: drpass {}
 * OLD: X:Line
 * This defines the passwords for /die and /restart.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * drpass {
 *  restart      "(password for restarting)";
 *  die              "(password for die)";
 * };
drpass {
   restart "***REPLACE ME***";
   die "***REPLACE ME***";

 * NEW: log {} OLD: N/A Tells the ircd where and what to log(s). You can have
 * as many as you wish.
 * FLAGS: errors, kills, tkl, connects, server-connects, kline, oper
 * NOTICE: Right now, SEGV messages are *always* sent to ircd.log. codemastr is
 * working on a way to redirect the messages to this log file. *
 * Syntax:
 * log "log file"
 * {
 *    flags
 *    {
 *        flag;
 *        flag;
 *        etc..
 *    };
 * };

log "ircd.log" {
   /* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the
      same log */
   maxsize 2097152;
   flags {

 * NEW: alias {}
 * OLD: N/A
 * This allows you to set command aliases such as /nickserv, /chanserv etc
 * FLAGS: services, stats, normal
 * Syntax:
 * alias "name" {
 *   nick "points to";
 *   type aliastype;
 * };
 * [NOTE: You could also include a pre-defined alias file here, see doc/unreal32docs.html section 2.9]

// This points the command /nickserv to the user NickServ who is connected to the set::services-server server
/*alias NickServ {
   nick "NickServ";
   type services;

// If you want the command to point to the same nick as the command, you can leave the nick entry out
//alias ChanServ { type services; };

// Points the /statserv command to the user StatServ on the set::stats-name server
//alias StatServ { type stats; };

// Points the /superbot command to the user SuperBot
//alias SuperBot { type normal; };

/* Standard aliases */
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias OperServ { type services; };
alias HelpServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };

 * NEW: alias {}
 * OLD: N/A
 * This allows you to set command aliases such as /identify, /services, etc
 * Syntax:
 * alias "name" {
 *   format "format string" {
 *      nick "points to";
 *              type aliastype;
 *      parameters "parameters to send";
 *   };
 *   type command;
 * };
/* This is shown seperately because even though it has teh same name as the previous directive, it is very
 * different in syntax, although it provides a similar function and relys on the standard aliases to work.
alias "identify" {
   format "^#" {
      nick "chanserv";
      type services;
      parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
   format "^[^#]" {
      nick "nickserv";
      type services;
      parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
   type command;
/* The alias::format directive is a regular expression. The first format matches the /identify command when
 * the first character is a #. It then passes this along to the chanserv alias with the parameters IDENTIFY
 * %1-. The second format matches then /identify command when the first character is not a #. It then
 * passes the command to the nickserv alias with parameters IDENTIFY %1-.

/* The alias::format::parameters is similar to scripting languages. %N (where N is a number) represents a
 * parameter sent to the command (in this case /identify). If you specify %N- it means all parameters from
 * N until the last parameter in the string.

/* Standard aliases */
alias "services" {
   format "^#" {
      nick "chanserv";
      type services;
      parameters "%1-";
   format "^[^#]" {
      nick "nickserv";
      type services;
      parameters "%1-";
   type command;

alias "identify" {
   format "^#" {
      nick "chanserv";
      type services;
      parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
   format "^[^#]" {
      nick "nickserv";
      type services;
      parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
   type command;

 * NEW: tld {}
 * OLD: T:Line
 * This sets a different motd and rules files
 * depending on the clients hostmask.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * tld {
 *    mask (ident@host);
 *    motd "(motd file)";
 *    rules "(rules file)";
 * };
 * tld {
 *   mask *@*.fr;
 *   motd "ircd.motd.fr";
 *   rules "ircd.rules.fr";
 * };

 tld {
   mask *@*;
    motd "***REPLACE ME***wheel.motd";
   rules "***REPLACE ME***Wheel.rules";

 * NEW: ban nick {}
 * OLD: Q:Line
 * Bans a nickname, so it can't be used.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ban nick {
 *   mask "(nick to ban)";
 *   reason "(reason)";
 * };
ban nick {
   mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*";
   reason "Reserved for Services";
 * NEW: ban ip {}
 * OLD: Z:Line
 * Bans an ip from connecting to the network.
 * Syntax:
 * ban ip { mask (ip number/hostmask); reason "(reason)"; };
ban ip {
   reason "Delinked server";
 * NEW: ban server {}
 * OLD: Server Q:Line
 * Disables a server from connecting to you.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ban server {
 *   mask "(server name)";
 *   reason "(reason to give)";
 * };

ban server {
   mask eris.berkeley.edu;
   reason "Get out of here.";
 * NEW: ban user {}
 * OLD: K:Line
 * This makes it so a user from a certain mask can't connect
 * to your server.
 * Syntax:
 * ban user { mask (hostmask/ip number); reason "(reason)"; };

ban user {
   mask *tirc@*.saturn.bbn.com;
        reason "Idiot";

 * NEW: ban realname {}
 * OLD: n:Line
 * This bans a certain realname from being used.
 * Syntax:
 * ban realname {
 *   mask "(real name)";
 *    reason "(reason)";
 * };

ban realname {
   mask "Swat Team";
   reason "mIRKFORCE";

ban realname {
   mask "sub7server";
   reason "sub7";

 * NOTE FOR ALL BANS, they may be repeated for addition entries!
 * NEW: except ban {}
 * OLD: E:Line
 * This makes it so you can't get banned.
 * Syntax:
 * except ban { mask (ident@host); };
 * Repeat the except ban {} as many times
 * as you want for different hosts.

except ban {
   /* don't ban stskeeps */
   mask           *stskeeps@212.*;

 * NEW: except scan {}
 * OLD: e:Line
 * Makes it so scan.so doesn't scan you.
 * except scan { mask (ip number/hostmask); };
 * repeat except scan {} for each ip to except.

except scan {
 * NEW: deny dcc {}
 * OLD: dccdeny.conf
 * Use this to block dcc send's... stops
 * viruses better.
 * Syntax:
 * deny dcc
 * {
 *   filename "file to block (ie, *exe)";
 *   reason "reason";
 * };
deny dcc {
   filename "*sub7*";
   reason "Possible Sub7 Virus";

 * NEW: deny channel {}
 * OLD: N/A (NEW)
 * This blocks channels from being joined.
 * Syntax:
 * deny channel {
 *    channel "(channel)";
 *    reason "reason";
 * };
deny channel {
   channel "*warez*";
   reason "Warez is illegal";

 * NEW: vhost {}
 * OLD: Vhost.conf file
 * This sets a fake ip for non-opers, or
 * opers too lazy to /sethost :P
 * Syntax:  
 *   vhost {
 *       vhost (vhost.com);
 *       from {
 *            userhost (ident@host to allow to use it);
 *       };
 *       login (login name);
 *       password (password);
 *   };
 *        then to use this vhost, do /vhost (login) (password) in IRC
vhost {
   vhost           i.hate.microsefrs.com;
   from {
      userhost       *@*.image.dk;
   login           stskeeps;
   password        moocowsrulemyworld;

/* You can include other configuration files */
/* include "klines.conf"; */

 * Cloak-keys must be > 10000, and random. MUST be the same all over the
 * network
 * cloak-keys { 39999; 99398; 99397; }; for example

/* Network configuration */
set {
   network-name       "***REPLACE ME***TheWheel";
   default-server       "***REPLACE ME***www.thewheel.dns2go.com";
   services-server    "services.yournet.com";
   stats-server       "***REPLACE ME***www.thewheel.dns2go.com";
   help-channel       "***REPLACE ME***#wheelhelp";
   hiddenhost-prefix   "*";
   prefix-quit       "no";
   cloak-keys {
   /* on-oper host */
   hosts {
      local      "***REPLACE ME***local.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      global      "***REPLACE ME***global.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      coadmin      "***REPLACE ME***coadmin.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      admin      "***REPLACE ME***admin.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      servicesadmin    "***REPLACE ME***servadmin.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      netadmin    "***REPLACE ME***netadmin.thewheel.dns2go.com";
      host-on-oper-up "no";

/* Server specific configuration */

set {
   kline-address "***REPLACE ME***rajnsaj@hotmail.com";
   modes-on-connect "+xw";
   modes-on-oper    "+xwgs";
   oper-auto-join "#opers";
   maxchannelsperuser 12;
   scan {
   endpoint ***REPLACE ME***[ipaddress]:6660;
   bantime 4d;
   timeout 15s;
   bind-ip ***REPLACE ME***[ipaddress];
   dns {
      nameserver ***REPLACE ME***[ipaddress];
      timeout 2s;
      retries 2;
   options {
      /* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
      /* identd-check; */

   /* You can only have a set::scan block if you have loaded
     * the proxy scanner module, so if you get any errors:
     * either load the modules or remove this set::scan block

 * Need more help ?
 * 1) Read the documentation like this file
 * 2) Come to irc.ircsystems.net #Unreal-Support
 * 3) Mail supporters@lists.unrealircd.org
 * Hope this helps you, -Osiris


I have commented out some sections that you may want to enable and edit.

Start the service... and check the service.log file in the installation folder for
conf file line number specific errors... If all went well you will see none!

This is working well for me... let me know if you have any trouble...  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by rajnsaj »

