Topic: Maybe Trek IS dying...?  (Read 15806 times)

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Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« on: April 16, 2003, 02:05:18 pm »


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2003, 02:12:54 pm »
Nielson Ratings are the bane of the television industry, it sets false standards in veiwership that the broadcast companies take far too literally.  Nielson ratings are supposed to be a "representative" slice of the United States television viewers.  Unfortunatly Nielson doesnt try to get a very diverse set of families to base a proper sample.  Neilson needs to be eliminated from the Television industry, but I dont see that happening anytime soon.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2003, 02:44:24 pm »

Nielson Ratings are the bane of the television industry, it sets false standards in veiwership that the broadcast companies take far too literally.  Nielson ratings are supposed to be a "representative" slice of the United States television viewers.  Unfortunatly Nielson doesnt try to get a very diverse set of families to base a proper sample.  Neilson needs to be eliminated from the Television industry, but I dont see that happening anytime soon.  


TV ratings determine everything in the market (Price of Commercials, Which shows stay on the air, Who keeps their job)

And it really doesn't reflect the whole ratings.


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 02:51:51 pm »
i think it goes more toward TNN than it does trek in general. though i must admit, i like TNN... but my television time is spent either on one of three channels (depending on who controls the tv. heh).

1) History Channel
2) HGTV (home and garden channel - go figure who controls the remote on this one. heh)
3) Fox News.

once in a while I will watch TNN.

people need to also consider the war and where cable viewers where tuning in during the war.

and yes, cost per point/ratings dictate television simply because advertisers look for a metric to determine their return on investment. if they do not make the predicted ratings during that time, there is somthing called "make goods" (meaning that if the client does not recieve the rating points which they paid for they must get free advertising to pay for it).

so for all television advertisers, it will be interesting.

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2003, 03:21:47 pm »

 i think it goes more toward TNN than it does trek in general. though i must admit, i like TNN... but my television time is spent either on one of three channels (depending on who controls the tv. heh).

1) History Channel
2) HGTV (home and garden channel - go figure who controls the remote on this one. heh)
3) Fox News.

once in a while I will watch TNN.


I would agree with what Nanner says here.  My wife also loves HGTV.  Other channels I watch include:

4)  Discovery Channel (Great stuff overall...loved those dinosaur shows)
5)  Weather Channel (for the weather babes....gotta get my daily dose of Abernathey...what a babe)
6)  Sci-Fi Channel (lots of good shows like Farscape, Dune, etc.)
7)  CNN (Only to see what the enemy is saying )
8)  PBS (for science shows like Nature and Nova)
9)  PBSkids and Noggin (for the kids)

I think what is happening to TNN is what is happening to the entertainment industry in general......they continue to crank out loads of utter crap that caters to the lowest mentalities in our society.  People are starting to realize this, and because there are other sources of entertainment (like the internet for example) coming on line, people are starting to switch off the T.V.

There are some good channels out there as the above list shows, however most of the mainstream entertainment outside of the specialty channels is just plain boring.

Star Trek should be o.k. because if it's network were to go belly up it would just be sold to another network.  Star Trek has also been effected by the dumbing down phenomenon but it's still better than most shows on T.V. these days.  
« Last Edit: April 16, 2003, 03:27:02 pm by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2003, 03:34:09 pm »
the fact that NBC was nearly boycotted in 1969 will show to ALL television Execs why its a bad idea to stop airing Star Trek    


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2003, 04:54:00 pm »
Yeah, but this aint your fathers Star Trek. (Or mine, for that matter!)

No one mounted a letter writing campaign when TNG was cancelled, simply to start making movies that did nothing but start at decent and go down-hill IMHO.

Nor DS9.

Nor Voyager.

And when Enterprise is cancelled, no one will mount a campaign to save it, either.

Trek died with the words... "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

Us oldsters who would rather watch a rerun of even a horrible TOS episode like the one with the intergalactic hippies all looking for Eden (oy vey!) are the ones who made Trek the unstoppable juggernaught it was.

Nowadays, there is simply too much competition, too few decent story lines and too little content in Trek, and it is suffering for it.

From ST2 to ST6 I did not miss the opening of a Trek movie, taking off work if required, attending midnight showings, etc. You still see that for Star Wars, but not for Trek.

B+B have run it into the ground and are currently stomping on the coffin lid.

Oh well, my .02 credits worth anyhow.

And for the record, I hold TNG in a very high regard, but DS9, Voy and Enterprise tapes are mainly suitable for evening out a broken nightstand.

Have a nice day!  

Accidently said TOS instead of TNG in first paragraph!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2003, 04:55:15 pm by AJTK »


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2003, 09:41:13 pm »

Yeah, but this aint your fathers Star Trek. (Or mine, for that matter!)

No one mounted a letter writing campaign when TNG was cancelled, simply to start making movies that did nothing but start at decent and go down-hill IMHO.

Nor DS9.

Nor Voyager.

And when Enterprise is cancelled, no one will mount a campaign to save it, either.

Trek died with the words... "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

Us oldsters who would rather watch a rerun of even a horrible TOS episode like the one with the intergalactic hippies all looking for Eden (oy vey!) are the ones who made Trek the unstoppable juggernaught it was.

Nowadays, there is simply too much competition, too few decent story lines and too little content in Trek, and it is suffering for it.

From ST2 to ST6 I did not miss the opening of a Trek movie, taking off work if required, attending midnight showings, etc. You still see that for Star Wars, but not for Trek.

B+B have run it into the ground and are currently stomping on the coffin lid.

Oh well, my .02 credits worth anyhow.

And for the record, I hold TNG in a very high regard, but DS9, Voy and Enterprise tapes are mainly suitable for evening out a broken nightstand.

Have a nice day!  

Accidently said TOS instead of TNG in first paragraph!


No, you said TNG the first time. No worries.  

DS9 was fascinating with Sisko's role as the Emissary, but the Dominion War stole away the adventure inherent to Star Trek, not to mention the series was confined to a space station.

Voyager was good old Star Trek adventure. New worlds, new aliens, new enemies. It was fun at times, piss poor on others. I think the badly developed characters is what killed the show. Though the Doctor was rather enjoyable overall. (loved the Prometheus episode!)

They could always bring Shatner back. After all, in the novels, Kirk is currently on assignment with Picard on the Enterprise. Kirk does draw in the audiences after all. Hell, I was actually hoping that they did a series based on Sulu's adventures on the USS Excelsior instead of what we have now with ENT.

Oh well,

CIV out.  


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2003, 01:08:08 am »
well... in my view, what happened was technobabble killed character development.  the show ceased to become about people solving issues and became more about achieving "perfection." problems were solved by "compensating" and to me at least, things are glossed over a bit too much.

in my view, ds9 (toward the end), had far better writing and character development than TNG. TNG for the most part felt to me like giving the weekly god-like alien of the week the bird. in a word, it was sterile.

in the TOS series, each character seemed to be developed more.. maybe the producers demanded more from the writers as it was not a franchise. then again, thank goodness ST: phase 2 never happened.. i saw some of the stuff they had planned and in all honesty, it probably would have killed trek.

right now, i feel like enterprise has a wider acceptance - but things are still sliding down a bit.. if you ask me.. it really, really HURT paramount by starting their own network and jerking it from syndication. trek was at its height during syndication and rapidly fell after UPN network started and paramount moved trek to wednesday nights on its own network.

admit it, how many of you guys know your local UPN network, let alone watch it?

that, in my view, has more to do with trek's demise than anything else. they killed the writing and the soul of getting the word out by starting their own network. i wonder how much the UPN networks are making nowadays.. i know that CBS owns/runs it.. so i am interested to see where it goes. i do not see upn network going away or doing anything real soon.. but i do see those programs on it dying off from main stream - that includes trek.

one other thing to think about... trek ran during the height of space exploration... since then, space no longer captures peoples imagination due to "social" concerns. that might also have a huge impact.  


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2003, 03:53:42 am »

Trek died with the words... "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

Sadly... yes. The best of Trek went to the grave with Gene Roddenberry.


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2003, 07:55:55 am »
How many times can you watch the same show.
Many most people have seen them all again.
Take them off the air for a year or 2 then put them back on.
Ratings will improve.

I live in the NYC area.
I wish they would put DS9 on some where.
True it is not as good as TNG but I missed alot of episodes.
And the last couple of years really rocked.
It would be fun to watch the show from the beginiing again.
(The tribble episode was really fun)

I find that Enterprise is boring.
The time line problems also cause me to tune out the show.
Although I like the last episode with Klingons.  


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2003, 08:25:11 am »
 I don't think Trek will ever die. Atleast not for a long, long time. It may take breaks, it may need reforms, but there is just something about it.

Personally, I found TOS only ok. I did not like Voyager at all, the crew annoyed me so bad I went to the brink of insanity. Only reason I watched it was because it was Trek. I find TNG and ENT to both be decent. DS9 was my favorite Trek, and one of my all time favorite shows.

Well, they do say there is something different about DS9ners.  


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2003, 08:47:55 am »
What ever happen to the rumor mill that Riker was going to be the captain of the next new Star Trek around the USS Titan that he was being reasigned to at the end of Nemesis???  I thought I heard it would center around Riker and Troi, with all new cast/crew, kind of a new start.   It sounded good to me, but haven't heard anything lately about it?!?!?!?!?!?


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2003, 08:48:56 am »
Then of course for Enterprise, they could always just show T'pol in her pajamas more often, that would help ratings!!!


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2003, 11:42:59 am »
  Trek started dieing when TNG took over.


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2003, 01:19:02 pm »
I think Star Trek needs to go back to the story-telling and character development done in the movies:  ST2, ST3, ST4 and ST6.   It was these movies that saved Trek in the 1980s and led to the development of TNG.  Star Trek 4 is the highest grossing of all the Star Trek movies due to the min. techno-babble, rapid but rich storyline, and mucho fun character development. A lot of non-trekkies could watch ST4 and like it.  Trek needs to reach out to these people more.

Trek still has to achieve the same ST4 success  in all the TNG shows and movies.  Only "ST8:First Contact" came close.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2003, 04:40:43 pm »
your right karnak.. if you look at how those movies were made - they are leaps and bounds better than many of the tng movies.. you can thank nicholas myer for much of that.. if you watch the little film that comes with the ST2 collectors dvd you will note that myer was NOT involved with trek up until that time - and that, might be whats needed.. what i mean is that the focus was on telling a good story, not so much with technobabble.

hope that makes sense.


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2003, 05:01:59 pm »

6) Sci-Fi Channel (lots of good shows like Farscape, Dune, etc.)

Unfortunately Sci-Fi cancelled Farscape, there are only reruns for now.  Farscape was cancelled for the likes of Scare Tactics and Tremors the series.      


B+B have run it into the ground and are currently stomping on the coffin lid.

Yeah it's sad what they did to Enterprise and the Trek franchise in general.  My only hope is that when Enterprise is cancelled that the actors will get some good parts somewhere and that Paramount will finally fire B & B for what they have done.

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2003, 05:31:27 pm »
Have you watched it recently?

Just don't watch the stupid Borg epsiode comming up

If you see "Future Tense," "Cease Fire," or some of the "better" episodes, you'll see that the series has hope to be good (never great, and not TOS, but good)


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Re: Maybe Trek IS dying...?
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2003, 06:21:09 pm »
UPN Killed Buffy!!!  Has anyone seen how bad that show got after it moved to UPN?

Enterprise has some interesting moments and some cool characters (not to mention T'pol's "assets" . . .).  It could be good if they focus on that.

DS9 had the best characters since TOS.  I as well live in the NYC area and would loved if somebody would repeat it.

Paramount should hire J'inn as a consultant.  Most of his RP is better than what they put out.