Yeah, but this aint your fathers Star Trek. (Or mine, for that matter!)
No one mounted a letter writing campaign when TNG was cancelled, simply to start making movies that did nothing but start at decent and go down-hill IMHO.
Nor DS9.
Nor Voyager.
And when Enterprise is cancelled, no one will mount a campaign to save it, either.
Trek died with the words... "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."
Us oldsters who would rather watch a rerun of even a horrible TOS episode like the one with the intergalactic hippies all looking for Eden (oy vey!) are the ones who made Trek the unstoppable juggernaught it was.
Nowadays, there is simply too much competition, too few decent story lines and too little content in Trek, and it is suffering for it.
From ST2 to ST6 I did not miss the opening of a Trek movie, taking off work if required, attending midnight showings, etc. You still see that for Star Wars, but not for Trek.
B+B have run it into the ground and are currently stomping on the coffin lid.
Oh well, my .02 credits worth anyhow.
And for the record, I hold TNG in a very high regard, but DS9, Voy and Enterprise tapes are mainly suitable for evening out a broken nightstand.
Have a nice day!
Accidently said TOS instead of TNG in first paragraph!