Topic: Feral Yards/Lyran Ships?  (Read 2476 times)

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Feral Yards/Lyran Ships?
« on: January 24, 2003, 09:08:24 pm »
Hi all
A couple of weeks ago I asked about the "blue/white" versions of some of the Lyran ships
that Thu11s had done.
I was pointed to the Feral Yards,where I found the models,anyway
stupidly I did not download all the models I wanted,now the site seems to be down.
Anyone know if there's a working link or if there's anywhee else I can get those great models?

Thank for any info


Clark Kent

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Re: Feral Yards/Lyran Ships?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2003, 09:54:31 pm »
The server feral yards i8s on is down for some reason.  I haven't heard any news on finding a new server.


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Don't worry, still here
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2003, 06:05:37 am »
Bascially, Dark Drone was being kind enough to host my stuff as one of the Sub Matrix's over at the Unimatrix. Unfortunately his Web Hosting company appears to have gone out of business (both him and Cleeve were using the same host hence both the Unimatrix and Staryards are down at the moment). What happens next as to whether I stay one of the Submatrix's (or should that be Sub-matri ?) or I get my own hosting sorted I don't know yet. Cos of the hours I've been working lately I haven't been able to get hold of DD on MSN to see what he wants to do.

Once anything changes, I'll let you know
