Trek is in Remission.
TNG was the Best - DS9's later episodes - some Voyager was fun to watch. Early DS9 was boring., until they got to the Jem'Hadar, where the Odyssey was destroyed. Some Voyager was just plain stupid, but I watched it for continuity.
Enterprise I simply cannot watch. I try. i really do, but i seem to find other things to do on Wednesday nights, like mod a TNG SFC game.
TOS I grew up on. I swore by it until TNG's 3rd season episode, 'Yesterday's Enterprise'. Then I forgot about TOS for a long time. When I first saw that episode I thought, now there's real Star Trek.
TNG riveted me, right through the opening of DS9 and the 1994 series finale, 'All Good Things'. By the time TNG ended DS9 was getting good, then they spun off into Voyager. When Voyager came on DS9 was in its heyday. I stuck with Voyager after DS9 ended because I saw it as an extension of TNG and DS9. Endgame I liked, although the ending left me a bit empty.
Enterprise what's that? sorry..
Movies 1-6 - The first one was kind of a fun nostalgia trip -- 2,3,4, and 6 are all classics. 5 should've never been made.
Generatons I liked - Kirk and Picard. "They have found a way to penetrate our shields. .. Lock phasers and return fire!"
First Contact - My Fav all time trek Movie.
Insurrection - not bad - reminds me of a long TV episode
Nemesis - My 2nd all time Fav Trek movie - real close to First Conact.
By my age I should be a TOS guy. It holds a place in my heart, but TNG rules. I am reminded of a DS9 episode 'Trials and Tribulations' great DS9 there!!
i think Star Trek is in remission. Even if LOTR had not been released last December Nemesis still wouldn't have done well, I believe.
It will be back with a vengence....
and so will the mods.............