I'm not that hardcore about SFB myself. I would never be able to get my pencil and duke it out turn for turn. I liked SFC because it relied heavily on SFB, and it was evident that a 20 year old rulebook was really the way to go; tried, tested, true. Of course, amedments had to be made, but a lot of balance issues, or just tactical flavor was just waiting for the taking. Pure SFB on a computer would be fun for some people, I'm sure.
GaW would truly complete the PC masterpiece in my opinion. Taldren has the good practice with SFC3's D3. It's a really good system despite some negative remarks.
If it had to come down to an all-eras kind of trek, my only suggestion would be to REMAIN in the SFB realm of things. I don't know if that's exactly possible, but yeah, keeping the core SFB is of the upmost importance. The customization of SFC3 was interesting and fun, but unfortunately there is always a collective of gamers that buy the game and play to win. I like to win as well, but unfortunately I am also hindered by some 'honor' code that prevents me from using antimatter mines as my primary heavy weapon, etc. Customization, while certainly fun, will always ultimately lead to creating ships that are better than others. SFB of course does have better ships, etc., but in this game it is expected. Also, how much better ships are isn't as significant. I can have a CA or a CAI; of course the CAI is a big step up, but it is also quite limited in how much of a step that is. Having the 200 ships and then creating a shiplist that provided good ships very rarely is superior. SFB will be a little deeper and more complicated for some players, but I think it will keep the 'play to win' players in check. Also, with all the alien races, worrying about creating heavy weapons and racial flavor would not be too difficult.
Also, if it were to be all eras, you would be able to use the multitude of races and give them a TNG feel. You could even have some races 'progress' into other races. Example, Intersteller Concordium starts out, does their war, etc. etc., gets pushed out of the Alpha Quadrant, lada lada, oops, they've been assimilated, we get to TNG era, now it's the Borg coming in from the same area, and while the ships are different, the weapon systems can be oddly familiar with a twist. That's a really big stretch of course, but it could be done.
I'm no business man or great inventor. GaW would just be an incredible game. We've already got the play experience wisdom, Taldren's expertise in the designing, it would be a challenging, yet familiar venture into finishing something. I'd buy that game in a heart beat. I didn't even know what SFC or SFB was when I first saw SFC2 in the stores, but when I looked at the box, felt the heavy manual inside, looked and saw that there were more than four races, that everyone had special weapon designs and tactics, I was hooked. I didn't even play the game right away because I was too busy making sure I remembered the manual.