If Trek doesnt die, it will need a serious enema to clean out the B+B feces it is currently impacted with.
TOS was campy, but it was SUPPOSED to be, it was the '60's after all! Go-go boots and mini-skirts, oh my. The reason the TNG/DS9/Voy chars dont have the depth of the TOS chars is quite simply due to the fact that there are so MANY of them.
Ever hear the term "The Enterprise three"? Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Mix in a wee bit of Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and Uhura for fill, but K,S + M WERE TOS. In TNG, GR tried to split all his characters up...
Kirk = Riker the lover and warrior, Picard the thinker and diplomat.
Spock = Troi the telepath and Captains confidant and Data the thinker and semi-unstoppable defender of the Captains ass.
Scotty = Geordi the "almost" miracle worker and O'Brien the engineer turned transporter operator.
McCoy = Guinan the bartender (Romulan ale? Why Bones, you KNOW this is illegal...) and Crusher the empathic healer.
After a few seasons worth of growth, these characters WORKED, and only got better with time. Worst thing they did was take TNG off TV. (Besides taking TOS off the air, of course!) I watched DS9 pretty regularly up until the Dominion wars started... Once it appeared they were finally out of TOS/TNG originals to bring to DS9 for ratings, they had to turn to the inevitable borglike "boogie man" in the Jem'Hadar and eventually the Dominion.
While the battles were pretty, it was NOT Trek. It was Star Wars, wtih different models. Call me a purist if you will, but I am not against Trek warfare, least you forget I am a strident SFB'er. But combat in Trek was for a purpose and was story driven, the combat in DS9 WAS the story. Example?
ST2:TWOK: Enterprise vs Reliant, Kirk vs Khan, Good vs Evil. No better motivator around.
TOS: The Balance of Terror: Direct copy of "The Enemy Below", a WW2 based destroyer vs sub movie, the BEST Trek episode concerning combat IMHO.
Wheras in DS9 the Dominion war WAS the story and the characters were part of the war, not the other way around.
Sometimes the mere THREAT of combat in Trek was enough... TOS: "A taste of Armageddon" is one of my fav episodes as well... No phasers fired, no Starships blown up, but the mere threat of the Enterprise executing "General Order 24" sends chills down my spine every time Scotty gives the planet notice of their impending doom. (If you havent seen it, Kirk and party are held hostage, and Kirk tells Scotty to implement GO#24 in 2 hours, which would entail the Enterprise, a FEDERATION Starship targeting every sign of civilization or habitation on the surface of an entire WORLD and erradicating it in the most borglike fashion. Big eye opener for those who grew up watching the TNG, "PC" version of Trek where Picard would never even CONSIDER giving such an order...
I could go on forever, but to surmise my ramblings...
1)Character development watered down due to very large numbers of permanent cast members. I cry EVERY single time Spock dies in TWOK, without exception, and for nearly 20 years now my wife laughs at me each time. It causes me near physical pain to see the Enterprise blow up in ST3:TSFS. Kill Picard, blow up the ever upwards spiraling registry numbers of the newer Enterprises and its "ho hum". The Enterprise ("No bloody A, B, C OR D" WAS a member of the crew, never doubt it.
2)PITIFUL story lines. Total lack of creativity. They are either stealing from old TOS episodes, or other shows/movies, or they are just making up crap.
3)TOTAL disregard for the timeline and established events, simply due to the total lack of those responsible for #2. And puh-leaze, the Akiraprize blows. A ship 100 years older than the first Enterprise, but it IS named Enterprise (change of history) and it is an almost unchaged model of a DS9 ship and obviously looks it.
B+B are simply milking the cow for the last few drops before it dies. Hopefully Paramount will realize the error of their ways before its too late... Trek is on life support and B+B are pulling on the cord for all their worth.
If nothing else, SFB will live LONG and PROSPER!!!
Have a nice day!